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Postby Menelaus on Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:20 pm

As this is my first post, can i start by saying hi to everyone.

The rules state that alliances must be made public, but i find that abit ambiguous. Can people please give their views (or direct me to somewhere its already been discussed) in reference to the following:

(i) Must the all the details of an alliance be announced, or is notification of the alliance itself to the other players sufficent?

(ii) Must all discussions re prospective/active alliances be conducted publicly?

(iii) Is there any unspoken etiquette over alliances on this site i should be aware of as a new recruit?
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Postby podge on Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:50 pm

All alliances must be announced in game chat. NO private messages whatsoever regarding tactics or any other aspect of an alliance are allowed.

As regards to etiquette, speaking for myself, I think to form an alliance to eliminate a player is very poor sportsmanship and is something I personaly would never do. If an alliance is used to weaken a player who has a very strong position then to me that is acceptable just so long as it is not taken too far. There are players who frown on all alliances so if you use them you are bound to upset some people. Again imo alliances that are formed at the start or early on in a game are wrong also I dislike alliances in three player games.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:14 pm

I agree with Podge on his opinions, but keep in mind that they are just that - personal opinions. It IS legal to communicate privately by PM in a game. I've asked the moderators about this, after being approached by someone. You have to make any and all alliances known in the open chat, but you can discuss strategy by PM. I don't do it myself, because it seems cheesy, but it is legal. Making an alliance in the beginning round is legal, but like podge said, a lot of people think this is chickenshit (myself included). Then there is the unspoken alliance. I don't, for the most part make alliances. I think they're for pussies, but frequently in my games, i will not attack someone next to me, even let them have their continent unmolested, if they don't attack me, and it is in my best interest. This can look like an alliance to other players, but no words have been exchanged, so i don't declare it as an alliance.
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