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TOFU vs T4C [40-10 of 50] [Final]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:43 am

ok guys i think i started this off having a joke with tofu. All these people that have came in slagging tofu off are clans that say prove yourself before we face you. If that was the case every clan could say this against any new clan that opens. if t4c were to join the ccup or clan league would you slag them off for facing them in these things. at the end of it when the league was made you had top ranks in all groups facing lower ranked clans giving the lower ranks no chance of getting into the 2nd round.

enough said on this gl to both clans in this challenge..
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Master Fenrir on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:44 am

Admittedly, my first response when I saw the heading for the war was "What?" And then I began reading through the thread. I have two thoughts here.

1) I don't know anybody in TOFU who I would classify as a "medal whore," so I doubt that's what this is about. I'm not really sold on the whole "accepting the war to prove we're not elitist douches," as it's evident from the public response that had TOFU denied the challenge, most would have thought of them as "not clan-farmers" as opposed to "elitist douches." However, I'm sure that TOFU foresaw this response, and would not have accepted the challenge had their actual intention been to farm. I'm chalking this up to "some people just like warrin'."

2) T4C are probably going to get their asses beat, as they probably knew they would. Based on Bruce's post, it's highly possible that T4C's intention here is not to win, but to learn game-play and clan-organization from a top clan. If that's there reason for challenging the Top 5 clans, I'm cool with that. Win or lose, T4C has much to gain from this challenge.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby tyche73 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:44 am

jpcloet wrote:Well the perception seems to be that this is not fair. This is a good chance for the CD's to further clarify policy as this goes on. Eg. What is fair (leap frog would help a bit here) standard rules (eg CLA discussion on forfeits and penalties) etc.

You'd never think it'd be a lose lose situation organising a clan war for Tofu
Maybe we should take the protest as a compliment
So if we play we're farmers and if we don't we're elitist but you might not wanta interfere with current structure ie leap frog as conquerors cup involves some miss matchs at the start
Although a discussion on on forfeits and penalties would be welcomed maybe even a bit of common sense thrown in instead of draconian rules, i think CoF covered rest of the arguement
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby trapyoung on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:45 am

Rodion wrote:If you don't mind me asking, weren't you guys considering a challenge vs. either TSM or EMPIRE?

How did that go?

Any challenge considered against TSM or Empire would likely have not gotten off until after the Holiday season anyway. This challenge commences Friday and is intended to be carried out through the Holiday season, thus it has no bearing on any challenge or availability against TSM or Empire in late January/early February as had been suggested in a cornucopia of other threads.

To set out something more definitive, I suggest either posting in our Clan Challenge thread or pm'ing either Dako or COF directly.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Chuuuuck on Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:57 am

eddie2 wrote:All these people that have came in slagging tofu off are clans that say prove yourself before we face you.

Eddie, once again I struggle with you. Do you actually read anyone's post before you make comments like this? Or do you just see a post written by someone and make up your mind on what it says without reading it?

I am thinking the ladder because of how stupid this comment is. If you read through all of the posts in this thread, the only person that "slagging tofu" is Eyestone. Every other player has defended TOFU or said "good for them" for giving a new clan a chance. What makes it even more stupid of a comment is I very much doubt Agents of Chaos is one of the "elitist clans" that tell people to prove themselves before they will play you.

It could benefit you greatly if every time you want to make a post you take 10 deep breaths and wait 2 min. to think about what you want your post to say and read others' posts again before you do. Now I know you are going to be all anxious to hit reply to this as soon as you read it (or just see my name and it includes your name and you will just assume what I wrote without reading the rest), but remember 10 breaths, 2 min., read posts again. Have a nice day.

PS, =D> to TOFU for taking them on. Best of luck to T4C and all involved.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Mon Dec 13, 2010 11:03 am

Rodion wrote:If you don't mind me asking, weren't you guys considering a challenge vs. either TSM or EMPIRE?

How did that go?

Why don't you ask in the THOTA thread? It was Blitz's idea not ours :D

We'd be happy to entertain either of these two excellent clans (Empire/TSM) and I've just this minute put my mouse down having corresponded with a head of one of them, so something may be on the cards in the early part of next year.

We simply dealt with things chronologically, as and when the challenges were made.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby jpeter15 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:01 pm

Good luck T4C. Looking forward to an enjoyable challenge.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Eyestone on Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:18 pm

To Chuuuk: I might be a co-leader of AOC, but please don't take my posts as official AOC-posts. My thoughts and opinions made in this thread are merely my own. You could have a point that I should have taken time to think about what I was writing though - I might have been a little eager. However I think the medal rules needs clarification on the point of what's fair and not. They were really the reason why I said something in the first place.

That being said: Good luck to both clans! I think T4C should be happy if they manage double figure wins 8-)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby TheBro on Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:27 pm

I'm all for donating my medal to the less fortunate. I could care less about them. (the medals....)
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Gold Knight on Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:30 pm

Eyestone wrote:To Chuuuk: I might be a co-leader of AOC, but please don't take my posts as official AOC-posts. My thoughts and opinions made in this thread are merely my own. You could have a point that I should have taken time to think about what I was writing though - I might have been a little eager. However I think the medal rules needs clarification on the point of what's fair and not. They were really the reason why I said something in the first place.

That being said: Good luck to both clans! I think T4C should be happy if they manage double figure wins 8-)

Medals have always been sought after in unfair manners. Check out the several tournaments that have about 4 games and end in a few days. The people who join 100's of Doodle Assassins. People need to focus more on quality, not quantity. I would cherish a medal for beating one of the toughest clans out there than getting 5 medals for scraping the bottom of the barrel. If a person really isnt interested in medals, they shouldnt care what other people do to earn them, no matter their intentions.
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Chuuuuck on Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:31 pm

Eyestone wrote:To Chuuuk: I might be a co-leader of AOC, but please don't take my posts as official AOC-posts. My thoughts and opinions made in this thread are merely my own. You could have a point that I should have taken time to think about what I was writing though - I might have been a little eager. However I think the medal rules needs clarification on the point of what's fair and not. They were really the reason why I said something in the first place.

That being said: Good luck to both clans! I think T4C should be happy if they manage double figure wins 8-)

My post was in no way a stab at you eyestone, you are completely entitled to your opinion and I am not saying I agree or disagree with your opinion or posts whatsoever. I only pointed out your post to show a fact of how ignorant eddie's comment was because he made it sound like everyone who posted was questioning this match when your post was the only one that I saw that actually did. Cheers.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby OutSider on Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:30 pm

T4C, good luck, and have fun. Will be a pleasure battling against you!
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:58 pm

Chuuuuck wrote:
Eyestone wrote:To Chuuuk: I might be a co-leader of AOC, but please don't take my posts as official AOC-posts. My thoughts and opinions made in this thread are merely my own. You could have a point that I should have taken time to think about what I was writing though - I might have been a little eager. However I think the medal rules needs clarification on the point of what's fair and not. They were really the reason why I said something in the first place.

That being said: Good luck to both clans! I think T4C should be happy if they manage double figure wins 8-)

My post was in no way a stab at you eyestone, you are completely entitled to your opinion and I am not saying I agree or disagree with your opinion or posts whatsoever. I only pointed out your post to show a fact of how ignorant eddie's comment was because he made it sound like everyone who posted was questioning this match when your post was the only one that I saw that actually did. Cheers.

chuuuuk i did read what was posted and i was not being ignorant. I just did not want to highlight one player.(you did that.) reason i did not want to highlight it is because he more than likely responded after reading my first post that tofu know was a joke.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby TheSaxlad on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:08 pm

eddie2 wrote:
Chuuuuck wrote:
Eyestone wrote:To Chuuuk: I might be a co-leader of AOC, but please don't take my posts as official AOC-posts. My thoughts and opinions made in this thread are merely my own. You could have a point that I should have taken time to think about what I was writing though - I might have been a little eager. However I think the medal rules needs clarification on the point of what's fair and not. They were really the reason why I said something in the first place.

That being said: Good luck to both clans! I think T4C should be happy if they manage double figure wins 8-)

My post was in no way a stab at you eyestone, you are completely entitled to your opinion and I am not saying I agree or disagree with your opinion or posts whatsoever. I only pointed out your post to show a fact of how ignorant eddie's comment was because he made it sound like everyone who posted was questioning this match when your post was the only one that I saw that actually did. Cheers.

chuuuuk i did read what was posted and i was not being ignorant. I just did not want to highlight one player.(you did that.) reason i did not want to highlight it is because he more than likely responded after reading my first post that tofu know was a joke.

Guys this is NOT about medals or medal farming. As a clan we are new right, the only way for new clans to get any recognition or to test themselves is to go up against higher clans, weve had some good wars and been unlucky against KOTF and TIME but we feel we can now challenge some bigger fish, It will help our teamplay, morale and may even attract some new players into the fold.

Personally you write us out but If in this 50 game match we get over 15 I will be happy, and who knows, maybe the biggest upset of CC ever.

So what about this then? TOFU 24 T4C 26

You never know :D
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:16 pm

saxlad i think it could easily be 49 v 1 to T4c.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby TheSaxlad on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:19 pm

eddie2 wrote:saxlad i think it could easily be 49 v 1 to T4c.

Thats the type of spirit we need.

P.S if you want to bait me do it somewhere else.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby BGtheBrain on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:21 pm

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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Gold Knight on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:54 pm

eddie2 wrote:saxlad i think it could easily be 49 v 1 to T4c.

Hey, COF joins 21 games and who knows what could happen... :lol:
xxtig12683xx wrote:yea, my fav part was being in the sewer riding a surfboard and wacking these alien creatures.

shit was badass
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby TheSaxlad on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:55 pm

Gold Knight wrote:
eddie2 wrote:saxlad i think it could easily be 49 v 1 to T4c.

Hey, COF joins 21 games and who knows what could happen... :lol:


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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Ace Rimmer on Mon Dec 13, 2010 2:58 pm

Gold Knight wrote:
Hey, COF joins 21 games and who knows what could happen... :lol:

We know what will happen:

Dako wrote:If map/player usage rule has been violated the game will be remade immediately and the first game will not count for the challenge (without any additional penalties).


You misspelled CORT.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby BlackKnight_6 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:03 pm

OK, well I'm not really following all that other stuff above about medals. Right now I'm just honored to be in a war vs TOFU.

So... I'm calling it a major upset for TOFU and a 28 - 22 win for T4C.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby Gypsys Kiss on Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:05 pm

Ahhhh, David and Goliath.....and we all know how that turned out. :o
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby eddie2 on Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:07 pm

Gold Knight wrote:
eddie2 wrote:saxlad i think it could easily be 49 v 1 to T4c.

Hey, COF joins 21 games and who knows what could happen... :lol:

lol i think daco was one step ahead of that. From the op

* If map/player usage rule has been violated the game will be remade immediately and the first game will not count for the challenge (without any additional penalties).
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby trapyoung on Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:08 pm

Gypsys Kiss wrote:Ahhhh, David and Goliath.....and we all know how that turned out. :o

I would hardly coin TOFU as David.
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Re: TOFU vs T4C [0-0 of 50] [Pregame chat]

Postby TheSaxlad on Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:17 pm

trapyoung wrote:
Gypsys Kiss wrote:Ahhhh, David and Goliath.....and we all know how that turned out. :o

I would hardly coin TOFU as David.

They're not really goliath either....

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