Moderator: Cartographers
pamoa wrote:well we are not in the graphic workshop
so what ironsij0287 was asked was to prove is map can fit in CC standards
maybe we can give him green light to go next step
but it's true this map lack a graphic theme right now
something about the region which can give the feeling of the place
think about it
Victor Sullivan wrote:Congrats on your non-existent draft stamp!!!
Victor Sullivan wrote:Troop bonuses are my thang, girl! (or so I like to think)
Bonuses look fine except:
Northern Towns: +2
Moline: +6
South Davernport: +4
North Davernport: +4
ironsij0287 wrote:The map with Sullivan's recommended bonus revisions.
Evil DIMwit wrote:Please keep the latest version of the map on the first page of the topic, along with any gameplay information like territory counts, neutral values, and so on.
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