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babysitting abuse[noted]es

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babysitting abuse[noted]es

Postby eddie2 on Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:07 pm


account sitting abuse.

eddie2 wrote:look at dates and times.
Click image to enlarge.

bogangods opening move.played by draq.

now bogan was online most of this day and game was down 2 30 mins to play. then draq took his shot.

now here are a list of forum posts by bogan on said day.
search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&author_id=198926&start=45[/url] look at his last post of the day 30 mins after draq played.

here are wall comments for the same day.
Click image to enlarge.

also playing these speed games.

Game 7806755
Game 7806545
Game 7806794

now i sent bogangod a pm asking about this. i did not know where draq was from. and got this response.

eddie2 wrote:lol were you in thailand i was talking 2 you last week from there

BoganGod wrote:........ as I explained, have been very busy, sitters taking my turns etc. So sometimes when I'm on, there might be someone taking my turns, while I take care of clan admin shit.... etc
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Dec 04, 2010 9:41 pm

Looking into this.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby VioIet on Sat Dec 04, 2010 10:28 pm

Sorry eddie, but I don't really see what the problem is here.

He pm'd you and explained what is going on.

What is wrong with someone handling clan and forum business while someone else takes your turns?
Several do this all the time. Playing games, plus taking care of clan, tournaments, etc is a lot of work. Especially if you are dealing with things in real life such as moving, new job, etc.

Am I missing something here?
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby jefjef on Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:23 pm

Vindictive and spurious complaint in re of clan war loss.

On Joshyboy's wall:

lol bofm are not happy.

by eddie2
on Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:44 am

On eddie's profile:

Occupation: kicking the mermaids asses

The last 2 or 3 pages of this thread:

eddie should be warned.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sat Dec 04, 2010 11:29 pm

Might also want to point out that Draq is in SWEDEN not THAILAND as clearly stated on his profile.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby chemefreak on Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:08 am

They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby Arama86n on Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:13 am

Draq wrote:eddie2, this must be some parody on KORT:s horrible "win" over TOFU. Ok if I took the conquerman-turn for BoganGod, what difference does it make? Do you suffer from it in some way? Bogan has been very busy lately and we have been working together to keep his game active and not make him deadbeat. So if I log in and take a turn down to 30 mins when he is online and I donĀ“t notice he was online, thatĀ“s an honest mistake and Im sure it has happend a thousend times before in different clans. And by that you think we should forfeit all games Bogan has played? With your stance on the KORT vs TOFU situation, that make me laugh out loud! You must be kidding us or be very very desperate.

Arama86n wrote:What Draq said.
When you have someone away from home 16 hours a day because of work I'm sure sitters can make mistakes every now and then and happen to log in when the person being sat for is around.
If it had been some inexperienced player being sat by better players then there might even have been a case. But when it is our perhaps best quads player, our clan-leader that is the person in question, what is there to complain about? If anyone gained from BoganGod's turns being taken by sitters it was TIME, not us.

We have tried our best to explain to you, the logic is as clear as can be, and yet you persist with this. It is appalling, and quiet frankly it is making me sick.

No one is impressed eddie. No one is saying "aha!". And no screenshots or mystery-accusers or allegations will change that. because to everyone except you it's clear as night and day that there is no intent here, no motive, no gain. Our sitters were just trying there best, no one is perfect. TIME has not suffered in any way from this, what more is there to say?

If any rules were bent/broken it was purely an accident brought on by having a clan of mostly adults in their 30s-50s trying to juggle work and other IRL engagements with a fun CC clan experience. The adult in question is away from home 16 hours a day many days for work.

This is a vindictive and so pathetic.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby JoshyBoy on Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:41 am

jefjef, there is no need for the nature of your post with the whole massive letters and bold writing, trying to bait eddie.

I suggest we all wait and see what happens, and not be nasty to eddie or anyone else for that matter. I trust in the judgement of our C&A moderators, and so should all of you. :)
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:46 am

ok guys let me put this in perspective for all of you.

I noticed this at the beginning of the challenge. while i was dealing with the incedent involving jefjef and gallent pellham. I was told there was no abuse involved. so i carried on it did not bother me. I finished the thread and awarded the win to bofm. then a situation occured with buddysystem that king a dealt with where he mentioned that buddysystem should not of been posting his password while on holiday in games. I asked king a about this situation as well he confirmed it was abuse of sitting. so i contact bofm leaders with 3 options that would of been open for disscussion. instead they post in the thread making it sound like i was doing this over a sick player(who had nothing to do with the incedent.) at the end of it you all say that if a player does not have enough time to play then a sitter can take his turns, i agree totally with this. What i do not agree with is the fact that when draq was playing bogangods turns(where bogan says it was because of him doing clan work.)

1)bogangod had been online for a lot of hours during this period.
2)he was posting in threads that were not clan related within the forum.
3) he was playing in speed games.
4) he was talking to me on my wall.

now you say this is a spurious report no it is not.

do i think i have handled this wrong, yes i have i should of left the challenge thread alone. Bringing it dirrectly to the c and a forum instead. at the end of it you all come in hear flaming me for posting a real cheating event that goes on lots within cc but is against the cc rules. So carry on with what you are doing I do not care i do not like cheats. and i feel that if someone cheats they should pay for it.

This is all that i have to say on the matter. thank you

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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby AAFitz on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:35 am

VioIet wrote:Sorry eddie, but I don't really see what the problem is here.

He pm'd you and explained what is going on.

What is wrong with someone handling clan and forum business while someone else takes your turns?
Several do this all the time. Playing games, plus taking care of clan, tournaments, etc is a lot of work. Especially if you are dealing with things in real life such as moving, new job, etc.

Am I missing something here?

I think you are missing quite a bit personally, but mostly because I dont think you understand the babysitting rule at all. Logging onto CC, posting in the forums, on walls, and even playing a speed game as I think he is suggesting he did, all while a turn is waiting, and then someone else playing it seems like the exact behavior that was the inspiration behind the babysitter rules in the first place.

Now if it happened accidentally, that does happen, but he really was here quite a bit for that entire turn, it absolutely looks suspicious that it wasn't played by he himself....with the one caveat, that I honestly dont see much advantage from it at all.

If it were a freestyle game, the case would be closed as absolutely guilty of breaking the rules with no question. On sequential, and given the players in question, its hard to pose an advantage argument really. However, it at the very least breaks the entire spirit of the babysitting rule, which essentially only allows for people to take your turn if you cant make the turn....not if you don't feel like it. Its meant for those who cant log on, or who will absolutely run out of time without help...not for those who are logged on and preoccupied with other things.

Again, I don't see much harm from what was done here, but I dont think there's any question it violates the rule as written and certainly the idea and entire spirit of it. Playing a speed game while another turn is up, and then having a sitter play another turn is about as much a violation of the rule as you can get. To argue one cannot make a turn, while they have time to play out an entire game is a pretty unreasonable assumption to make here. And really, its bordering on ridiculous. Anyone criticizing eddie, for a more than valid point here, is so biased as to be corrupt on this one I think.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby AAFitz on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:52 am

Arama86n wrote:
Draq wrote:eddie2, this must be some parody on KORT:s horrible "win" over TOFU. Ok if I took the conquerman-turn for BoganGod, what difference does it make? Do you suffer from it in some way? Bogan has been very busy lately and we have been working together to keep his game active and not make him deadbeat. So if I log in and take a turn down to 30 mins when he is online and I donĀ“t notice he was online, thatĀ“s an honest mistake and Im sure it has happend a thousend times before in different clans. And by that you think we should forfeit all games Bogan has played? With your stance on the KORT vs TOFU situation, that make me laugh out loud! You must be kidding us or be very very desperate.

Arama86n wrote:What Draq said.
When you have someone away from home 16 hours a day because of work I'm sure sitters can make mistakes every now and then and happen to log in when the person being sat for is around.
If it had been some inexperienced player being sat by better players then there might even have been a case. But when it is our perhaps best quads player, our clan-leader that is the person in question, what is there to complain about? If anyone gained from BoganGod's turns being taken by sitters it was TIME, not us.

We have tried our best to explain to you, the logic is as clear as can be, and yet you persist with this. It is appalling, and quiet frankly it is making me sick.

No one is impressed eddie. No one is saying "aha!". And no screenshots or mystery-accusers or allegations will change that. because to everyone except you it's clear as night and day that there is no intent here, no motive, no gain. Our sitters were just trying there best, no one is perfect. TIME has not suffered in any way from this, what more is there to say?

If any rules were bent/broken it was purely an accident brought on by having a clan of mostly adults in their 30s-50s trying to juggle work and other IRL engagements with a fun CC clan experience. The adult in question is away from home 16 hours a day many days for work.

This is a vindictive and so pathetic.

It may very well be vindictive, but its hardly pathetic. If a player is playing a speed game after even 23 hours of work, instead of making a turn that a babysitter will need to make, it is a clear and obvious breach of the rules, and is very hard to argue that it was accidental. The babysitter is for turns that a player cant make...not ones they dont feel like making. It cannot be more clear.

What is pathetic here, is that anyone cannot see this clearly, and certainly vindictive to be calling it pathetic.

Its a valid point. If the facts are accurate its spot on and there's no amount of bullshit explaining it away that will change the facts of it. The exact reason there is so much cheating in here is because players allow their personal relationships to defend behavior which viewed from an unbiased point of view, can be seen as nothing but what it is. Anyone calling the claim unsubstantiated is simply corrupted by either hate for the OP, of which there is much to go around, or their love of the parties involved.

The harm done here is minimal, and arguably nil. That is also obvious, but that does not change whether rules were broken in any way. Its simply a matter of what action may be taken for it.

Certainly, this should be a warning for all players using babysitters should not be playing speed games, and posting, while other games are being handled. How anyone could think that was Ok in the first place is beyond me.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby AAFitz on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:53 am

chemefreak wrote:They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.

It may be vindictive, but he got caught breaking the rule pretty red handed. I think its you that will have to deal with that, as well as the player in question.

I think what is silly is defending it.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby Arama86n on Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:20 am

Well it's commendable that you are able to sort throw all this crap and reach a conclusion you feel you can confidently speak out about AAfitz, I mean eddie has been throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us. If you look in the clan war thread you can see him trying to fabricate evidence about speed games being played while taking a turn. The dates were a month apart. -Pehraps this did happen in another case, but he is obviously on a which hunt and doesn't care about anything, least of all motive, or truth, just drama.

It would appear yes that the babysitting rules were not followed precisely, and that is regrettable. But as I think you, and everyone except eddie, allows for there is zero motive here, it is obviously an accident. I do believe C&A also looks at motive to some extent, and where people have obviously violated a rule by accident the sentence is milder if delivered at all.

What should possibly come of this? A reprimand perhaps, a signal that said people need to be more vigilant when babysitting.
That would be fair I suppose.

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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:23 am

AAFitz wrote:
chemefreak wrote:They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.

It may be vindictive, but he got caught breaking the rule pretty red handed. I think its you that will have to deal with that, as well as the player in question.

I think what is silly is defending it.

Did he get caught? REALLY? So Eddie found some evidence that the times and dates corresponded-rather than the same date-but different months? And please keep in mind that the ONLY reason this is happening is because TIME lost their clan war to BOFM. And instead of questioning the one or two games that this happened in-Eddie demanded that Bogans games AND Draqs games in the war (ALL OF THEM) be forfeited or replayed or he was filing a C & A report. The first two options were declined-so lo and behold here is the C & A report.

If they want to clarify and enforce the babysitting rule-which they should-that should be done in the rules-not via this complaint.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:32 am

MegasWoman wrote:
AAFitz wrote:
chemefreak wrote:They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.

It may be vindictive, but he got caught breaking the rule pretty red handed. I think its you that will have to deal with that, as well as the player in question.

I think what is silly is defending it.

Did he get caught? REALLY? So Eddie found some evidence that the times and dates corresponded-rather than the same date-but different months? And please keep in mind that the ONLY reason this is happening is because TIME lost their clan war to BOFM. And instead of questioning the one or two games that this happened in-Eddie demanded that Bogans games AND Draqs games in the war (ALL OF THEM) be forfeited or replayed or he was filing a C & A report. The first two options were declined-so lo and behold here is the C & A report.

If they want to clarify and enforce the babysitting rule-which they should-that should be done in the rules-not via this complaint.

i never mentioned draqs games at any point megaswoman and yes i gave you 3 options for it. that could of been discussed via pm between me and bofm leaders.Not a post that makes it sound like i am pulling you for a player that is sick in hospital.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby Electricksabers on Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:38 am

eddie2 wrote:
MegasWoman wrote:
AAFitz wrote:
chemefreak wrote:They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.

It may be vindictive, but he got caught breaking the rule pretty red handed. I think its you that will have to deal with that, as well as the player in question.

I think what is silly is defending it.

Did he get caught? REALLY? So Eddie found some evidence that the times and dates corresponded-rather than the same date-but different months? And please keep in mind that the ONLY reason this is happening is because TIME lost their clan war to BOFM. And instead of questioning the one or two games that this happened in-Eddie demanded that Bogans games AND Draqs games in the war (ALL OF THEM) be forfeited or replayed or he was filing a C & A report. The first two options were declined-so lo and behold here is the C & A report.

If they want to clarify and enforce the babysitting rule-which they should-that should be done in the rules-not via this complaint.

i never mentioned draqs games at any point megaswoman and yes i gave you 3 options for it. that could of been discussed via pm between me and bofm leaders.Not a post that makes it sound like i am pulling you for a player that is sick in hospital.

So you saw something that you felt was a rule violation and you tried to blackmail them into throwing a challenge to you? Real classy
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby anonymus on Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:44 am

/ :?:
Click image to enlarge.

show: BoganGod speaks the truth
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:54 am

shaneback wrote:
eddie2 wrote:
MegasWoman wrote:
AAFitz wrote:
chemefreak wrote:They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.

It may be vindictive, but he got caught breaking the rule pretty red handed. I think its you that will have to deal with that, as well as the player in question.

I think what is silly is defending it.

Did he get caught? REALLY? So Eddie found some evidence that the times and dates corresponded-rather than the same date-but different months? And please keep in mind that the ONLY reason this is happening is because TIME lost their clan war to BOFM. And instead of questioning the one or two games that this happened in-Eddie demanded that Bogans games AND Draqs games in the war (ALL OF THEM) be forfeited or replayed or he was filing a C & A report. The first two options were declined-so lo and behold here is the C & A report.

If they want to clarify and enforce the babysitting rule-which they should-that should be done in the rules-not via this complaint.

i never mentioned draqs games at any point megaswoman and yes i gave you 3 options for it. that could of been discussed via pm between me and bofm leaders.Not a post that makes it sound like i am pulling you for a player that is sick in hospital.

So you saw something that you felt was a rule violation and you tried to blackmail them into throwing a challenge to you? Real classy

no i did not try blackmail them i tried to deal with a situation between the clans. at the end of it a site rule was broke in games. and like the adults they say and all of you say try deal with it via pm. (i tried to do this.) to the avail of what them trying to make it sound like i was pulling them for a player in hospital. instead of keeping it via pm's

i have already admited i dealt with this all wrong.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:25 am

/ :?:

this is my point i can give you a situation that would cause this to sound more like abuse.
This was the opening round.

draq played first so got the snapshot but forgot to post it. bogangods turn came up not knowing the moves we had made so decided to let draq play his shot because he had a active shot of the map. so miss communication allows for sitting abuse. because we had made some big moves at the start .

and if you actually look back that game was the only game waiting for a move he played all over shots that day.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby KoE_Sirius on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:41 am

AAFitz wrote:
VioIet wrote:Sorry eddie, but I don't really see what the problem is here.

He pm'd you and explained what is going on.

What is wrong with someone handling clan and forum business while someone else takes your turns?
Several do this all the time. Playing games, plus taking care of clan, tournaments, etc is a lot of work. Especially if you are dealing with things in real life such as moving, new job, etc.

Am I missing something here?

I think you are missing quite a bit personally, but mostly because I dont think you understand the babysitting rule at all. Logging onto CC, posting in the forums, on walls, and even playing a speed game as I think he is suggesting he did, all while a turn is waiting, and then someone else playing it seems like the exact behavior that was the inspiration behind the babysitter rules in the first place.

Now if it happened accidentally, that does happen, but he really was here quite a bit for that entire turn, it absolutely looks suspicious that it wasn't played by he himself....with the one caveat, that I honestly dont see much advantage from it at all.

If it were a freestyle game, the case would be closed as absolutely guilty of breaking the rules with no question. On sequential, and given the players in question, its hard to pose an advantage argument really. However, it at the very least breaks the entire spirit of the babysitting rule, which essentially only allows for people to take your turn if you cant make the turn....not if you don't feel like it. Its meant for those who cant log on, or who will absolutely run out of time without help...not for those who are logged on and preoccupied with other things.

Again, I don't see much harm from what was done here, but I dont think there's any question it violates the rule as written and certainly the idea and entire spirit of it. Playing a speed game while another turn is up, and then having a sitter play another turn is about as much a violation of the rule as you can get. To argue one cannot make a turn, while they have time to play out an entire game is a pretty unreasonable assumption to make here. And really, its bordering on ridiculous. Anyone criticizing eddie, for a more than valid point here, is so biased as to be corrupt on this one I think.

QFT....They keep attacking Eddie,but he has done nothing wrong.Certain members of his clan eager to flaunt their leaders actions or non-actions as just.Prior to the suspected babysitting abuse they had out and out lost.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby Arama86n on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:42 am

eddie2 wrote:
/ :?:

this is my point i can give you a situation that would cause this to sound more like abuse.
This was the opening round.

draq played first so got the snapshot but forgot to post it. bogangods turn came up not knowing the moves we had made so decided to let draq play his shot because he had a active shot of the map. so miss communication allows for sitting abuse. because we had made some big moves at the start .

and if you actually look back that game was the only game waiting for a move he played all over shots that day.

Um.... so bogangod let draq take his turn because he didn't ahve snapshot... .... ... is this the newest bullshit?
I don't know how TIME plays, but we use the "share snapshot in chat" function which would allow BoganGod to see every snapshot taken in the game.

It's just becoming increasingly more evident that you are grasping at straws and making it up as you go along eddie. I mean, "evidence" about speed games where the dates are a month apart, mystery clan leader accusations from someone that's beaten us when we've won the last 6 clan wars... You see this is the problem with lying eddie, everyone see's through it in the end.
If you can't figure out why people are supporting us in this eddie, I'll make it clear: we're jsut telling it like it is, you know, the truth. Where as you're taking a slight oversight, a mistake, and trying to blow it way out of proportion, and the more people point out the flaws in your accusations, the more pathetic fabricated/made up evidence you try to throw out.

I'm sorry AAfitz but I'll have to disagree with you, this IS pathetic. and if you read the clan-war thread and see how he's trying to twist things and make it up as he goes along, you might agree with me.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby MegasWoman on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:46 am

Oh but you are eddie. We had a player in the hospital that noone has the password for so he deadbeated in 8-9 games in the clanwar-but did we ask for those games to be replayed or forfeited? NO. Did we win any of them? I don't think so. So you got pretty much a 9 game "handicap". Is that FAIR? And you were told of this the BEGINNING of the war.

LMAO KOEEEE you had THE LEAD after the FIRST ROUND due to the above player issues. Try again.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:54 am

MegasWoman wrote:Oh but you are eddie. We had a player in the hospital that noone has the password for so he deadbeated in 8-9 games in the clanwar-but did we ask for those games to be replayed or forfeited? NO. Did we win any of them? I don't think so. So you got pretty much a 9 game "handicap". Is that FAIR? And you were told of this the BEGINNING of the war.

LMAO KOEEEE you had THE LEAD after the FIRST ROUND due to the above player issues. Try again.

lol can we keep the challenge out of this plz this is about a certain game. but between you all of cc i asked bogangod if this player that was missing had a sitter. and got a sitters name for him.(this would of been a valid sitter.)

and what if draq had hit the wrong button and only shot it for himself.
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Sergeant 1st Class eddie2
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:59 am

chemefreak wrote:They were teammates in that game. Who cares who was taking the turns? This is vindictive and silly Eddie. You guys lost, deal with it.

and ps chemefreak you should know me i stick by the rules i made a mistake put my hand up and said my bad. giving you a win even though i could of asked for a remake. and was told that a remake would of been ok.
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Re: babysitting abuse[pending]es

Postby DAAAAAAANG on Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:56 pm

Listen, I also used to do this when I was running BotFM. I work full time, I'm married, and I also study for an advanced degree full time. Because of work I also move between the US and Korea quite often. Sometimes I only have time to come online and update important clan information or feel the need to respond to general BS like this C & A report. If someone who is sitting my account while I cannot play or take the time to arrange a move with my teammates and the sitter is announced in chat, then I do not see a rule being broken. All this boils down to is TIME being pissed because they lost. They are grabbing at straws to get someone in trouble.

Honestly, I think the abuse here is being done by Eddie2 and no one else. He is being a troublemaker plain and simple. A lot of people use sitters on this site, especially in clans and team games, and it isn't fair to drag their personal lives out in front of the entire site in defense of that. If CC rules in favor of Eddie2 I will simply not play here anymore, no love lost. I'll gladly find some other way to enjoy my free time with friends.
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