Conquer Club

Halloween tournament [Winner: MNDuke]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: Halloween tournament (Wear your costume)

Postby STDADDIO on Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:39 pm

in please
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Re: Halloween tournament (Wear your costume)

Postby darth emperor on Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:58 am

Sorry for the delay, games have been send, enjoy picking your costume and wearing it, and let's hope it doesn't spoil/break while putting, if this happens you won't be able to go out of your house (all you're other clothes are in the laundry) so don't mess with your costume
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Re: Halloween tournament (Wear your costume)

Postby Ryall55 on Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:29 am

The guy who was meant to be joining my game, a freemium, hasnt actually got a slot free
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Re: Halloween tournament (Wear your costume)

Postby darth emperor on Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:04 am

Ryall55 wrote:The guy who was meant to be joining my game, a freemium, hasnt actually got a slot free

Yeah, I know he told me...he has till his invitation expires then a reserve will be in. Sorry for the delay.
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Re: Halloween tournament (Wear your costume)

Postby mrpicklepepper on Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:47 am

Game 7887132

Mrpicklepepper V rpshawn
Won by Mrpicklepepper
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Re: Halloween tournament (Steal candy)

Postby darth emperor on Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:11 pm

Some people have break their costume, some has spilled juice/alcohol/soda (whatever you drink) in the costume, some didn't receive the package.... fortunately 50% has wear propely their costume.

You went to trick-or-treat, but everyone in the neigbourhood has decided not to open the door because you are weird :lol:, so you did trick, but you wanted candy, so finally you decide to sneak in their house and steal all the candy you can (you can say is your 2nd treat). Good luck and be careful not to be caught.
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Re: Halloween tournament (Scare everyone)

Postby darth emperor on Sat Nov 20, 2010 4:36 pm

Some people have break their leg while climbing to the windows, some got caught by police, some tried to steal their own home and then got locked there....

Luckily 8 persons have been lucky enough to steal succesfully, now is time to show everyone your costume and scare, as many people as you can... be careful not to be scared ;)
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Re: Halloween tournament (Visit to the haunted house)

Postby darth emperor on Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:15 am

Some people have been scared and went away, some people saw themselves in a mirror and got scared, others didn't get to scare anyone.

4 persons have been succesful and they are brave (or stupid wichever you preffer :P) to visit the haunted house. What will happen?
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Re: Halloween tournament (Storytelling)

Postby darth emperor on Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:22 am

It's 4:00 am, one runned before 10 min of reaching, the other one got trapped in a room and won't come out from the house anymore.

Two people have seen that they weren't any ghots, just some mad witches and had enjoyed the visit to the house, plus they had and splendid Halloween... so they are happy all went right.... or not?? You still have one more thing to do....Tell your halloween story to the other one, and the best story, will be the one who had the better halloween and therefore who won this tournament :P who willl be?
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Re: Halloween tournament (Storytelling)

Postby MNDuke on Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:07 pm

darth emperor wrote:It's 4:00 am, one runned before 10 min of reaching, the other one got trapped in a room and won't come out from the house anymore.

Two people have seen that they weren't any ghots, just some mad witches and had enjoyed the visit to the house, plus they had and splendid Halloween... so they are happy all went right.... or not?? You still have one more thing to do....Tell your halloween story to the other one, and the best story, will be the one who had the better halloween and therefore who won this tournament :P who willl be?

Me! =D>
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Re: Halloween tournament [Winner: MNDuke]

Postby darth emperor on Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:03 pm

Both of them have tell the stories, it was pretty iteresting, I liked the part where St. Klaus gived presents :lol:... Jayrandy tell an amazing story of his halloween adventure, but MNDuke told a better one, and therefore won the tournament

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Re: Halloween tournament [Winner: MNDuke]

Postby MNDuke on Wed Dec 01, 2010 4:42 pm

Thanks. Big thanks to you for running the tournament. Was a blast.
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