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nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse

Postby theherkman on Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:11 am

rdsrds2120 wrote:Public input is not frowned upon, or public input would be disabled and reported in this forum. You do not have to be a multi-hunter, or a moderator in that case, to post here.

I didn't know anyone could post in here, thanks for clarifying.

rdsrds2120 wrote:Also, if you planned on reporting him, why would you have deleted your PM's?

Didn't. Read the thread.

rdsrds2120 wrote:Your wall comments?

Again, read the thread.

rdsrds2120 wrote:Any case that is filed by anyone here is obviously better with the more proof it has, but by deleting yours you are somewhat signaling that you don't care as much as you probably should in order to make a C&A post. This makes this frivolous and for the Multi-Hunters that you want a verdict from jobs' all harder.

Again, read the thread. The PMs have been reported and KingA is looking at them right now.

rdsrds2120 wrote:Double posting does not make your point any more clear, and I suggest that you, in order to be trolled less, don't reply to trolling and ignore it.

Oh, then I shouldn't be replying to this post.

rdsrds2120 wrote:I hope your case gets the appropriate amount of conflict resolution aid it needs and that I have clarified any potential confusion, theherkman. See you around.

Thanks, rdsrds2120, for your clarification in this matter. It is much appreciated.

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [pending] KS

Postby notyou2 on Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:50 pm

Oh, this is exciting.

I can't wait to see how it turns out.

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [pending] KS

Postby king sam on Tue Nov 23, 2010 10:05 am

If this was reported via the report a post funciton then the appropriate measures will be taken with nietzsche if he is found in violation of the rules here on CC. This is Closed.

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [pending] KS

Postby Woodruff on Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:00 am

king sam wrote:If this was reported via the report a post funciton then the appropriate measures will be taken with nietzsche if he is found in violation of the rules here on CC. This is Closed.

Wait, what? Closed? So there will be no public verdict given here? May I ask...why not? Seems there is a double-standard afoot...though I don't know why it would be applied to nietzsche.
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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby theherkman on Fri Nov 26, 2010 8:01 am

Yeah, man. I reported those PMs for proof, as well as posted them in this thread. Are you just going to brush this under the rug?

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby theherkman on Sat Nov 27, 2010 12:48 am

King Sam wrote:From the looks of it, he is baiting you and have nothing else to say or do at the time. For now, I shall note these pm's in his profile. Feel free to put him on foe and/or just ignore him.

You said you would note this. Why is it closed?

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby king sam on Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:43 am

theherkman wrote:
King Sam wrote:From the looks of it, he is baiting you and have nothing else to say or do at the time. For now, I shall note these pm's in his profile. Feel free to put him on foe and/or just ignore him.

You said you would note this. Why is it closed?

herkman are you trying to cause yourself problems?

where exactly did you derive that quote from, or where you just making up a quote to get your point across?

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby theherkman on Sat Nov 27, 2010 6:00 am

I got that quote from the PM you sent me when I reported Nietzsche's PMs to you. You sent me that word for word and after you closed this report, I posted it here. Why is it a problem that you tell me you will note this and instead close it?

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby king sam on Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:24 pm

theherkman wrote:I got that quote from the PM you sent me when I reported Nietzsche's PMs to you. You sent me that word for word and after you closed this report, I posted it here. Why is it a problem that you tell me you will note this and instead close it?

A. There is no such PM with me writing you saying this, as I checked before I wrote my last statement...
B. Quoting a PM last time I checked in an open forum like this was a No No, if you have to report a PM then you have the "!" function to do so..

I know I have been gone quite a bit with real world stuff, but Im starting to get the picture here that you like to cause more problems then resolve them.. Dont let this be the case cause as you said it
" I have the balls to do something about it"

Consider yourself on standby till I can get to the bottom of you and this quote...
and if you have a problem with a Closed case in the future abide by the guidelines and open up an E-Ticket about it... since you want to be "official" and all that jazz..

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby theherkman on Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:54 am

king sam wrote:
theherkman wrote:I got that quote from the PM you sent me when I reported Nietzsche's PMs to you. You sent me that word for word and after you closed this report, I posted it here. Why is it a problem that you tell me you will note this and instead close it?

A. There is no such PM with me writing you saying this, as I checked before I wrote my last statement...

Check again, because you are wrong. You sent me a PM quoting Nietzche's PMs that I had just reported. Underneath that, you said what I posted in this thread.

King sam wrote:B. Quoting a PM last time I checked in an open forum like this was a No No, if you have to report a PM then you have the "!" function to do so..

Oh! I see! First this PM you sent me doesn't exist, then it all of a sudden does! And I'm not allowed to quote it? Look, I don't care what you think is a "No, no". Nobody likes to have the shit they say in private posted in public. However when you blatantly lie during the course of your duties as a MH, I will not hesitate to point that out.

King sam wrote:I know I have been gone quite a bit with real world stuff, but Im starting to get the picture here that you like to cause more problems then resolve them.. Dont let this be the case cause as you said it
" I have the balls to do something about it"

I don't care about what you do at home, school, or work. This isn't about you being busy. This is about you not doing your job.
Also, as I'm sure you may be able to guess, I don't care what you are "starting to get a picture of." Also, get my quotes right, I said, "You don't have the balls to answer a question." Let me also add that this was in a different thread on an unrelated issue. Don't try and twist my words to cover your ass.

King Sam wrote:Consider yourself on standby till I can get to the bottom of you and this quote...
and if you have a problem with a Closed case in the future abide by the guidelines and open up an E-Ticket about it... since you want to be "official" and all that jazz..

Alrighty, standing by! Actually I'm not. Busy playing games and posting in the forums. Also, I don't have a problem with a closed case. I have a problem with a closed minded MH who thinks he can get away with lying and manipulating in order to protect himself.

Good day to you.


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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby king sam on Sun Nov 28, 2010 2:23 am

Man oh man I can see your a thick one....

I have checked, double checked and triple checked.. I checked before I made the comment the first time, cause I do my due diligence and homework when I speak in the forum, then I have rechecked every time since then. I dont have a PM from you, nor do I have one sent to you in my outbox.

When you used the "!" report a post function on this guy it was handled by a different hunter/mod. So maybe just maybe you are wrong with saying I PM'd that message to you.. I know tough concept.

Only way to prove it is to find that PM, which Im sure you conveniently dont have anymore (but were able to quote) and report it via the same function you did before ("!") that way I can see it or one of the other mods can.

B from above.. In no way, shape, or form does me explaining to you that the last time I checked when players outsourced messages from the PM's to the forums like that does it omit guilt of the PM existing. Period.

There has no lieing thats been going on, you made up a quote stuck it in a situation that you thought it would best suit you and you got caught red handed and now that the blame game has shifted to you your dancing around like a little kid pointing his finger at whatever he can to get out of the limelight. I have a 3 year old, I know how it goes.

So me doing my job will get more clarification on what the level of punishment is for an infraction like this, misquoting someone intentionally to try to serve your purpose, and having the intentions of trying to bring a conversation from the PM's to the forums (although there never was a conversation between you and me in the PM's the intent was there) and I will get back to you.

Locking this thread cause it has served its purpose and I will be in touch with you shortly regarding the other.

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Re: nietzsche - PM Abuse [Closed] KS

Postby king achilles on Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:05 pm

This is just to avoid any confusion out there, that pm that theherkman is pointing did not came from king sam but came from me. Copying a pm and changing the author of a pm takes some effort to do. This is not an "easy mistake" to make without putting some effort into it. If it was a mistake on your part, if it has already been pointed out to you that he did not sent you that pm, check that pm again before making those kind posts above.

This can be seen as baiting the other member, in this case a moderator, who you have refused to listen. Appropriate action has been taken for this.
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