by AAFitz on Thu Dec 09, 2010 8:34 am
Perhaps you could offer a free speed game to any freemium who tweets or posts qualified fb post once a month.
The logistics would be tough I would think, but I also think there is no question the quantity of posts would increase geometrically very quickly.
A medal could also be used and perhaps much easier. If any player posts at least 5 tweets or facebook posts on CC page, every month for a year, a Social Media medal could be given. (or the bronze, silver gold could be 50, 100, 400...the page would essentially go viral at the release of the idea, and again, at inception, bring geometric publicity to the site.
(granted, the usefulness and quality of these posts may not good, but realistically...that probably is not important.
The implementation would be time consuming, especially since it isnt necessarily obvious who is who on the page.
I suppose this has to have been considered before, but...just in case.
I'm Spanking Monkey now....err...I mean I'm a Spanking Monkey now...that shoots milk
Too much. I know.