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dunkley217 possible multis[cleared]es

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dunkley217 possible multis[cleared]es

Postby Scorsair on Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:58 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 7961232

I am not 100% sure about this one. Normally I would put it off as just another dead account, but the dead account did make 1 move at the start to place his troops. I started going through dunk's previous games and it seems that more than just a couple have a 'dead' account making the first manual move (placing large numbers of troops at blocking points) then not making any moves or very FEW moves after to keep the blocked territory in place. As I said it may just be a coincedence, but here are all the suspect games/players. He didn't win every game, but the tactic of placing troops and leaving seems to prevail in about 20% of his games, which is every game a player joins to complete the game that is a new player. If someone could confirm this as just the biggest coincidence I have ever seen that would be great.

Game 7879794 - The Q placed troops and left
Game 7917331 - estykid1 and mprice1987 placed troops and left
Game 7879473 - Boab1986 placed troops and left
Game 7869610 - DracoWish made one move then left
Game 7847881 - Stach placed troops and left
Game 7796834 - stonezarcon made first turn and left
Game 7579318 - tonymontana5249 placed troops and left
Game 7498875 - gremlism placed troops and left
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Re: dunkley217 possible multis

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:33 pm

dunkley217 has been CLEARED of being a multi.

As far as other players joining his games and never coming back, many new players never come back for what ever reasons.
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Re: dunkley217 possible multis[cleared]es

Postby Scorsair on Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:10 am

Cool, ty again!
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