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Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

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How will all of this drama be resolved?

Poll ended at Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:19 pm

Face it....16-year old "frenemies" have more class and maturity to deal with drama. It will never end.
CLA needs to make its rules clearer and enforce them better if we want this to stop.
Fascism is taking over, I say we hide in the Foundry.
Clan drama? Haven't heard about it...don't really care.
I am stating my opinion below because none of these answers come close to describing my feelings.
Total votes : 41

Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby InsomniaRed on Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:19 pm

COMMUNITY OPINION IS BACK! (hold your applause, please)

I, InsomniaRed, hereby allow this piece to revive from the dead and carry on in it's intense, awesome fashion. So how about we start things off right with some good old-fashioned INTERNET DRAMA!!!

  • KORT vs TOFU
  • TOFU vs TIME
  • TIME vs. BotFM
  • BotFM vs ...BotFM?
  • CoF hogging all the games
  • One word: josko.ri

Does anyone really know what is going on? Why is it all so important? Who is taking it too far? Is this all eddie2's fault? (just kidding eddie ;) ) Have we all contracted mad cow disease?

UPDATE: In light of how controversial this subject seems to be, I'd like to ask any further opinions be sent by PM to make sure this thread is void of all possible rule breaking. Thanks guys.

Please explain in detail what your opinion on any clan problem, quarrel, annoyance or action is and what you think should or can be done to fix or help it. The more opinions, the merrier!!

This is for a piece in CC Dispatch.


PS - Please don't spam this thread with anything that is not relevant to the topic, also, as much as you may be urged to, don't even think about flaming :P

Thank you ;)
Last edited by InsomniaRed on Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby lord voldemort on Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:15 am

josko.ri for josko.ri
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby Commander62890 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:39 am

chariot of fire wrote:Long may the shame of your decision hang over your heads; beyond the time in which you savour the taste of your hollow victory.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby Leehar on Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:43 am

I say let this continue. Freedom of expression is a glorious thing, and some of us need more drama in our staid lives!
KORT vs TOFU - MBoooooooo
TOFU vs TIME - Issues with tasks being done on TIME?
TIME vs. BotFM - Pretty surprising really, time have done a lot better than most expectations whether mentioned or not
BotFM vs ...BotFM? - Daze?
CoF hogging all the games - AOG's One Man Clan!
One word: josko.ri - He's grown oddly silent in the 10 pages of drama, Surprising!
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby TheSaxlad on Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:57 am

2 Words here,


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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby eddie2 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:58 am

Leehar wrote:I say let this continue. Freedom of expression is a glorious thing, and some of us need more drama in our staid lives!
KORT vs TOFU - MBoooooooo
TOFU vs TIME - Issues with tasks being done on TIME?
TIME vs. BotFM - Pretty surprising really, time have done a lot better than most expectations whether mentioned or not
BotFM vs ...BotFM? - Daze?
CoF hogging all the games - AOG's One Man Clan!
One word: josko.ri - He's grown oddly silent in the 10 pages of drama, Surprising!

ok the lets put this into perspetive.

time v bofm i was having a bit of trash talk against them if you want 2 highlight this one go ahead. but you could also bring up time v grim reapers.

time v tofu. my comments were not just aimed at tofu it was towards the whole group i dont thinki asking for a set date from the clan we faced on the set week for a exchange of game nos was that bad.(it got blown out of proportion 2 much.)

tofu v kort. this one is one of the most stupidest rules i have came across and i thought clan directors had the power 2 put a stop 2 stupid rules made for active challenges.there are many problems i see with the rule that has cost tofu the challenge.

1)tofu has been told that the rules were in place at sign up. this was a wrong statement because this was a new rule that was added after the clans signed up. like with tournement organisers if any major changes are made to rules of the tourney you must contact all people involved to make sure they are happy with this and wish to continue.(was there a vote 2 say all clans agreed with the change.)

2)now when you look at the new rule 20 max games that is fair enough but the punishment of a minimum of 21 games forfieted is not a fair punishment. look at the begining rounds of the cup it was 40 game challenge so if a player makes a simple mistake and joins the 21st game they then lose the challenge automaticly even if they had won 30 of the 40 games. now dont get me wrong if a clan does not follow the rules i agree they should be punished for it but it should be a fair punishment that still gives them a chance (if it was a minor mistake)

3)now we look at the events leading up 2 korts winning of the said challenge. kort asked tofu if they could run the challenge thread for some experiance of doing it. during this period tofu were constantly asking them to update the thread kort were updating there side of it but not updating tofus this was against the guidelines in the same paragrath as the rule of the minimum 21 game forfiet. so you could say that korts inability to run a challenge thread properly rewards them with a win. this is because since the player list has a very serious consequece if breached the organiser of the cup should of stepped in and ordered kort 2 update it.

all in all the clan cup has not been run effectively due to this forfiet thing happening and when the final whistle is called no clan can say they were victorious because the loss of game that tofu has faced makes it that the best 2 clans are not in the final(this is only if the final results show tofu the victors.)

edit. also if there was a maximum limit of 20 games during a forty game challenge this should of been increased to 30 games for a 60 game challenge.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby anonymus on Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:59 am

i loves teh interwebz
time v botfm is just some well-mannered trash-talk and nothing to get upset about i guess it all started when alot of people didnt belive they would win more than 10 games against us (these people where certainly not from our clan and i doubt they where being serious in the first place).

botfm v botfm is noexisting there is no problem within the clan and any problems some of our members may have with certain members of other clans goes way back to the early days of internet when men where men, women where men and children where fbi-agents so let all of that rest maybe?

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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby trapyoung on Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:08 am

anonymus wrote:any problems some of our members may have with certain members of other clans goes way back to the early days of internet when men where men, women where men and children where fbi-agents

That line is actually hilarious, although lacking in prose : P
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby slowreactor on Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:07 am

KORT vs TOFU: REALLY? It was a black-and-white decision, you did NOT need that much time to pick...
TOFU vs TIME: from what I deduced, TIME is trying out some tactics used by top clans when there isn't a 12-hour fog rule enforced in a challenge. Just what I deduced, could be wrong.
TIME vs BotFM: No comment.
BotFM vs BotFM: Anonymus lies!
Josko.ri: @ Leehar, he is NOWHERE near silent :P
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby trapyoung on Sat Nov 13, 2010 3:04 pm

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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby jefjef on Sat Nov 13, 2010 6:15 pm

Do we all not understand that the bottom line on outcomes of games is RANDOMNESS. It being manipulated is yet to be admitted by CC.

BoTFM vs BoTFM. Yes. We fight over who drinks the most rum and has to have sloppy seconds with anon.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby the.killing.44 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:26 pm

TheSaxlad wrote:2 Words here,



good lord you're a mod now?
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby jefjef on Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:31 pm

the.killing.44 wrote:good lord you're a mod now?

Yep. CC just keeps getting better and better...
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby Army of GOD on Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:31 pm

Leehar wrote:AOG's One Man Clan!

Shush!! Don't mention this because jp will ban me because he can't take a joke!


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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby jpcloet on Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:23 pm

Army of GOD wrote:
Leehar wrote:AOG's One Man Clan!
Shush!! Don't mention this because jp will ban me because he can't take a joke!

Quite the contrary, it was funny the first time. Once you flogged it, it was no longer funny.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby pmchugh on Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:44 pm

jpcloet wrote:
Army of GOD wrote:
Leehar wrote:AOG's One Man Clan!
Shush!! Don't mention this because jp will ban me because he can't take a joke!

Quite the contrary, it was funny the first time. Once you flogged it, it was no longer funny.

Thanks for clearing that up jp.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby InsomniaRed on Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:58 pm

The PMs I keep getting are hilarious, especially the ones from Kort! :lol:

Thanks everyone for your opinions whether it be via PM or this thread, this should be a good piece for the newsletter.

Keep them coming, we still have time!

Edit: MY BAD. I totally misspelled a word. Sorry guys.
Last edited by InsomniaRed on Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby Bruceswar on Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:23 am

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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby InsomniaRed on Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:24 am

:roll: Anyway, as I was saying....

This thread is still accepting opinions! The piece will need all it can get for a well rounded view on things. ;)
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby InsomniaRed on Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:52 am

In light of how controversial this subject seems to be, I'd like to ask any further opinions be sent by PM to make sure this thread is void of all possible rule breaking. Thanks guys.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby danryan on Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:21 pm

Too much drama, personally. It's making me long for the old days of talk about why top clans were avoiding others and farming lower ranked clans. The handbags got out of control for a while there.

I'd also settle for people writing coherent sentences - reading posts that look like texts from a cell phone make my head hurt.
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby InsomniaRed on Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:23 pm

danryan wrote:I'd also settle for people writing coherent sentences - reading posts that look like texts from a cell phone make my head hurt.

You should stay off your computer thingy then. I heard this epidemic is sweeping the entire internet. :-$
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Re: Share Your Opinion!! -- Clan Drama

Postby eddie2 on Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:55 pm

2 hard 2 say is it lol
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