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hydeto and cheahkk[BUSTED]ES

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hydeto and cheahkk[BUSTED]ES

Postby perchorin on Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:12 am


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 7765687
Game 7395042
Game 6257314
Game 5992810

Comments: Ok so being that the South Korean scoreboard is the only one I'm in any danger of being at the top of, I check it from time to time. Imagine my surprise then when two high-ranking freemiums I'd never seen before suddenly appear at/near the top (and just when I'd finally passed the other guy for first place wouldn't you know!) and as I was curious I decided to take a look at their games. They've played a bunch together, mostly team games but a not insignificant number of freestyle singles games either (which in all but one case the higher ranked hydeto has always won.) It seems looking at earlier games they may be friends or even live together, but I'm fairly certain they aren't Korean based on their chat patterns (and hydeto's profile says his location is Singappore, which makes more sense.) Now maybe they moved here together or something at the same time who knows but they probably shouldn't be playing non-team games together at the very least and it doesn't hurt to have a multi-check done. As always apologies if I'm off base here but something feels off with these two.
Silvanus wrote:perch is a North Korean agent to infiltrate south Korean girls
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Re: hydeto and cheahkk

Postby Victor Sullivan on Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:38 pm

They both joined within 3 days of each other and are from the same country - a multi check definitely seems in order.
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Re: hydeto and cheahkk

Postby Evil Semp on Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:50 pm

hydeto and cheahkk have been BUSTED.
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