The Bison King wrote:n order to have 2- and 3-player games start with 14 regions, presuming no changes to the current scheme of 3x3 starting regions, the total number of regions in the pool would have to be between 33 and 35 inclusive (yielding 11 regions to add to the 3 regions in a starting position). This would require 8 to 10 regions designated to start neutral.
So, choosing 8 or 9 neutrals would give the starts that mattattam proposes.
An entirely different approach to our problems might be to simply make all the cities start as neutral 2's. No one can drop a road bonus, or any other bonus, apart from the Islands. Divide the non-city islands with a set of starting positions, and the drops should be much more fair.
What I need to know is how would this effect 6-8 player games? Would the amount of territories players receive in those games be reduced do to these changes?
With 52 regions and 8 or 9 neutrals, you have 43 or 44 regions to divide among the players.
With 44, in 4-player, each gets 11; in 5-, each gets 8, and the extra 4 become neutral as well; in 6-, each gets 7, and the extra 2 become neutral; in 7-, each gets 6, and the extra 2 become neutrals; and in 8-, each gets 5, and the extra 4 become neutrals.
With 43, in 4-player, each gets 10, with 3 extra neutrals; in 5-, each gets 8, and the extra 3 become neutral as well; in 6-, each gets 7, and the extra 1 becomes neutral; in 7-, each gets 6, and the extra 1 becomes neutral; and in 8-, each gets 5, and the extra 3 become neutrals.
With all cities neutral (twelve, I think), we have 40 in the pool: in 2-player games, each gets 13, with 14 extra neutrals; in 3-, each gets 13, plus 1 extra neutral; in 4-, each gets 10, no extras; in 5-, each gets 8, no extras; in 6-, each gets 6, with 4 extra neutrals; in 7-, each gets 5, plus 5 extra neutrals; in 8-, each gets 5, no extras.