To prove my point, some people think this banner is a out of the ball park hit...why? Because it shows whites and Injuns getting along...or because there are some members wearing cartoon injun hats (Hahahaha! So funny, Those, funny that they wear those funny feather head dresses and that the Bullet Proof Bandits use those head dresses to look so funny...even more funny than the ones wearing pilgrim cartoon hats! LOL! HAHAHAHA!)
Bruceswar wrote:the Thanksgiving one was a classic!
You people are all so shallow, I wouldn't expect anyone to understand or agree with any thing I have, there you go...white people WIN again! Keepin' the Native Americans down! You should all feel very proud of yourselves! And you should all celebrate Columbus coming over here and raping and murdering the Native Americans and cutting off our hands because we couldn't find enough gold for him! all can all take a flying leap!