Conquer Club

Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Winner: Joe B.]

Tournaments completed in 2012.

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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby amazzony on Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:40 am

Joe B. wrote:If you get to the point where you only have premiums left, maybe we can start doing 6 games at a time? It might help speed this tourney up.

If we end up in a situation like that and everybody agrees then I have nothing against it :) But, we have a couple quite strong freemiums playing who might not want to leave the tournament :P

I'm glad that you guys are still interested in the tournament, it's good to see people posting to this topic :D
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby poptartpsycho18 on Mon Oct 18, 2010 8:02 pm

Game 7483706 finished.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:08 pm

poptartpsycho18 wrote:Game 7483706 finished.

I just realised that the game should of been Terminator, I'm sorry. Nevertheless, the scoring can be used the same way as it would have been a terminator so I really hope that nobody wishes to reply this game.

Scoreboard has been updated!

We currently have 1 game active for group C (round 2 - Game 7007861) and group B deals with 3 games (Game 7621395 in round 3 and Game 7743638 / Game 7842652 in round 4).
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 2]

Postby CunningImp on Wed Oct 27, 2010 6:47 am

Just as an FYI, I will most likely be traveling a lot for my job for the next 4-6 months. I will try to keep up on my games as best as possible, but figured a little advance warning was called for so that people I am playing with do not get too frustrated.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 2]

Postby amazzony on Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:14 am

CunningImp wrote:Just as an FYI, I will most likely be traveling a lot for my job for the next 4-6 months. I will try to keep up on my games as best as possible, but figured a little advance warning was called for so that people I am playing with do not get too frustrated.

If you know you are going to be away for a couple of days and can't take your turns then maybe try to find a player - a sitter - who can help you keep up with games so you wouldn't be missing any turns. If it is the case of course.
Also, if possible, I'll try to remember send you messages instead of invites if you has to join new games because invites might expire before you see them.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 2]

Postby CunningImp on Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:02 pm

amazzony wrote:
CunningImp wrote:Just as an FYI, I will most likely be traveling a lot for my job for the next 4-6 months. I will try to keep up on my games as best as possible, but figured a little advance warning was called for so that people I am playing with do not get too frustrated.

If you know you are going to be away for a couple of days and can't take your turns then maybe try to find a player - a sitter - who can help you keep up with games so you wouldn't be missing any turns. If it is the case of course.
Also, if possible, I'll try to remember send you messages instead of invites if you has to join new games because invites might expire before you see them.

Thanks, I appreciate that.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:00 pm

No change since last update:
amazzony wrote:We currently have 1 game active for group C (round 2 - Game 7007861) and group B deals with 3 games (Game 7621395 in round 3 and Game 7743638 / Game 7842652 in round 4).
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:10 am

Scoreboard's updated! I've included all possible points to the scoreboard this time - even those that don't have a whole round (or even a game) finished. Don't know if it will do good or bad but I was hoping that if I give current exact standings then maybe we'll get to see the last 2 games finished. We are currently waiting Game 7007861 (group C) and Game 7621395 (group B) to end. These are last games of this stage so if those end then there will be just 16 players left and we'll start with semifinals.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 2]

Postby ga7 on Tue Nov 02, 2010 10:28 am

Wow, looks like that last game of group B won't change anything in the standings, nice to pass despite sucking so much at assassin :lol:
A pity group C is still too close to call, this is going to be well past the one year long mark :P
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:04 am

ga7 wrote:Wow, looks like that last game of group B won't change anything in the standings, nice to pass despite sucking so much at assassin :lol:
A pity group C is still too close to call, this is going to be well past the one year long mark :P

Yeah, we could almost move on but group C needs to finish their game. I have no idea how or when it will happen. If I'm completely honest then right now I don't have a solution how to get this tournament to next round. I'll think about it for awhile and hopefully during that time somebody will go nuts and brake the stalemate(s) *lol*
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Sun Nov 14, 2010 3:01 pm

Well, the 2 games are still active, no idea when they might finish. Lets keep waiting!
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 2]

Postby skillfusniper33 on Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:56 pm

The game in Group C has finished.

Game 7007861
Place: 267 Score: 2630
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 2]

Postby poptartpsycho18 on Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:51 pm

skillfusniper33 wrote:The game in Group C has finished.

Game 7007861

Yay! To be honest I had forgotten I was in this still, lol. I must be really busy :? So does that mean we only have the one game left to wait on?
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger

Postby amazzony on Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:44 am

poptartpsycho18 wrote:
skillfusniper33 wrote:The game in Group C has finished.

Game 7007861

Yay! To be honest I had forgotten I was in this still, lol. I must be really busy :? So does that mean we only have the one game left to wait on?

I follow the yay like a loud echo! :D

Actually, as the last active game doesn't change anything then I'm just waiting for the results of Game 7007861 to come in (it's the round where first player decides who gets second place etc). In the last active Game 7621395 (Group B) most points have already given out with the few eliminations and as there's just 3 and 5 points left to be shared between n00blet and Gilligan then I've decided to declare that game a stalemate and both n00b and Gil get 4 points [(3+5)/2=4]. Overall standings in that group have already been decided so I don't think that this solution is a bad one.

Therefore, please prepare for next round to come out in the next couple of days, depending how fast I'll get the order of Group C sorted out.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Sun Dec 05, 2010 4:59 am

Stage 2 Round 2 Group C Game 3 (Game 7007861) results (from winner to last places): skillfusniper33, Redbaron0, ZionT, Joe B., growler, Digibomb, pimphawks70/Nicho.

I'm right now working on getting scoreboards updated and will set up first games of Stage 3 very soon.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Sun Dec 05, 2010 5:36 am

Stage 2 is almost fully done. Like I mentioned, there's 1 game active in Stage 2 but it won't change the overall standings so it has been considered stalemate and points have been given out for that game. All about Stage 2 can be found in here.

Stage 3 is fully set up, with first 3 games sent out. I realise that they will take some time to begin because we have freemiums in the tournament but I'm hoping to get all started in the next 2 weeks so I don't have to start recreating them. After that, I'm expecting people to play 3 games at once all the time to get the tournament on a smooth pace :)

BTW, Stage 2 was active for 8 months (+a couple of days) and I'm not expecting Stage 3 to be a lot shorter. Therefore, you have to put up with me for the next 6 months :lol:
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 3]

Postby CunningImp on Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:33 pm

I may be a freemium, but I had left the slots open and have accepted the invites. Good luck to everyone!
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 3]

Postby Joe B. on Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:02 am

We're still waiting on 1 last player to join, do you know where he/she is?
It's BigRueben.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 07, 2010 11:26 am

I've never forced freemiums to keep slots open for the tournament for several weeks (or even months) due to not knowing when next games are sent out. Therefore, bigreuben right now doesn't have more open slots. I'm sure that as soon as his previous game(s) end then he will join this tournament's games one by one. I'll be forwarding him the game numbers with password in hope that as soon as he gets a spot open, he will use it to join the game :) Of course, now that we have moved on to next stage then I expect everybody to join the games right away (after this situation gets settled).

Group A is missing BaldEagle76 from the games who logged in last on December 2. I'm hoping that he will return to CC and just not checking CC every day because he doesn't have open games right now.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 3]

Postby Joe B. on Fri Dec 10, 2010 10:35 pm

Amazzony, just read your rule changes, how come premium prize has been taken away?
We sure have put in a lot of time on this here tournament and I would think winner/winners are deserving of prizes originally offered. Is there any prize now? I know it was 1st place 1 year, 2nd place 6 months, etc.
Maybe you can get it reinstated?
Thanks, Joe B.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 3]

Postby amazzony on Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:01 am

Joe B. wrote:Amazzony, just read your rule changes, how come premium prize has been taken away?
We sure have put in a lot of time on this here tournament and I would think winner/winners are deserving of prizes originally offered. Is there any prize now? I know it was 1st place 1 year, 2nd place 6 months, etc.
Maybe you can get it reinstated?
Thanks, Joe B.

Premium prize was offered by the original organiser, he would have bought it to the winner. After he abandoned it, he decided not to offer the prize anymore. I cannot force him to buy it, nobody can actually.
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Re: UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:59 am

amazzony wrote:Group A is missing BaldEagle76 from the games who logged in last on December 2. I'm hoping that he will return to CC and just not checking CC every day because he doesn't have open games right now.

It seems he won't be returning or if he will then we can't wait for him. I've sent out one last reminder-invite (plus a few before and a message with games) which is his last chance. If he misses it then I'll bring in a reserve player who is n00blet.

Group B has 2 games started and 3rd needs to wait for bigreuben to get a spot open. He will join the game as soon as possible, please be patient :)
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:16 pm

n00blet wished not to continue in the tournament, therefore GlobeSmack replaces BaldEagle76 in game 1 of round 1 in stage 3.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:28 am

All 6 games of round 1 (Stage 3) are active now. I'm waiting for the 2 games that are currently in round 4 to finish and as soon as they are done, I will create 2 new games for both groups even if group A hasn't finished with their game(s) yet. Why I'm doing it that I'll let group B dictate the speed of the tournament as there are 2 freemium players in there. Group A has only premium players so I hope it's alright with all of you if you have to play in 4-5 games time to time as I don't want one group to stay behind. Of course, it might be that group A will pass the other group with game speed but right now they are behind because the games took longer to begin.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Stage 3][Dec 20]

Postby Joe B. on Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:22 am

Joe B. wins game # 8086044, Group B
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