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[CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [20-40 of 60]

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:24 am

josko.ri wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Hmmm, that's funny. KoRT games not created or notified. TOFU games not created or notified. You could say each clan is holding out on the other, or neither is holding out on the other.

My post from eight days ago.....

Dear KoRT....shall we proceed to the final batch? What timeframe shall we agree to? Thanks

yes, you asked 8 days ago if wee shall proceed to final batch, but foxglove (our secondary contact, so official person to answer, if Dako is also official person like secondary contact) said on 28th Septmber (23 days ago):

Foxglove wrote:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Re Round 3 games. Nothing set-up yet so please don't rush your selections to us. I'll take the time to check with LoW/THOTA and see where they are at with their final batches.

We'll wait until you send us yours for Batch 3. So, we're ready when you are. ;)

so, why did you asked 8 days ago if we shall proceed to final batch if foxy answered 23 days ago that we are ready when you are? your question was answered on 28th of September. why ask that again 8 days ago? I dont know if anything was unclear in foxy's constatation? it means we were ready anytime from the time it was written (28th September), expecting your voice when you are ready. so how then can you say that KoRT is holding this, if TOFU from 28th of September didnt say "yes, we are ready for xy date".

josko - you obviously have no idea what you are talking about, which probably goes a long way to explaining why you are neither the primary nor secondary contact and as such are better off minding your own business.

Read the text carefully and you will see me ask What timeframe shall we agree to? . Just saying "We will wait until you send us yours for Batch 3" is totally unsatisfactory and flies in the face of standard procedure. Since when does one clan send info to another without reciprocation? This is why a deadline was necessary with a ratified system of exchange.

I explained quite clearly in my preceding posts what had been said, ignored and (finally) agreed upon. All of a sudden the air was clear and there I was, happy to draft a list of our games to exchange with Masli. Then you come along and foul the air with your inane comments.

I suggest in future that you leave clan matters to those in authority.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:08 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:Piss off josko.ritard you irritating clown. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about, which probably goes a long way to explaining why you are neither the primary nor secondary contact and as such are better off minding your own business.

my bussiness is to kick your asses in games, not being prim nor 2ndary contact. and I do my business very well, as currently have 11-2 vs TOFU (with added point from hive, conquerman which will be ours). versus you, I also did my business very well, winning 5-0 in our singles. :-$
on the other side, YOUR bussiness (as you are primary contact) is making deal for deadline. as this started long after THOTA- LoW, I suppose you didnt do your bussiness well.

Chariot of Fire wrote:Read the text carefully and you will see me ask What timeframe shall we agree to? . Just saying "We will wait until you send us yours for Batch 3" is totally unsatisfactory and flies in the face of standard procedure. Since when does one clan send info to another without reciprocation? This is why a deadline was necessary with a ratified system of exchange.

ok, then you should reply on this on the time when it was written, not 15 days later, if you wanted to make deal about the date. we said we were ready, so date should be arranged easy if you were willingly to do it, but were you? of course yes, you answered it wasnt correct constatation from foxy 23 days later! if you wasnt ok with what foxy wrote, why did you wait 23 days to say that?
Chariot of Fire wrote:Tell you what josko....why don't you just send me a list of your Round 3 games? Then you can say "I did it on such-and-such a date and you were slower". Go on, please. Oh....why not?

Get real, chump

because then you will say it wasnt date we make deal for, like you did in batch 2. is it fair that we send 2 times games first and you 2 times say "that date wasnt confirmed"? and then wait another 6 days to send us batch 3 games, like you did in batch 2.

to show how reliable is your timframe, I will quote what happened in batch 2, when we send our games to you:
Dako wrote:Well, I explicitly asked you in PM if you are ok with the date and you never replied.

What was in MSN (I cannot quote cause I don't have logs there) was more like "I will ask my guys if they can push it to 6th". Again, I never got confirmation or anything.

I think it doesn't really matter as we will be ready in 1-2 days.

it was 7th September, and games were sent 13th of September. just want to say how TOFU agreement dates are reliable. Dako wrote very clearly that you will be ready in 1-2 days, and you sent games 6 days later. enough about your reliability when making deals about dates.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby sjnap on Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:11 am

Chariot of Fire wrote: Piss off josko.ritard you irritating clown.

This has to be stopped !!!! :evil:
You guys should quickly do something about your attidudes ! This is really going to far !
Who do you guys think you are ???
What do you guys all permit ???
About time that you showing some respect for others.
I expected something else of this clanwar. Some more dignity. But geezzz what a bummer it is.
How many times we must letting us called names by your clan ?
This flaming and baiting has to end :-$
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Bruceswar on Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:18 am

sjnap wrote:This flaming and baiting has to end :-$

This I agree with.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:20 am

always in some discussion, the person who doesnt have any arguments, decide to start insulting. it is normal, if cannot beat other person with arguments, then starts with insulting. I rather choose arguments from my side, but TOFU's primary contact and clan leader rather choose insults. great example of honor and fairplay, TOFU. I hope you are all proud on your leader's vocabulary =D>
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby khazalid on Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:23 am

it sure is nice to be spectating, for a change
had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:47 am

It's quite simple really - josko brings out the worst in people, especially me, when he goes sticking his nose into matters that don't concern him. He's spent God knows how long cutting and pasting remarks from the past yet he is still wrong - has made quotes totally out of context - and fails to grasp that simple fact. He's also not privy to the exchange of PMs that has taken place in the past and thus is able to make a far less-informed opinion than either myself, Dako or the heads of KORT.

I simply wanted to reach an agreement on exchanging games, and to this end it seems we had achieved that. Then along comes josko and strikes a match. You think I'll just sit here and have my sense of propriety questioned in such a manner? I apologise if I caused offence to anyone other than josko as it was intended as a personal slight which was well-deserved.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:15 am

josko.ri wrote:my bussiness is to kick your asses in games, not being prim nor 2ndary contact. and I do my business very well, as currently have 11-2 vs TOFU (with added point from hive, conquerman which will be ours). versus you, I also did my business very well, winning 5-0 in our singles. :-$

What's your record if you include every game you sat constantly for someone? Like, let's include Poker Club in that calculation since you sat for Stunna about 8 turns in a row, maybe that should count as a double loss for you... what then, hmmmmm?

josko.ri wrote:if cannot beat other person with arguments, then starts with insulting

I suppose you didnt do your bussiness well.

great example of honor and fairplay, TOFU. I hope you are all proud on your leader's vocabulary

...These are insults silly bear. They're also direct quotes from you.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:33 am

And also, I know you're trying to be sarcastic when you say fairplay, but it'd be easier for all of us to not snicker at you if your ratings left didn't look like this... ... e=josko.ri

What's that? A 5/5 star for fairplay for COF, Outsider, Knight, Jake, Dako, Steve, Shat, Timmy, Tyche, IM, Jpeter, Pedro, and t-t-t-t-t-trapyoung!?!?!!?

Looks like someone has some ratings to update
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Oct 20, 2010 7:41 am

hug it the games...its not fricken rocket science
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:11 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:It's quite simple really - josko brings out the worst in people, especially me, when he goes sticking his nose into matters that don't concern him. He's spent God knows how long cutting and pasting remarks from the past yet he is still wrong - has made quotes totally out of context - and fails to grasp that simple fact. He's also not privy to the exchange of PMs that has taken place in the past and thus is able to make a far less-informed opinion than either myself, Dako or the heads of KORT.

I simply wanted to reach an agreement on exchanging games, and to this end it seems we had achieved that. Then along comes josko and strikes a match. You think I'll just sit here and have my sense of propriety questioned in such a manner? I apologise if I caused offence to anyone other than josko as it was intended as a personal slight which was well-deserved.

Chariot of Fire wrote:Hmmm, that's funny. KoRT games not created or notified. TOFU games not created or notified. You could say each clan is holding out on the other, or neither is holding out on the other.

we have our games ready from 27th of September, confirmed in this thread by foxglove(post I quoted before). and after that you found free to say that KoRT and TOFU BOTH holding this. how do you expect my non reaction after that? I answered on every your question, but you didnt answer on mine. probably you dont know what to answer, as you see I am in right. so I am asking again:

Chariot of Fire wrote:Tell you what josko....why don't you just send me a list of your Round 3 games? Then you can say "I did it on such-and-such a date and you were slower". Go on, please. Oh....why not?

Get real, chump

because then you will say it wasnt date we make deal for, like you did in batch 2. is it fair that we send 2 times games first and you 2 times say "that date wasnt confirmed"? and then wait another 6 days to send us batch 3 games, like you did in batch 2.

to show how reliable is your timframe, I will quote what happened in batch 2, when we send our games to you:
Dako wrote:Well, I explicitly asked you in PM if you are ok with the date and you never replied.

What was in MSN (I cannot quote cause I don't have logs there) was more like "I will ask my guys if they can push it to 6th". Again, I never got confirmation or anything.

I think it doesn't really matter as we will be ready in 1-2 days.

it was 7th September, and games were sent 13th of September. just want to say how TOFU agreement dates are reliable. Dako wrote very clearly that you will be ready in 1-2 days, and you sent games 6 days later. enough about your reliability when making deals about dates.

did we waited for your games 6 days after Dako wrote here it will be ready in 1-2 days? is it timeframe you wanted to make deal? to say "it will be ready in 1-2 days" and then send it after 6 days.
how can we expect that you will respect any time deal after that?
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:16 am

Chill your grill, we'll be ready in 1-2 days LOLMoo.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:17 am

at trap: if you want to count my overall record, you are more than free to do it by yourself.
my rating system consider what I saw from opponents/teammates inside my games, and do not consider what I saw on some forums. in the games, I didnt found any unfair move from the players you mention, so that s why all 5's from me in fairplay column.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:21 am

if we count your e-penis is that going to have a positive record to?
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:27 am

josko.ri wrote:at trap: if you want to count my overall record, you are more than free to do it by yourself.

It's 18-18 at the moment, I don't predict game outcomes.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:55 am

josko....maybe if your English was better you wouldn't jump to the wrong conclusions.

Hmmm, that's funny. KoRT games not created or notified. TOFU games not created or notified. You could say each clan is holding out on the other, or neither is holding out on the other

Were your games created and did you notify us what they were? Or simply did you notify us that you were ready? This is where you seem to have a misunderstanding. We've known what our Batch 3 games are going to be for over a month, so by the same token we too are 'ready'. All I sought was a date, agreed upon by both parties, by which this information could be exchanged (as it was for Batch 1, so I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "Is it fair that we send 2 times games first and you 2 times say 'that date wasnt confirmed'". As for sending Batch 2 to us on a non-specified date.....well whose problem is that? Certainly not ours. Page 14 is there in all its clarity.

Date - Exchange - Game creation. So simple that it shouldn't escape your comprehension. Anyway, Masli and I have reached an agreement as to how the final round will be handled and it could really do without your intervention. On this basis I don't wish to enter into any further correspondence with an unauthorized person such as yourself.

Nice job quoting game stats btw. What are you.....12?
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Dako on Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:57 am

I know, I can blame Chuuuuck now cause he is not overseeing this event and this is why we all suffer here with our dates debates :D.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:05 am

lol does chuck have to hold your hand while you pleasure a woman...oh wait its the internet...nvm
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Dako on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:30 am

lord voldemort wrote:lol does chuck have to hold your hand while you pleasure a woman...oh wait its the internet...nvm

No, I am with that on my own. However Chuuuuck does help me with some other things *wink, wink*.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:31 am

trapyoung wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at trap: if you want to count my overall record, you are more than free to do it by yourself.

It's 18-18 at the moment, I don't predict game outcomes.

with that written you showed great disrespect to all members of KoRT, wanting to say that only I play all games.
with that you neglect all great effort and tactics that other KoRT members put in their own games.
thanks for that, probably others from KoRT will very respect your opinion.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Dako on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:43 am

josko.ri wrote:
trapyoung wrote:
josko.ri wrote:at trap: if you want to count my overall record, you are more than free to do it by yourself.

It's 18-18 at the moment, I don't predict game outcomes.

with that written you showed great disrespect to all members of KoRT, wanting to say that only I play all games.
with that you neglect all great effort and tactics that other KoRT members put in their own games.
thanks for that, probably others from KoRT will very respect your opinion.

I think that this joke was funny.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby trapyoung on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:44 am

josko.ri wrote:with that written you showed great disrespect to all members of KoRT, wanting to say that only I play all games.
with that you neglect all great effort and tactics that other KoRT members put in their own games.
thanks for that, probably others from KoRT will very respect your opinion.

No more than you claimed you are 11-2 in each game you played against TOFU giving no credence to anyone you played with.
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:48 am

Chariot of Fire wrote:josko....maybe if your English was better you wouldn't jump to the wrong conclusions.

Hmmm, that's funny. KoRT games not created or notified. TOFU games not created or notified. You could say each clan is holding out on the other, or neither is holding out on the other

Were your games created and did you notify us what they were? Or simply did you notify us that you were ready? This is where you seem to have a misunderstanding. We've known what our Batch 3 games are going to be for over a month, so by the same token we too are 'ready'.

why then this post from 28th of September:
Chariot of Fire wrote:Thanks Incan for dropping a note re LoW/THOTA game exchange this w/e. Am happy to work along similar lines with KoRT unless I'm able to set everything up a little sooner. Time's not my friend at the moment.

if you knew your games, was it big poblem to make deal like: ok, you have your games ready, we have our games, may we make it ASAP? was 23 days needed to make that? where we may know you had your games ready? it is my first voice about that, while you had that information from KoRT written in this thread.

Chariot of Fire wrote: All I sought was a date, agreed upon by both parties, by which this information could be exchanged (as it was for Batch 1, so I have no idea what you are talking about when you say "Is it fair that we send 2 times games first and you 2 times say 'that date wasnt confirmed'". As for sending Batch 2 to us on a non-specified date.....well whose problem is that? Certainly not ours. Page 14 is there in all its clarity.

sending batch 2 on nonspecified date is only benefit given to you.
but, Dako's post "we wil have it ready in 1-2 days" and then send it after 6 days isnt our mistake. it was post AFTER we sent batch 2 to you, so he wrote your deadline (1-2 days) by himself, nobody forced him to write 1-2 days. and games was sent in 6 days, no matter that Dako wrote it will be in 1-2 days. is it fair? publicly writing deadline and then send it 4 days later?
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:49 am

trapyoung wrote:
josko.ri wrote:with that written you showed great disrespect to all members of KoRT, wanting to say that only I play all games.
with that you neglect all great effort and tactics that other KoRT members put in their own games.
thanks for that, probably others from KoRT will very respect your opinion.

No more than you claimed you are 11-2 in each game you played against TOFU giving no credence to anyone you played with.

:lol: =D>
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Re: [CC 2010 Semis] TOFU vs KoRT [17-18 of 60]

Postby josko.ri on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:53 am

trapyoung wrote:
josko.ri wrote:with that written you showed great disrespect to all members of KoRT, wanting to say that only I play all games.
with that you neglect all great effort and tactics that other KoRT members put in their own games.
thanks for that, probably others from KoRT will very respect your opinion.

No more than you claimed you are 11-2 in each game you played against TOFU giving no credence to anyone you played with.

it gives credence because I wrote separately my score (5-0) when played 1v1. so by my post it can be easy seen which score is by my own (5-0) and which score is by my teammates and me (6-2).
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