winner La Belle Alliance

Ika Pakao


1. Choose the name.
This is going to be the name of your team for the tournament and for the mates who want to be in your team(if you have not a triple team yet).
2. The captain of the team chooses map & settings they'd prefer for home games. Also will choose if they accept to play their away games freestyle and/or manual or just default for away games (sequencial and automatic).
3. Of course a team need 3 players. When the team is complete they will be included in the list . Each team will be in a league involving for each team - once home-and-away against each opponent.
4. The winner of that league will be the winner of the tournament.
Of course all the games are Triple. To participate press "PostReply" and make your choices.
- home settings from one team and
- the away choice from the other team
Rules of classification
How to make classification ? We count the winning games.
If more than one got the same points? They are going to play once a 3 games match -home-away-neutral against each team with the same points when the league finishes.
I hope it is understable. Please dont hesitate to ask me.
Teams included and settings
Trigger Happy Bunnies Arms Race Flat Rate Chained Foggy automatic sequential
your time has come jamaica No Spoils Chained Foggy automatic sequential
The Fantastic Three-skins Iceland Flat Rate Chained Foggy automatic sequential
La Belle Alliance Waterloo Nuclear Adjacent Foggy automatic sequential
Khans Clan Unification Italy Flat Rate Chained Sunny automatic sequential
The Iron Brigade American Civil War Flat Rate Chained Sunny automatic sequential
Spanish Time Age Of Realms 2 Nuclear Chained Foggy automatic sequential
DBC Supermax Flat Rate Chained Foggy automatic sequential
previous WINNERS:
I. trousersnake aspalm, bigroo4601, hambone
II. Topchider trboye, yanakis, cille