Bracket to the final: first round plays 1st vs 2nd placed from adjacent gropus, while to the end it will be braket group winners 1-4 vs 5-8 and 2-3 vs 6-7. on that way I wanted to avoid that 2 players from the same group play each other before the final.
josko.ri vs Belgrade
gdbudman vs Lisboa
Moonchild vs Calgary
Kritical vs Reading
ViperOverLord vs Orlando
shoop76Daytona Beach
HighlanderAttack vs Mokhsogollokh
Beko The GreatLeeds
wrexham vs Zagreb
Enormastitz vs Rasaay Gray
spideyAs I rescued this tournament in group phase, I decided to not change anything in that phase. for playoff, I decided to make some changes in format:
playoff will be best 2 of 3, one on each player's home settings (included map choice in that settings) and third (extratime, if necesarry) on random map with following settings: Standard, Automatic, sequential, Escalating, chained, foggy.
all settings except "speed" are allowed
finals will be only 1 game like in real Champions League: World 2.1, Standard, Automatic, sequential, Escalating, chained, foggy.