Conquer Club

Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued][Winner: Joe B.]

Tournaments completed in 2012.

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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:47 pm

poptartpsycho18 wrote:
amazzony wrote:The game won't be replayed but I'm not sure how the scoring is done. I think we had a similar situation last round but I can't seem to find info about it in the first post (it's a rescued tournament, don't know all the rules by heart). I'll look into the situation further when I have more time.

Understood. It's nice that there's a precedent at least for this.

I couldn't find any reference to it in the topic sadly but I checked and there really was a game like that. And, I remember quite clearly winner getting maximum points from the game, eliminated player last place points and everything else is decided like rules say - according to remaining troops. It's actually a valid strategy (it's a tournament with crazy rules sometimes, I know :lol: ).
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:02 pm

Update wise I haven't been too good to you, therefore forgive me the triple post but there's so much different data that I wanted to get them to separate posts.

Here's a short overview how far we are with remaining 3 rounds in this stage.

  • Round 2 (BETTER) is active with 2 games of group C. Both games are half-stalemate-ish :P
  • Round 3 (FASTER) has 6 active games (3 for group B, 2 for group C and 1 for group D). Nobody has over 100 troops in any of the games so I'm not considering them (half-)stalemate(-ish) :lol:
  • Round 4 (STRONGER) is a mess. Groups A and D are finishing their games soon. Neither group B nor C have an active game in there yet because they are dealing with games of previous rounds. It will take a month or longer before they even get there... So, a lot of waiting which is not surprise with this tournament :)

Sorry about the delay but I've kept an eye on the tournament constantly and there haven't been too long pauses in sending out games.

Finally, scoreboard has been updated! It still includes only score from rounds that have fully finished. Therefore, group B has points only from round 1, groups B and D from 2 rounds and group A from rounds 1 to 3.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby CunningImp on Thu Sep 16, 2010 8:19 pm

Scoreboard update was much appreciated. I have a question for you about the rules/scoring. Our round 4 king of the mountain game is completed. Reading the rules, The person who "wins" the game gets first place, but then places are then done by number of armies. However, the rules also state that if two people have the same number of armies remaining, they get the same amount of points. My question is this:
Does Dim get 21 points since he is tied in number of armies with Dan, or does he get 13 points since he is second place because he didn't get the kill? Does the question make sense?
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby amazzony on Fri Sep 17, 2010 2:02 am

CunningImp wrote:My question is this:
Does Dim get 21 points since he is tied in number of armies with Dan, or does he get 13 points since he is second place because he didn't get the kill? Does the question make sense?

Question makes totally sense! danryan gets 21 points for winning and Dim gets 13 points because only winner gets 21 points (there can't be a tie for winner). Hope it answers! :)
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby danryan on Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:47 am

Book another 21 pls. Finally a round where I didn't suck. =D>
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby CunningImp on Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:19 pm

Thanks for that Dan, with the way the scores were looking, I was a little worried I was not going to make the top 4. Your kill was perfectly timed though, thanks.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby CunningImp on Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:47 am

Conquerman game finished, places are mkcummings 1st, CunningImp 2nd, (MTTW, Dimn tie for 3rd), danryan 5th, Globe 6th, vyk 7th.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger

Postby amazzony on Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:45 am

Thanks! It seems quite a bit has happened in the past few days, I'll check and update later today.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:05 am

So, Group A has finished all their games! =D> danryan has won that group with DimnjacarStef, CunningImp and MyTurnToWin also advancing to round 3 (semifinals). GlobeSmack will be advancing as reserve. mkcummins and vykingsfan64, thanks for playing! =D>

Now, go enjoy other games and tournaments for a couple of months O:)

Group B is stuck in round 3 (all 3 games active) and group C is playing 2 games from round 2 and 2 from round 3. So, there's nothing I can do for now to speed up the tournament but as soon as freemium players get eliminated from an active game, I will set up new one :D

Edit. Just realised that as growler has asked himself to be removed from the tournament (he went freemium and won't have spots) then I can set up new games for group C. I'll set up 1 for now and another 1 (or maybe both remaining ones) after their first assassin games has started.

Oh, and clearly - all finished rounds are included in the scoreboard update!
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:26 pm

I screwed up :( Game 7607754 is classic and it should be so not classic, this tournament doesn't deal with such easy maps - how come nobody noticed it before? :lol: Anyways, this game will be replayed with proper map as soon as it ends. I'm really sorry about it!
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Re: UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby poptartpsycho18 on Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:48 pm

amazzony wrote:I screwed up :( Game 7607754 is classic and it should be so not classic, this tournament doesn't deal with such easy maps - how come nobody noticed it before? :lol: Anyways, this game will be replayed with proper map as soon as it ends. I'm really sorry about it!

Too bad--I was rocking this one from the first turn! It's finished so bring on the game I'm probably going to bomb on :?
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:06 am

poptartpsycho18 wrote:
amazzony wrote:I screwed up :( Game 7607754 is classic and it should be so not classic, this tournament doesn't deal with such easy maps - how come nobody noticed it before? :lol: Anyways, this game will be replayed with proper map as soon as it ends. I'm really sorry about it!

Too bad--I was rocking this one from the first turn! It's finished so bring on the game I'm probably going to bomb on :?

At least you earned some points from it :)

Lets see. We have 3 groups left playing.

Group D has got their last game of Round 4 and they also have 1 active game from Round 3. If both of those games end then it's time to update the scoreboard and see who advanced to next round from that group.

Group C has 2 active games from Round 2 (1 has 3 players active, the other 5), 2 from Round 3 (with 3 and 4 active players) and 2 active from Round 4 (+invites from third game have been sent out). My apologies to those players who are active in too many games, especially to ZionT :oops:

Group B has 3 active games on Round 3 but all with freemium(s) active so we can't move on to Round 4 yet. Though, 1 game seems to end soon which means that they'll most likely end all their games not far behind from group C who seem to have a couple of stalemate-ish games.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby bigreuben on Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:44 pm

group B: 2 games from round 3 are over .... we can start with assasin games (once you back from your vac :mrgreen: )
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:52 am

bigreuben wrote:group B: 2 games from round 3 are over .... we can start with assasin games (once you back from your vac :mrgreen: )

Back I am and games have been sent out :)

I see that some more games have finished but what's more important that some are almost finished. I'll wait for a couple of days until the "almosts" are done and then make a proper update with scoreboard and overview group by group.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Mon Oct 04, 2010 12:40 pm

Stage 2 Round 2 Group C Game 1 (Game 6916018) results (from winner to last places): growler, Joe B., ZionT, Redbaron0, skillfusniper33, Digibomb, pimphawks70/Nicho.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby skillfusniper33 on Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:21 pm

im not sure if this is a mistake or not, but growler isn't in this game with us. Game 7698059
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:03 am

skillfusniper33 wrote:im not sure if this is a mistake or not, but growler isn't in this game with us. Game 7698059

growler dropped out due to going freemium and not being able to have enough slots for the tournaments. Though, I must say that I like the fact that you paid attention and noticed that somebody is missing from the game :D
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Re: UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby skillfusniper33 on Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:39 am

amazzony wrote:
skillfusniper33 wrote:im not sure if this is a mistake or not, but growler isn't in this game with us. Game 7698059

growler dropped out due to going freemium and not being able to have enough slots for the tournaments. Though, I must say that I like the fact that you paid attention and noticed that somebody is missing from the game :D

You have to give redbaron credit for it, he is the one who noticed and I just posted it here, wanting to make sure you knew about it.
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Re: UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:53 am

skillfusniper33 wrote:
amazzony wrote:
skillfusniper33 wrote:im not sure if this is a mistake or not, but growler isn't in this game with us. Game 7698059

growler dropped out due to going freemium and not being able to have enough slots for the tournaments. Though, I must say that I like the fact that you paid attention and noticed that somebody is missing from the game :D

You have to give redbaron credit for it, he is the one who noticed and I just posted it here, wanting to make sure you knew about it.

In that case I'm glad for the both of you! :D
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Thu Oct 07, 2010 3:20 am

Alrighty, time to check what you are up to and how you've done in finishing some more of those dreaded games :lol:

Just in case, a reminder that Group A has finished quite some time ago.

Group B has finished first 2 rounds (which have been included to the scoreboard for awhile) and they have 1 active game in round 3 (others have finished) and 2 have just started in round 4. One game is waiting to be started in the last round which is also the last waiting game in Stage 2.

Group C has 2 active games in round 3 and 2 in round 4. Oh, and 1 in Round 2. Fortunately they have started all their games so just need to wait for them to finish.

Group D has just 1 game to finish in round 3 and all other games are done. Round 4 score has been added to the scoreboard.
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby Joe B. on Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:39 pm

Group C has only 1 more game to go, unfortunately, it's the Charleston map so we may still be here for a while.
It is possible that you could add up our points so far and see if this game will make a difference or not? I assume it would for somebody, maybe in the 4th or 5th spots, but maybe not.
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:11 am

Joe B. wrote:Group C has only 1 more game to go, unfortunately, it's the Charleston map so we may still be here for a while.
It is possible that you could add up our points so far and see if this game will make a difference or not? I assume it would for somebody, maybe in the 4th or 5th spots, but maybe not.

Yep, I'm working on the updated, haven't had much time lately but seem to have some spare moments today :)
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UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby amazzony on Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:32 am

Alrighty, scoreboard updated! As always, it only includes the rounds that have all games finished for a group.

So, we are still missing.
  • Group B points for rounds 3 and 4 -> 1 active game + 2 active games & 1 needs to be started
  • Group C points for round 2 -> 1 active game
  • Group D points for round 3 -> 1 active game

Things look like shaping up and if there are just lonely games left then they might not decide anything or people might get more aggressive to finish them. So, lets keep waiting :)
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Re: UPDATE - Harder Better Faster Stronger [Rescued]

Postby ZionT on Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:17 pm

amazzony wrote:
Group C has 2 active games from Round 2 (1 has 3 players active, the other 5), 2 from Round 3 (with 3 and 4 active players) and 2 active from Round 4 (+invites from third game have been sent out). My apologies to those players who are active in too many games, especially to ZionT :oops:

No problem on my end! Hehe, just cruising along. This tourneys point structure is great, I love the variation. Looks like our final game will make a slight difference in the standings assuming a winner comes out of Charleston.

As always, thanks for the update! :D
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Re: Harder Better Faster Stronger [Stage 2]

Postby Joe B. on Sat Oct 16, 2010 1:48 am

I was a bit worried with latest score, but I have a 1st and a 2nd so far in the round that hasn't been added in yet so I'm good.
If you get to the point where you only have premiums left, maybe we can start doing 6 games at a time? It might help speed this tourney up.
Thanks for updating!
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