As the winner of My Map, Your Settings #7, I have chosen the Woodboro map for this tournament. All games will be 1v1, played on that map; required settings: sequential and casual. Each player will submit his or her "home settings", which consist of deployment, spoils, foggy/sunny, and reinforcements.
Note: For those of you who have played in this series before, I'm now allowing nukes and manual deployment. This allows more freedom for "your settings."

16 entrants split into 4 groups of 4 via
Each group of 4 will play a double round robin; one game on each person's settings.
No tiebreakers in the first round; anyone in the lead or tied for the lead of their group at the end of the first round will advance to the final group.
The final group will be another double round robin. Standings will reset; first round scores do not carry over.
If any group of 2 or more players is tied for the lead after the finals, they will play extra double round robins until the tie is broken.
There will be more than 4 games going out at a time; so, premiums only, please. Any game not joined within 48 hours will be deemed a forfeit. I will use reserves to replace deadbeats in round 1 only.
To sign up, please post to this thread with your favorite settings to use on Woodboro. Default settings, if you don't include them, will be automatic, escalating, chained, and sunny.