Moderator: Cartographers
boberz wrote:unfortuantly the essay in the top right hand corner puts me off also i like the style of the font but could it be slightly less elaborate to keep th appeal
boberz wrote:how about put a background around it, have small but elaborate bullet points and write the points in note form.
boberz wrote:beautiful why not put the same backgorund on the key at the bottom then that is more clear as well thanx for the quick responses and updates
Bad Speler wrote:wow, never would of thought about removing the colours but it looks good. Because of the removal of colours, i think you should remove any decorative mountain or grass (or whatever the graphic is) such as the one in Javas, from blank territories so no one gets confused. Also, space out the items in the legend evenly.
Bad Speler wrote:lol, your quick, you manged to fix it before i told you to. But the legend still needs to be evenly spaced
joystickgenie wrote:could be an interesting map. I'll play it at least once to see how the gameplay comes together with the unique bonus system.
Bad Speler wrote:Make your signature at the bottom right a bit more readable. Also you still have to find a way to specify that the islands are a single continent. Perhaps also extend the land to the edge of the map., it looks a bit cut off, especially when the lines of latitude and longitude go between the edge of the map and the edge of the land. One more thing to do, move the Puerto Modesto name so its not on the sea route. Just wanted to bring up a point on playability, there would be many bonuses awarded, for example the first round the first person to go if he got a lucky deployment might get 10 bonus armies to do a lot of damage. Maybe halve the bonuses.
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