by flexmaster33 on Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:46 am
Atlanta is our NBA playoffs champion...congrats to lurkerleader, elfish_lad and jrh_cardinal on an impressive tournament run. The Hawks went 16-6 (.727) for the tournament, getting their biggest scare in a seven-game series against Charlotte in the second round, having to win both Games 6 & 7 to escape with the series.
The win has been reported and medals should be awarded in the next batch...thanks to all who played in the tourney.
If you like basketball check out my NCAA College Hoops tourney coming in late-October
Current tourneys -- USA 2.1 Poly Best of 5, 2024 NCAA basketball season, NCAA football playoffs, 2024 NFL season, Luxembourg Best of 5, The Floor, Punch Out Boxing, Mayor of Woodboro
High rank: Major. Place: 1,056. Points: 2,093