New Round are announced around 20:00 GMT every sunday.
This is more of a league then a tournament.
How it works: You have to be premium for the best shots. Freemiums only have to challenge if they dont own maps.
Step 1
All maps have a champion. If you want a map you must declare a challenge for it. You cant challenge same map over and over again. You have to wait one round. Ex. you challenge Classic in round 5, then you cant challenge it until round 7.
You need to post these in the topic, I'll ignore PMs related to this.
Anyone can challenge even if they haven't been playing before!
At the beginning all maps dont have a champion. Then you can decleare yourself as Champion on the map.
Step 2
You play 3 1v1 games on the map where all settings are of the champion's choosing (the champ can be crafty not having same settings in all games). The champion choose if the challenger must join first. Speed and Freestyle are the only thing not allowed.
You will be notified of game numbers and passwords via invites. I invite 3 times at most, after that I declare walk over.
When you challenge, or shortly after you win, it helps if you tell me what you want your new settings to be or they stay what the last champion had.
If a map is still being challenged over multiple rounds it can not receive a new challenge until sometime during the round it ends in.
You can challenge and be challenged at the same time, you can only challenge once a round though.
You can be challenged on the same map multiple times a round if you win quickly enough and we update fast enough.
Every time you defend a map your (#) grows. The top 10 numbers are in the winners hall of fame and in the event of a tie the date of ownership takes precedence.
Every round you own a map the # grows by 1
Every time you receive a valid challenge your # grows by 1
Every time you win a challenge the # grows by 2
You lose the map if you haven't joined the challenge fast enough. I will be the judge of this.
Your first win just gains you the map, no points.
Even if you lose a map you stay in the winners hall of fame as long as your number is not surpassed by an active map. You can have multiple entries through multiple maps.
The owners hall of fame is the top 10 players by titles. Meaning the more maps you are the champion of the higher you are in that one. This one is dynamic, meaning if you lose maps you don't hang around tell someone beats your highest number owned.
Every 8 to 10 rounds the Hall of Fames are saved and the tournament hall of fame updated. This isn't a reset. You still keep everything and keep playing.
Final Notes: (Quiting)
You can forfeit instead of playing if you want out when you are challenged. This is preferable to dead-beating and will not reflect negatively on you in any way. You won't get your points though. The maps are going for a bracketchallenge and the settings are as owners first choice. the games are 2 player in bracket until there is one winner. The bracket are set after rank when first games are made. Winner will be the champion and makes his settings. The highest ranked player at time for the brackets setup (player standing to the left in order) decides who joines first.
Final Notes (Turns)
Rounds will start when announced in this thread. After that a post may be made in the topic asking for the moves for the round and everyone can choose their challenge again.
If you miss a round that's too bad for you. You won't be able to make it up.
Final Notes (New Maps)
As long as the Map Foundry is running new maps will be added to the site. They will be battled for as soon as possible. In thread there are a mark when you can sign up for them and when the sign ups ends. Settings in all new maps will be Sequential, escalating, Adjacent, No Fog, 2 player in a battle. The first two to sign up are the once that fight. Winner will be the champion and makes his settings. You may only challenge one new map per round and if you are alone in that challenge the map is yours.
Signing up does not take up your challenge spot.
Let's bring it on!!!
Current challenges:

old ones.