In this tournament the players will chase each other around all the maps of conquer club.
Before each round each player will inform me of the map that they will be moving to, and also what settings they would prefer. Then all players on the same map will meet each other in an assassin game. If more than eight, they will be divided in equally sized groups (where possible). The settings used will be the most common choices among the players of that game. Players will be grouped according to matching setting preferences. If no plurality can be determined, CC default settings will be used (i.e. the ones furthest to the left). When the round is over, all maps used will be discarded and cannot be selected again in the tourney.
If any player chooses a map that is chosen by no one else on that turn, that player will be facing an InterPol agent, played by myself.
You progress to the next round by staying alive. Only the player who is killed will be eliminated.
There are two ways of announcing your next move. You can either do it publicly, by posting to this thread. In case you would want to challenge your opponents, or maybe try to scare them away. Or you can do it secretly, by messaging me.
When a round is finsihed I will PM all survivors, asking for their next move. After this you will have 48 hours to respond. If no responce is recieved you will be placed in the random map pool. The random map chosen for each round will be selected by random.org among the picked maps, and the players will then face those who selected that map, if any.
If any game you have been invited to is not join within 48 hours you will be eliminated.
Freemiums are welcome. There will be only one game at a time.
There is no limit to how many can sign up. I will start the tournament when I think enough have joined.
When you sign up you need to announce a starting location, and preferred settings. You don't need to post them here in the thread, but you will need to send them to me before the tourney starts.