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Postby jlangbeen on Tue Sep 07, 2010 5:55 pm



The accused is suspected of:

Other: Abusing the ratings option.

Now, if I had made any remarks within the game that could be interpretted as rude, ignored conversation that had been directed toward me during the game, or even lost the game in which I played where this player was actively a part of, even if another player than I had won (either "iamthecheese" or some other player), I would not bring forward a complaint against the player as maybe he would have a reasonable argument in mind to back the rating given.

However, when I had played a fair game, I won the game, and I did not throw about comments that were distasteful, hurtful, or disrespectful. Yet, I have been voted but one star rating by this person and was reported to be "Reckless, Poor Strategy", I am rather appalled by such immature behaviour!! I had at first thought maybe he just had done this to me, but in looking back, he has done this to others as well. It appears he apparently did so with the intent on hurting my rating and with no intention of explaning himself when asked just because he lost the game. If he does not wish to play me another game, that is fine. However, to degrade my rating where it is not warranted, I feel this is unethical. Is there anything that could be done about this.

This is the first game where I feel that it is outright vengence with no probable cause or reasonable explanation that can be expected to make sense other than the player was angry for the loss of the game. If a person wants to be a sore loser and throw a comment at me... that is fine. But, to rate me low with misrepresentation of facts, when I had played a fair and respectable game, is just disgusting.

Game number(s):
The game I had played against "iamthecheese" is:
Game 7445778

Before writing this, I wanted to make sure it wasn't just me and I wasn't acting like a whiner. So, I did some research and I noticed in a few other games against other people that poor ratings were given where it appears they were also possibly unwarranted. I do not fault "iamthecheese" or anyone else for poorly rating someone or myself if there is even the slightest chance the player has any remote possibility of an argument for giving another poor rating. Sometimes, a person might feel there is something lacking. But, when it is obvious the comment contradicts the game history of play, it is rather disheartening to think that there are people who are just that hateful.

Game 7318370
Game 3923735
Game 2633464

I just do not like the thought that maybe a good player would pass up the opportunity to challenge me at a game because I had a rating that did not rightfully represent my gaming experiences.

Thank you for hearing my concern,

Very Respectfully,
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Re: iamthecheese

Postby Watchful Prism on Sun Sep 12, 2010 6:59 am

Your rating is 4.7 so you have nothing to worry about. You would need to get a lot of negative ratings for it to impact your overall. The system takes into account that people give crazy ratings like that sometimes.
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Re: iamthecheese

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sun Sep 12, 2010 1:49 pm

Watchful Prism wrote:Your rating is 4.7 so you have nothing to worry about. You would need to get a lot of negative ratings for it to impact your overall. The system takes into account that people give crazy ratings like that sometimes.

Not all the time. If someone is constantly giving out Bad ratings for no reason, then the system will deal with them.
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Re: iamthecheese

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:32 pm

He usually gives poor ratings to players who deadbeat so far. Although we could agree that the ratings jlangbeen received from iamthecheese does look unwarranted, we would need a lot more of similar questionable ratings for us to consider this as an abuse of the ratings system. jlangbeen, I advise that you try to contact iamthecheese to clarify the ratings you got from him and sort this out between yourselves. This is cleared.
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