Alright, I got a rough sketch of the second floor:
- Click image to enlarge.

Some notes:
1. The first floor will be much bigger, having various large rooms (like the gym/cafeteria/auditorium) and room numbers that go up to 154. The first floor will include English (red), Social Studies/History (yellow), Foreign language (pink), the arts (purple), technology (cyan), and the offices (white). I have yet to work on the first floor mainly to hear some feedback before I do too much.
2. Not sure what to do about the teachers exactly. I figured their rooms could attack them and they could each have an auto-deploy (the "a1" or whatever next to each teacher). I've "ranked" the teachers in the Teacher's Lounge, the colored teacher in each category being the head of their department. I still have to figure out a name for Mrs. So&So.
3. No clue what to do with brown rooms or grey rooms. Also I'm concerned about the empty space between some rooms, especially Room 220 and the Library.
4. I figure I'd break up the hallways into pieces and make them start-out-neutral territories.
5. The white quadrilaterals with lines thru them are stairs.
6. I figure you could only access a room from the hallway. In other words, Room 211 would not be able to attack Room 213.
7. I may move Chinese down to the first floor, if I have room lol.
Alright, I think that's everything. Let me know what you think.