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secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake[cleared]es

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secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake[cleared]es

Postby Bolbs on Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:27 am



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 7279898

Comments: There is something really dodgy about this whole game. We were the last 3 left and they were both were attacking me depite me having 100 to 200 less troops then them both. After I posted words to that affect they seemed to let me become the strongest player to give them a reason to attack me again. Now I am the weakest player again yet they still don't stop atacking. They are either multi's or friends with a secrete alliance.

p.s. Hope you like the rhyme in the game chat lol.
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby Arama86n on Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:57 am

I've been in stalemated 3player flat-rates where I've continually attacked the weakest player. If I'm the strongest I don't mind #3 getting killed off, leaving me with nice odds to take the game from #2. ()
Not everyone wants to maintain status quo, and are happy to step on toes to get the game won.

And then there's the fact that your a colonel and they're foot soldiers, not surprising they'd like you out of the picture ;)

That said they may very well be conducting secret diplomacy, or even be a multi, that's for the men in orange to decide, just saying, it's hardly the most damning evidence I've seen ;)
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby Bolbs on Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:57 am

Agree, the person who is winning should help try to eliminate someone.

However if there are only 3 players left then the second strongest should not let that heppen as it is not in his interest.

Bluelake has started dong nothing every turn, and so red has won. She has made no atempt throughout the game to try to weaken red despite him being by far the strongest for most of the game. Bluelake only intent was to weaken me which stinks of secrete deplomacy.

Is there any way this game can be null and void as it is stupidly unfair?
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby eddie2 on Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:33 am

ok multi is out the window one is from israil and the other usa
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby Bolbs on Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:43 pm

I would have thought so but they both missed a turn in the same round which seemed very suspect.

I presume the country of origin is decided when you first sign up. If latter down the line someone else is given their login details they could be a multi with a very good cover up.

I hope a decision is made soon as I am being murdered while bluelake just sits back and deploys on herself. I think I will only last a couple more rounds.
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby Arama86n on Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:52 pm

No, flag is decided by IP. If Someone from a different country babysits your account your account will display their flag until you log in next time.
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby Bolbs on Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:11 pm

Didn't know that, fair enough.

Just a secrete alliance then.

At least Bluelake has stopped attacking me the last 4 rounds :) She is is just deploying on herself while keithrcarlson attacks only me lol. The game log speaks for itself.

If that is not a secrete alliance I don't know what is.
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:35 pm

You are going to have to excuse me for being blunt. Is this where a high ranked player saw an easy win? I don't see any secret diplomacy, no coordinated attacks. Like someone else said three players left in a game can pretty much become a stale mate.

keithrcarlson & Bluelake are CLEARED of secret diplomacy.
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Re: secrete alliance keithrcarlson & Bluelake[cleared]es

Postby Bolbs on Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:01 am

Your going to have to excuse me, but you are completely wrong.

My rank is totally irrelevant. Why it is even metioned as an excuse for players to gang up on me doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

I don't go looking for easy wins, I don't even take much notice what players are in a game before I join. All I look for is a good honest game.

Anyway points are won/lost depending on rank so it doesn't make any difference who plays who.

In this case I wanted to try out the new world map as I played it once before and only understood how it worked after it was too late. I wanted to see how I would fair knowing how it worked from the begninning of the game. this game was the first I saw so I joined it, much to my regret.

How two players can repeatedly attack the third and weakest player and it not to be called a secret diplomacy is beyond me. The last 6 or so round Bluelake just stopped playing and let red win. How can this be fair?

My guess is your answer will be to just foe them, which I will do.
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