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CORRECTION TO POST!!!! antjo is not part of this
These are suspected DEAD BEAT, WHatever you want to call it ....
Suspect users: $w4lk it out$
Game number: http://www.conquerclub.com/game.php?game=276818
We are in a triples game and i believe that there is a secret alliance....
if you read the game chat.... Pink played by antjo made a few comments to all players... some are written in i a different language... dutch probably.... well if you read the game history green continually didnt work for the team and made key moves based on what was said in those messages.... I ttanslated the dutch and it clearly spoke of areas contriolled by green... Look at uruguay.. Pink wrote at
2007-03-10 16:42:49 - antjo: URUGUAY
.....Then at
2007-03-10 16:50:14 - $w4lk it out$ fortified Parana with 6 armies from Uruguay
Among other instances in the history green even though he fortified me went against what i suggested in the team there by messing are strategy up........ Just look at the log and chat in that game.
I sent a PM to my other teammate lilJ1Money and he agreed with me on this issue....
Please respond to me and lilJ1Money thank you
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