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$w4lk it out$

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$w4lk it out$

Postby Keredrex on Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:21 pm

<----begin copy---->
CORRECTION TO POST!!!! antjo is not part of this

These are suspected DEAD BEAT, WHatever you want to call it ....

Suspect users: $w4lk it out$

Game number:

We are in a triples game and i believe that there is a secret alliance....
if you read the game chat.... Pink played by antjo made a few comments to all players... some are written in i a different language... dutch probably.... well if you read the game history green continually didnt work for the team and made key moves based on what was said in those messages.... I ttanslated the dutch and it clearly spoke of areas contriolled by green... Look at uruguay.. Pink wrote at
2007-03-10 16:42:49 - antjo: URUGUAY
.....Then at
2007-03-10 16:50:14 - $w4lk it out$ fortified Parana with 6 armies from Uruguay

Among other instances in the history green even though he fortified me went against what i suggested in the team there by messing are strategy up........ Just look at the log and chat in that game.

I sent a PM to my other teammate lilJ1Money and he agreed with me on this issue....
Please respond to me and lilJ1Money thank you

<----end copy---->
Last edited by Keredrex on Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Sergeant 1st Class Keredrex
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Postby SirSebstar on Tue Mar 13, 2007 1:20 pm


This particular triples game victory was not the result of a attempted cheat.
In fact i posted this game on the dutch veroveraars club board to ask dutch speaking players to join me in what i thought would be an easy walkover, and a good training for doubles games. Antjo did not even know about this game till i told him about it.

Its not visable to you, but Antjo made a lot of posts in teamchat. I am simply assuming he misspressed on the teamchat only button(and thus showed the world) when he was giving directions to sunshining. He wanted sun to attack that place as well.

There is a lot i can say about Antjo, about his smartness and his totally different view on strategy, as opposed to my view. But i dont think that he would have to cheat on this particular game and i dont think he did.

Anybody wanting a complete overview of teamchat(of which most is in dutch) just pm me. But i have a feeling any multi hunter prob can see teamchat as well.

Keredrex, you better delete your post, cause if people start putting the game together they will see your brilliant moves. e.g. leaving a 9 army in the middle of your own lands, thus allowing both me and antjo to hold on to some continents and well, oh a lot of other stuff...

have a nice day
And if you are up for a rematch, Antjo and I would graciously accept such a challange....
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My post about.... $w4lk it out$, antjo

Postby Keredrex on Tue Mar 13, 2007 6:05 pm

CORRECTION TO POST... After reviewing I am wrong about antjo... I must admit you sound like you and antjo have played many games enough to know about strategy and so forth.....

... OK it wasn't antjo ...but $w4lk it out$ was definitely making moves that related to the other teams messages. SO i think my post can stand as is.... If i am wrong Fine I don't think I am but I am open to the possibility .... Let the game hunters or whoever decide.... and as far as a rematch goes Sure just send me a message when your ready.... I got some friends on here also and we could do a Doubles, Triples Whatever... See You Soon

PS. You know what... Ill do this... Ill take antjo name off Ill be a sport.... Ill even remove the Ignor mark so we can rematch....Ill consider the possibility that Im wrong about antjo... understand that I HAT E CHEATERS....end of story
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Sergeant 1st Class Keredrex
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