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'King of the Hill' Map

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'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Tira on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:29 am

Searched for this, nothing came up. I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with the game King of the Hill, but basically everyone would start at the bottom/side of the hill, and have to work toward the top/center, and hold it for 2 full turns? (The top/center would start neutral). I'll upload the basic outline soon, but I was wondering if people thought this would work better as a side-on view or an aerial view?
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:44 am

something like this?

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby ender516 on Mon Aug 30, 2010 8:45 am

I think an aerial view would provide for more variety in attack routes (circling around to the other side and so on). I am intrigued by your idea to win by holding an objective for 2 full turns. The game engine responds to bonuses and objectives in much the same way: when your turn starts, the territories you hold are examined, and if you hold an objective (which presumably you took on your previous turn), then you win; otherwise, if you hold a zone, you get the bonus added to your deployable troops; otherwise, you just get deployable troops based on the total number of regions you hold in accordance with the divisors and whatnot specified in the XML (usually 1 troop per 3 regions). Autodeploys and decays are essentially positive and negative bonuses that are applied directly to a given region, rather than affecting your deployable troops.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:40 pm

I think a King of the Hill map could easily be made unique from King of the Mountains, especially with the aerial view ender suggested. 2 full turn objective is quite intriguing. I'd love to see a draft :D
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Tira on Sun Sep 05, 2010 6:41 pm

Sorry for the delay, had some PC trouble and for some reason I can't scan anything, will remake the map on my PC and upload this week.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Tira on Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:07 pm

So, everyone starts in an individual quadrant at the bottom. Holding the bottom 4 in a quadrant worth 2; holding a quadrant worth 4?

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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:32 pm

Tira wrote:So, everyone starts in an individual quadrant at the bottom. Holding the bottom 4 in a quadrant worth 2; holding a quadrant worth 4?

I'm afraid I don't quite understand :oops:
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:45 pm

Too symmetric for my taste...
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Victor Sullivan on Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:53 pm

It could use some spicing up...
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Mon Sep 06, 2010 8:57 pm

Also, "hold for 2 turns to win" is not possible, objectives are always held for exactly one turn.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby grifftron on Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:58 am

aerial view would be awesome. I like it.

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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Army of GOD on Tue Sep 07, 2010 2:05 am

A bit like St. Patty's...
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby Tira on Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:34 am

Victor Sullivan wrote:It could use some spicing up...

This is just a quick draft to inspire someone; I am not a graphically skilled. And what I mean was the players would all start with one region at the bottom, and work their way up. Spicing up is a given; I still think it's too small for a start but I just wanted to show people the basics.

Natty, do you mean it is the norm for it to be 1 turn or that it's literally impossible? I don't mind either way, just curious.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:45 am

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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby ender516 on Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:41 am

The idea of holding an objective for two turns intrigued me. Yes, natty is right, it is not directly possible, but could it be simulated by a combination of killer neutrals and high bonuses, such that the only way to reach the actual objective would effectively require holding a preliminary position on the previous round? Are there any gameplay gurus listening out there who could flesh this germ of an idea faster than I could?
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby ManBungalow on Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:51 am

ender516 wrote:The idea of holding an objective for two turns intrigued me. Yes, natty is right, it is not directly possible, but could it be simulated by a combination of killer neutrals and high bonuses, such that the only way to reach the actual objective would effectively require holding a preliminary position on the previous round? Are there any gameplay gurus listening out there who could flesh this germ of an idea faster than I could?

Food for thought:
Of course, it doesn't work perfectly. If somebody were to use the autodeploy to take the bonus at 1000 vs 1000 (let's say that he has 1 remaining), then the second player would only have to take the 1 to win.

Also Tira, I hope you realise that a map needs 8 starting positions. I'm not sure how they'd fit on your draft image.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby ender516 on Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:54 am

I think you are on the right track, ManBungalow. I will ponder this further myself.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:58 am

No, it won't work. The first player to get there could just stay at the first territory, build his troops to 2-3000 or so and then he'd have a certain victory. If he manages to hold the first territory for even one turn, he has a certain victory because nobody can do anything to that stack of 1000. Why would ge risk attacking the second territory with those 1000 when all he has to do is wait to win the game...

So, back to the drawing board, so to speak ;)
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby ManBungalow on Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:02 pm

natty_dread wrote:No, it won't work. The first player to get there could just stay at the first territory, build his troops to 2-3000 or so and then he'd have a certain victory. If he manages to hold the first territory for even one turn, he has a certain victory because nobody can do anything to that stack of 1000. Why would ge risk attacking the second territory with those 1000 when all he has to do is wait to win the game...

So, back to the drawing board, so to speak ;)

One-way attack.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:04 pm

ManBungalow wrote:
natty_dread wrote:No, it won't work. The first player to get there could just stay at the first territory, build his troops to 2-3000 or so and then he'd have a certain victory. If he manages to hold the first territory for even one turn, he has a certain victory because nobody can do anything to that stack of 1000. Why would ge risk attacking the second territory with those 1000 when all he has to do is wait to win the game...

So, back to the drawing board, so to speak ;)

One-way attack.

Wut? How does it keep the player from stacking on the first territory? The one with the +1000 autodeploy?
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby darth emperor on Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:08 pm

natty_dread wrote:No, it won't work. The first player to get there could just stay at the first territory, build his troops to 2-3000 or so and then he'd have a certain victory. If he manages to hold the first territory for even one turn, he has a certain victory because nobody can do anything to that stack of 1000. Why would ge risk attacking the second territory with those 1000 when all he has to do is wait to win the game...

So, back to the drawing board, so to speak ;)

Well instead of getting 1000 he gets 5000 against that 1000 neutral would be 2 turns...
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:19 pm

darth emperor wrote:
natty_dread wrote:No, it won't work. The first player to get there could just stay at the first territory, build his troops to 2-3000 or so and then he'd have a certain victory. If he manages to hold the first territory for even one turn, he has a certain victory because nobody can do anything to that stack of 1000. Why would ge risk attacking the second territory with those 1000 when all he has to do is wait to win the game...

So, back to the drawing board, so to speak ;)

Well instead of getting 1000 he gets 5000 against that 1000 neutral would be 2 turns...

Yes but the point is, once he manages to hold it for one turn and gain that 1000 troops, he has practically won the game.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby darth emperor on Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:23 pm

natty_dread wrote:
darth emperor wrote:
natty_dread wrote:No, it won't work. The first player to get there could just stay at the first territory, build his troops to 2-3000 or so and then he'd have a certain victory. If he manages to hold the first territory for even one turn, he has a certain victory because nobody can do anything to that stack of 1000. Why would ge risk attacking the second territory with those 1000 when all he has to do is wait to win the game...

So, back to the drawing board, so to speak ;)

Well instead of getting 1000 he gets 5000 against that 1000 neutral would be 2 turns...

Yes but the point is, once he manages to hold it for one turn and gain that 1000 troops, he has practically won the game.

Well, then it could be two regions that auto-deploys 5000 (or wich ever is the quantity). Of course this two regions only could assault each other if you cross all the map, so would be useless to attack the other region when you got to hold the first one.
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby natty dread on Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:28 pm

Well then all you'd need to do is take both of them at the same time and hold both for one round...
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Re: 'King of the Hill' Map

Postby darth emperor on Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:17 pm

natty_dread wrote:Well then all you'd need to do is take both of them at the same time and hold both for one round...

Well you would have to be strong enough in two completely different parts of the maps, if you put it that way, I think that players is already strong enough to win without objective, of course will take more time.

And well another form to resolve would be putting 4 or 8 or X, autodeploy zones that just can attack to the victory region
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