Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
TheSaxlad wrote:The Dice suck a lot of the time.
And if they dont suck then they blow.
eddie2 wrote:lol thats not cheating when you make a move that annoys someone they are gonna retaliate esp if its a female player at that time of the month. i think that was becky quite calm could of got a lot worse.
TheSaxlad wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Throwing Game
Game number(s):
Game 7569987
Comments: I stopped he from winning an assassin game, simple as.
Then he started throwing swear words at me in game chat, wasn't too worried about that. Then he said he was suiciding and gave the game to green. I got slightly annoyed. Then he told me to stick my sax up my sisters twat. I found this quite funny. Then he called me a faggot. That crossed the line.
Hopefully an open and shut case.
EDIT: This was all after he called me gay...
TheSaxlad wrote:eddie2 wrote:lol thats not cheating when you make a move that annoys someone they are gonna retaliate esp if its a female player at that time of the month. i think that was becky quite calm could of got a lot worse.
Fair Enough,
However faggot crosses my virtual line.
and how do you know its that time of the month?
TheSaxlad wrote:um Becky has turned out to be a guy eddie, that theory just went flying out the window...
Beckytheblondie wrote:Sorry, I suppose I should be apolgetic. Sorry to the community for using such harsh and offensive words. Its hard to solve the problem, though, when we use the same words in our discussion of the problem. It's these defeminizing words can cause damage. I would wish, saxlad, that in your report you wouldn't have continued the abuse. I accept any punishment I receive but I hope that saxlad receives the same punishment for using the defeminzing and biggoted words. Also, I did not suicide. It was an empty threat. I don't suicide. I merely took an opportunity to go pour a bowl of cereal as the round began. You'll note suiciding requires a harmful action. I took NO action.
TheSaxlad wrote:Accused:
The accused are suspected of:
Throwing Game
Game number(s):
Game 7569987
Comments: I stopped her from winning an assassin game, simple as.
Then she started throwing swear words at me in game chat, wasn't too worried about that. Then she said she was s********g and gave the game to green. I got slightly annoyed. Then she told me to stick my sax up my sisters t**t. I found this quite funny. Then she called me a f****t. That crossed the line.
Hopefully an open and shut case.
EDIT: This was all after he called me g*y...
KoE_Sirius wrote:Its bigotry to call someone a highland Meatball..Geeez I didnt know that
TheSaxlad wrote:KoE_Sirius wrote:Its bigotry to call someone a highland Meatball..Geeez I didnt know that
No it's not.
There was a ruling on this once,
because they may be from the highlands and they may be a meatball!
TheSaxlad wrote:aah right.
Faggot is also a derogative word for someone who bats for the other side.
TheSaxlad wrote:aah right.
Faggot is also a derogative word for someone who bats for the other side.
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