The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Game number(s):
Game 7287210
knycknac not only put a "truce-like" post on stealth99's wall, but it also decribes giving order within the game to target specific players, something that is not mentioned in the chat (knycknac does not order via chat). I am quite pissed at this, not to mention stealth is shady enough that seeing this, in my view, deserves some notice. Again, this is not pure secret diplomacy, but I find it a violation of the rules to publicly strategize moves for a given game outside the game chat itself. Whether or not stealth intended this, I am not going to put up with it.
Here is the wall post:
hi i have set blue up for you to take out now i you push across yellow and from below i wil pushout from the top and when we meet in the middle on the right side we can then battle it out you will need to take a few of my spots after the yellow no worries just took them to slow others
by knycknac
on Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:21 am