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WWII-Stalingrad [QUENCHED]

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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby wisemanpsemc on Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:53 pm

I am truly enjoying this map. One note. Sniper S3, the territory name blends into the background and it is hard to pick out.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby Keefie on Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:15 am

I've played nearly 150 games on this map and it's been very kind to me :) One thing I've noticed is that in EVERY singles game I've played U3 R1077AA is neutral, is this intentional or a bug ?

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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby cairnswk on Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:35 am

wisemanpsemc wrote:I am truly enjoying this map. One note. Sniper S3, the territory name blends into the background and it is hard to pick out.

Thanks for that feedback. I'll see if anyone else has same issue.

Keefie wrote:I've played nearly 150 games on this map and it's been very kind to me :) One thing I've noticed is that in EVERY singles game I've played U3 R1077AA is neutral, is this intentional or a bug ?


Kind to me also ;)
Not it's not a bug, it is intentional...each two unit region has at least one neutral, and neutrals can only be set statically at game beginning.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby ender516 on Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:43 pm

Yeah, now that wisemanpsemc mentions it, it is a little difficult to spot the grey S3 on that purple. But "Kulikov" stands out well. I'm not sure if it would be best to (a) change the S3 to white for the contrast, (b) change the XML to say "Kulikov (S3)" (and the others similarly) so that the focus of the search is for the more visible text, (c) some other solution or (d) no change at all.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby pamoa on Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:43 am

e) have a walk on moon :lol:
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby natty dread on Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:26 am

pamoa wrote:e) have a walk on moon :lol:

Wrong map :)
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby Razorvich on Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:06 am

Just a comment...I hate that you cant reinforce from aa or art.

Apart from that minor issue, great job.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby ender516 on Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:10 pm

Razorvich wrote:Just a comment...I hate that you cant reinforce from aa or art.

Apart from that minor issue, great job.

I agree that it can be annoying, but AA and artillery on this map, as in real life, only bombard other locations, and leave it to the infantry and armour to move in and occupy a location. And in conquer club, if you cannot attack a location, you cannot reinforce to it either. It forces you to plan a bit more, but I think it makes this a very challenging and enjoyable map.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby Coxey on Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:10 pm

I'd like to say that I think this map is brilliant - though quite tricky to learn (I'm playing in about 4 games on it right now).

My main grime is that I can't tell exactly how many troop strength I have on my own snipers. I don't mind not knowing others' troop strengths but I think I should know my own.

I'm running and old version of firefox (can't upgrade) so BOB isn't an option. Anyhow, I should at least know my own sniper strength somehow.

Other than that I love this map - I play it foggy anyhow, which suits it better i think.

Is there anything in the XML right now that would allow the tag system to override "sunny" conditions? If not then perhaps it should be added to the base DTD for this "sniper" type situation. that way the player who owns the province knows its strength but the other players don't.

A sort of <alwaysfoggy>region</alwaysfoggy> tag.

If I wanted to code a map and I wanted to use invisible dungeon dwellers that were always invisible no matter what then I'd like this tag available for me to use - but also to be able to overridden by Dust of Appearance say.

anyhow, the sniper question needs to be fixed or I'm going to have start penciling sniper strength on my wall.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby jefjef on Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:33 pm

ummm. Look in each corner of the map. You will see the sniper tert in it's corresponding box...
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby Coxey on Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:43 pm

Thanks for the wall post jefjef, I still think it would be nice to override "sunny" conditions via the XML dtd - as explained above.

I've only just started playing this map it's very complex, I love it!
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby ender516 on Sun Sep 05, 2010 10:57 am

There is a topic in the Foundry Discussions forum, XML Suggestions and Modifications II, where you could propose your "always foggy" idea (if it hasn't been already, I didn't search, so you should).
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby cairnswk on Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:05 pm

Guys, lackattack asked for the latest version in .png format so that it is a little clearer to reduce down.
so here it is.


Click image to enlarge.
image ... V38S-1.png ... V38L-1.png
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby natty dread on Wed Sep 08, 2010 8:52 pm

WOW, that looks so clear compared to the jpg.

Except... what's that thing between R 62nd 39th and 42nd?
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby cairnswk on Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:13 pm

natty_dread wrote:WOW, that looks so clear compared to the jpg.

Except... what's that thing between R 62nd 39th and 42nd?

Its the underlying image where some of the coast doesn't exactly follow the outline of the region.
I don't think it's too bothersome. It also happens in a couple of other areas if you looks closely.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby MrBenn on Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:31 pm

It's been a week with no comments.... I don;t know if we're still waiting for a file to be uploaded, or whether we can push the boat out on this one?
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby cairnswk on Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:52 pm

MrBenn wrote:It's been a week with no comments.... I don;t know if we're still waiting for a file to be uploaded, or whether we can push the boat out on this one?

Still waiting for the file upload i think MrBenn.
Once that's done, this can go and Das Schloß
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby danryan on Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:46 pm

This one is ready for primetime, and it may be my favorite complex map on CC. I'd say my favorite cairnswk map, and there are a lot of really good ones. =D>
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby sm8900 on Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:09 pm

hi. I'm in game 7641094 on this map right now. I'm a bit confused though. how do i attack the kulikov space?

also, what do the dotted lines mean? (the ones running along the ground on north side of the river.)
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby pamoa on Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:09 pm

sm8900 wrote:hi. I'm in game 7641094 on this map right now. I'm a bit confused though. how do i attack the kulikov space?
also, what do the dotted lines mean? (the ones running along the ground on north side of the river.)

1 see the underground fighting legend in the lower right corner
2 see artillery bombardment range left next to it
De gueules à la tour d'argent ouverte, crénelée de trois pièces, sommée d'un donjon ajouré, crénelé de deux pièces
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby danryan on Thu Oct 14, 2010 3:15 pm

Who has the champagne, this ship is ready to sail!
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby sm8900 on Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:06 pm

pamoa wrote:
sm8900 wrote:hi. I'm in game 7641094 on this map right now. I'm a bit confused though. how do i attack the kulikov space?
also, what do the dotted lines mean? (the ones running along the ground on north side of the river.)

1 see the underground fighting legend in the lower right corner
2 see artillery bombardment range left next to it

hi. sorry, don;'t mean to sound ignorant or puzzled, but I'm not sure how to utilize that. could you please tell me just a bit more about the kulikov space? I would really really appreciate it. thanks.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby ender516 on Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:35 pm

sm8900 wrote:
pamoa wrote:
sm8900 wrote:hi. I'm in game 7641094 on this map right now. I'm a bit confused though. how do i attack the kulikov space?
also, what do the dotted lines mean? (the ones running along the ground on north side of the river.)

1 see the underground fighting legend in the lower right corner
2 see artillery bombardment range left next to it

hi. sorry, don;'t mean to sound ignorant or puzzled, but I'm not sure how to utilize that. could you please tell me just a bit more about the kulikov space? I would really really appreciate it. thanks.

Okay, the legend says: Enter sniper positions through regions bordering coloured building. So Kulikov is coloured purple. The purple building is bordered by the Meat Combine Inf, the Lazur Chemical Plant Inf, and the Krasny Oktyabr Inf territories. So you conquer Kulikov from one of those. The legend also says: sniper fire can bombard the same edge-coloured regions as the entered buildings. So Kulikov can bombard the purple-edged regions, Refiney Inf, and B.T.F. Barrikady Tractor Factory Inf.

The dotted lines actually cross the river as well. Where they meet, next to Mameyev Hill, you can see an icon designating the four sectors of the map, N, E, S, and W. As the legend implies, artillery bombardment is restricted based on these zones. So artillery in the W zone (like Airfield Art, for example) can bombard anything in the S zone, and artillery in the S zone, (e.g., R 64th 15th Div Art) can bombard anything in the W zone. The N and E zones are paired similarly.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby sm8900 on Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:19 pm

ok, thanks for your note. is there any way to perhaps add that explanation to that map? thanks.
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Re: WWII-Stalingrad [D,GP,GR,X] BETA V38

Postby ender516 on Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:48 pm

I sincerely doubt it. This map is packed tight within the site-regulated size limits. The information is all there in the legends, as pamoa intimated. You just have to look at it, read it, and think about it. Using the BOB add-on is very helpful on dense maps like this one, as it makes obvious attack and bombardment routes through its Map Inspect feature.
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