Conquer Club

Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Winner: Gifton]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

Moderator: Tournament Directors

Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 16 Aug '1

Postby opposites. on Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:58 am

lowest player in seedings reaches semi final as first hurrah =p
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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 22 Aug '1

Postby anamainiacks on Sat Aug 21, 2010 10:42 pm


All Round 2 games are completed, and we're moving on to Round 3! This is the first time we have both first and second seeded players in the semifinals! Not to mention, as opposites. mentioned above, it's the first time the player with the lowest initial starting points has made it to this round!
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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 22 Aug '1

Postby anamainiacks on Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:00 am


Things were disrupted today when abbacar joined a tournament game when he'd not been invited, and had already been eliminated from the tournament. This is totally unclassy and unprofessional, and will be banned from all of my tournaments henceforth.

My sincerest apologies to all the players remaining for the delay and inconvenience caused.
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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 22 Aug '1

Postby Derek the Great on Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:12 am

Hey there!

I just accepted a round three game in this tournament. However, Opposites beat me in round 2 so I thought I was out of the competition.

I accepted as I thought there might have been something that happened to Opposites but I can't see anything that has happened that gives indication that Opposites was unable to continue on.

If I've done the wrong thing, let me know.


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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 22 Aug '1

Postby anamainiacks on Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:28 am

Derek the Great wrote:Hey there!

I just accepted a round three game in this tournament. However, Opposites beat me in round 2 so I thought I was out of the competition.

I accepted as I thought there might have been something that happened to Opposites but I can't see anything that has happened that gives indication that Opposites was unable to continue on.

If I've done the wrong thing, let me know.



Haha, I was just about to update (: Don't worry, you did the right thing!

opposites. failed to turn up for the game after the stipulated 48 hours and more, and has not logged into CC since 20 Aug. Thus, his opponent from the previous round, Derek the Great will be taking his place in the semifinals.
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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 30 Aug '1

Postby Derek the Great on Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:08 am


I'm still waiting for Gifton to join the final. It has been a number of days now. I was hoping to have started by now as there is a chance that I will need to be away this weekend.

Where should I go from here?

Hear from you soon.

Thanks anamainlacks!


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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Updated 30 Aug '1

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:06 am

Derek the Great wrote:I was hoping to have started by now as there is a chance that I will need to be away this weekend.

I have a feeling that Gifton is away and is having someone sitting for him, and so the sitter isn't joining the tournament game.

If you'll need to be away this weekend then drop me a PM to let me know once you've confirmed, I'll delay the game for you (: If you do so, remember to leave the game so that the game won't start when you're around and Gifton decides to join the game.

Perhaps it'll be enough time for Gifton to come back as well (:
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Re: Nothing But Neutral Ground: New World [Winner: Gifton]

Postby anamainiacks on Wed Sep 08, 2010 10:00 am


After close to four weeks of battling it out against the natives and colonizers, the neutrals have finally swayed in the way of Gifton, who goes home the champion of the tournament for the second time in a row.

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