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Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby Royal Panda on Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:47 am

eddie2 wrote:excuse me but why has this thread went from they were both in the wrong 2 just juan was in it.

like i said before it should be appologise from both partys involved then drop it.(but i know lv cant say them simple words)

This is the reason for that:

Pander88uk wrote:LV stuck to the rules, did what he was asked to do. Juan didn't.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby notyou2 on Fri Aug 20, 2010 6:48 am

Does your arm hurt when you pat yourself on the back?
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:31 am

Yeah...all a bit bloody schmaltzy for the boys in BOLD...not happy Jan
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:55 pm

Pander88uk wrote:Juan's main complaint here seems to be that there was no rule, so we created one to clear LV.


eddie2 wrote:excuse me but why has this thread went from they were both in the wrong 2 just juan was in it.

like i said before it should be appologise from both partys involved then drop it.(but i know lv cant say them simple words)

I have to say, yours is a position that I can respect because it's one based out of respect and dignity towards others.

clapper011 wrote:congrats on making yourself a troll by doing so!

Prove it?!

clapper011 wrote:YAY! you helped make a rule by pushing a moderator's buttons...

Part of the point here, is that moderators should be held to a higher standard than the others on this site. They should hold themselves to a higher standard as well. But when moderators allow themselves to be drug into mud-slinging arguments, or let their emotions rule their judgment, then they cease to be a competent or trustworthy MOD. They probably never were competent.
Unfortunately though, this is all a dream of how it should be here. As LOVO pointed out, the MODs protect their own.

clapper011 wrote:Juan not all of us are the same..

Just saying that fills me with elated happiness that I can't really convey in a post on an internet forum. It shows that some MODs do understand that there are others with badges who abuse the trust that we put in them.

clapper011 wrote:just as bad as your comments in live chat today (remember stereo typing? )

Honestly I was joking; I thought that you were too. I don't think that you hate NA's if you don't donate $10K to the Shell Lake Tribe. :D ;)

clapper011 wrote:And I have made apologies before many times when I have been in the wrong..even unlocked threads over it. So to say that we (mods) never admit to being wrong..well..

Alright, the society and I, we have had a few discussions about you in the past. We all agree that you are one of the most capable MODs that CC has. In fact, if you remember (?), I received my first ban on CC for defending you against a bunch of A-Holes in the off-topics forum (sadly, you actually gave me the ban). But! Not only was it worth a ban to prove that you were in the right, but also I would do it again without hesitation. I have nothing but ā™„ for Clapper.
I was actually just reading an old DM thread where he posted that he was pissed that you merge a bunch of his threads. Then like 5 posts later he said something like "ok, she did her best to split them up and she apologized, but I'm still kinda upset." lol, Keep up the good work Clapper.

clapper011 wrote:but some let emotions get in the way...

I actually haven't been nearly as emotional about this as my posts might appear. And I mean that from Live Chat to this thread. I care, but I've been here two years, and everything they've said has been expected. It's surreal that after all these complaint threads about the exact same things, they still think that the site users are the problem. The only thing I didn't expect was this post from you.
I'm sorry if I offended you, just take it that when I say "MODs" or "MODZI'S" I'm never talking about you.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Aug 20, 2010 4:55 pm

Pander88uk wrote:Juan's main complaint here seems to be that there was no rule, so we created one to clear LV. This is NOT the case. The rule was a TEAM CC RULE - given to the Chatters and Entertainment Team with instructions to keep the Trivia Room clear.

It was felt that this didn't need to be made a public rule, as there are enough of those already, but clearly we were wrong when we get people like Juan refusing to do what's asked of him purely because he can't see a stonecold rule written down (apart from the one which says listen to the damn moderators when they ask you to do something).

LV stuck to the rules, did what he was asked to do. Juan didn't.

I'm glad you brought this up. Juan keeps insisting that the rule didn't exist, but that's just totally untrue - why else would LV insist that the rule existed. What was true was that the rule was never explicitly written anywhere on the forum. He should stop trying to take credit for something he obviously didn't do.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby Juan_Bottom on Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:24 pm

I'm not sure if you followed my first post on what transpired.

LOVO told me that the rule did exist, and sent me to the bash page to find it. When I didn't find the rule, I told him that, THEN he kicked me from Trivia. Then I told him in Social that the rule didn't exist. He replied with "I know the rules, I enforce them everyday." I told him again, there was no rule there. So he said that he would go and check. After a few minutes of silence, I asked him if he had found the rule, THEN he posted the general LC guideline that the MODs are always right and said that I wasn't allowed to talk about it anymore.

Besides, don't you find it to be completely one-sided and unfair to the community that the moderators are encouraged/allowed to ban people for breaking secret rules that they never knew existed? Don't you think that shows a lack of respect for the community? Even if you think that the MODs decisions should always be followed.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby kernov on Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:30 pm

Come on guys wheres all the 'Share The Warmth' i keep seeing everwhere.

Just have a 1v1 that we can all follow to finally settle it ;)
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:33 pm

Juan_Bottom wrote:I'm not sure if you followed my first post on what transpired.

LOVO told me that the rule did exist, and sent me to the bash page to find it. When I didn't find the rule, I told him that, THEN he kicked me from Trivia. Then I told him in Social that the rule didn't exist. He replied with "I know the rules, I enforce them everyday." I told him again, there was no rule there. So he said that he would go and check. After a few minutes of silence, I asked him if he had found the rule, THEN he posted the general LC guideline that the MODs are always right and said that I wasn't allowed to talk about it anymore.

You're right that LV was wrong if he was insisting that the rule was on that page when it wasn't actually written there. No one has said that you're wrong on the facts (except for people who didn't bother to read the whole thing). But either way, you should have accepted the rule, even if it wasn't actually written there. The fact that LV insisted it existed gives additional support to Pander's claim that the moderators were instructed to enforce that rule. Clearly whoever's job it was to write that rule into the guidelines page failed at their task, but apparently LV did not know about this breakdown in the chain. Mostly I just don't understand why you're angry that you got banned. Now that you know you weren't supposed to be in there, why are you upset that you were banned? It's not like you were planning on participating in the Trivia contests. Sure you have a right to be upset that LV didn't bother to check the page before insisting the rule was there for you to see. But cut him some slack - that probably wasn't his fault. It seems like you're mostly upset that he wouldn't admit he was wrong about that fact - and that's just petty, don't you think? You got what you wanted out of this thread - you pointed out that LV acted immaturely. But I don't think anyone buys that he acted wrongly. If he asked you to stop chatting there, then you should have stopped chatting there.

Besides, don't you find it to be completely one-sided and unfair to the community that the moderators are encouraged/allowed to ban people for breaking secret rules that they never knew existed? Don't you think that shows a lack of respect for the community? Even if you think that the MODs decisions should always be followed.

Yes. It is unfair. But I think LV wasn't aware it was secret at the time that he banned you, which is why this isn't really that much of a bad thing.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:48 pm

well if you actually read through this thread you will see that all juan was asking lv when he got booted from trivia was where is the rule.i know lv pritty well on how he deals with things he would of checked it and seen there was not 1 so

what this thread is all about is that lv didnt explain properly

i have not seen once juan say he should not of got banned all i have seen him say is that lv did not explain it properly 2 him and boot him for asking where a rule that had not been posted was.

so lv was wrong for not explaining it.

juan was wrong for disrupting live chat because of it.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby Royal Panda on Fri Aug 20, 2010 5:56 pm

Everyone is still missing the point that Juan WAS NOT banned for posting in Trivia. Juan was banned after refusing to drop the subject despite TWO WARNINGS. The third hit meant he received a 24 hour chat ban. He was warned this would happen, so has no complaint that he received this punishment.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:38 pm

Pander88uk wrote:Everyone is still missing the point that Juan WAS NOT banned for posting in Trivia. Juan was banned after refusing to drop the subject despite TWO WARNINGS. The third hit meant he received a 24 hour chat ban. He was warned this would happen, so has no complaint that he received this punishment.

no the point that is being missed is lv told juan he was breaking a rule for trivia that was in community guidelines (this rule was not there)juan accepted it went and looked did not find it asked lv where the rule was. lv's response was 2 boot him from trivia and not respond appropriatly.

this is what caused the whole problem if lv had said the ruling had been made for it but not posted yet i am sure things would not of gone this far.i am sorry but both 2 members are guilty of misconduct now the only thing is juan faced a punishment for this. the least you can do is admit lv should of highlighted it better(that has all ready been said by a chat mod in this thread)and this was juans whole point of this thread.let me just clarify this in short

lv said you cant do this and quotes a thread (that does not say it)

juan leaves without arguement looks at the thread does not find the rule so goes back and asks where the rule is

lv does not say anything but boots him from trivia(this was wrong he should of corrected himself)

now after this

juan starts in social live chat

lv boots him from live chat (this is a correct boot)

juan starts this thread

cc adds a rule to back up lv

now this is exactly as thing have happened so look at it lv didn't explain properly it annoyed a player he quiestioned it got booted this annoyed him so he carried it on got a ban but he was in the wrong for it.

i am sorry but if lv had explained himself properly at the begining this would of been over on the spot.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby lord voldemort on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:43 pm

cc never added a rule...I dont get my kicks out of banning people for no reason.
Sure that rule wasnt there. But the rule existed.
Same as there are many rules that do exist that dont need to be published as it is common sense.
Hence we have those blanket terms in the community guidelines.
if anyone read my post...earlier in the thread.
When i linked him to the summer bash wasnt for that rule...It was explaining why there was a trivia tab. When he asked for the rule i linked him to community guidelines.
Im happy to keep this open but its going around in circles. As it is simply he said she said. And most people simply have no idea what they are talking about as they were not there
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby mpjh on Fri Aug 20, 2010 7:48 pm


Anyone up for baking?
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby eddie2 on Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:02 pm

lord voldemort wrote:Sure that rule wasnt there. But the rule existed.

LV I AM AGREEING WITH YOU. BUT IF YOU HAD SAID THIS IN LIVE CHAT THIS WOULD NOT OF GONE THIS FAR. this is a simple miss under standing between 2 people

i am sorry for my responses but you have got to admit what i say is true.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby jefjef on Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:09 am

mpjh wrote:Image

Anyone up for baking?

How the hell is this on topic?

Lock this before eddie gets in trouble and other mods start spamming this thread.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby mpjh on Sat Aug 21, 2010 1:50 am

It is a play on the concept of going in circles -- see the round cookies -- little circles with concentric circles. I know it is a tough one. But it can be light and humorous for some, sorry if you didn't get it.
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby owenshooter on Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:15 am

mpjh wrote:It is a play on the concept of going in circles -- see the round cookies -- little circles with concentric circles. I know it is a tough one. But it can be light and humorous for some, sorry if you didn't get it.

wasn't aware that the definition of "spam" had changed... thanks... good job LV, glad you got cleared old chum!!! now let's roll some dubs!!!-the black jesus
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Re: Lord Voldemort abuse power [cleared]

Postby mpjh on Sun Aug 22, 2010 9:39 am

still standing
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