notyou2 wrote:Who's watching the watchers?
I can answer this question actually. And it's exactly why it does no good to ever complain to the mods:
lord voldemort wrote:And you will find mods defending me as yer we do stick together. As we do become friends otuside of the public boards.
lord voldemort wrote:I have been on this website for a long time. And (well I hope) have made some pretty decent internet friends along the way. And a handful of people that I prolly could call my rl friends.
These people are the ones watching LOVO. His friends are the Moderators who brought him into their circle. Hell, even King Achilles comes in here defending LOVO with LOVO's words, and completely missing my point altogether.
(well, ok, LOVO actually answered that question for you.
The MOD's loyalties are to each other, not to this site or to their conscience.)
lord voldemort wrote:If you feel that you were wronged (which you obviously do) that to take it to Insomnia red or an admin.
"If you feel wronged, tell my friends about it."
lord voldemort wrote:Us moderators will gladly admit when we are wrong. It does happen.
Your examples are huge mistakes that you can't lie your way out of. Tell me about a bunch of stuff like this.
king achilles wrote:If there are no chat logs, people will just take sides on who to believe to. That is why we have this:
You say this, then you immediately take LOVO's side based on what he told you.
And you used an edited quote of his, which is obviously unfair. Can I have the full version to compare to what I posted?
Also, are you the one who had to add the new rule?
I don't know if you did or not, but adding that rule after-the-fact but all the time telling us we always have to do what you say, is the same as telling us "do what we say even when we lie to your face." How are we supposed to respect that position?
king achilles wrote:
So in this case, since you did not listen to the chat moderator, do not be surprised of what you got for persisting to do what you were told not to do or even told to drop the subject.
I'm not surprised he kicked me. I'm surprised that no one is questioning him or his motivations. I just said:
Juan_Bottom wrote:
I'm talking about how f*cked up it is that you can't do anything about it, even when a MOD is wrong, or spiteful. He was dead wrong, and it all started out by him lying about the rules.
Which the team admits to being in the wrong by making the rule. Yet no one will even say to me "Juan, you had a valid point so we made a rule."
And you know why? Because they (the moderators) can't personally admit to being even a little wrong.