by ender516 on Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:54 pm
It's all a matter of where the site puts its development efforts. Writing the code to put that sort of thing on your profile is eminently feasible, but doesn't draw the attention and admiration of users as much as improvements to site performance or new modes of play. Plus, add-on scripts can be created by interested users, and the bugs worked out by most of the community, before it is integrated into the site. For instance, the amount the next set of spoils is worth in an escalating game was previously only provided by BOB, but is now an integrated feature of the site.
If you want this sort of thing added to the site, you can post in the Suggestions forum, where site improvements are discussed. Bear in mind, though, there are many terrific suggestions made all the time, and even the best ones which cannot be done through add-ons can still wait a very long time to be implemented. (Ask the Adjacent Attacks fans how long they have been waiting.) Still, if you don't ask, you don't get. Good luck!