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Advice on Dice

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Advice on Dice

Postby Landorian on Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:24 pm

Well, i've played several games now and got Dice Analyzer installed. It is simply totally unbelieveable how many 3v2 dice I lose (stats are 28% wins, 44% ties and 28% lose). Just now I lost 16 troops (out of 19) attacking a region defended by 4 troops, screwing over pretty much the whole game for me. This happens pretty often in my gamesand I get screwed over and over. Now, as a n00b, I just would like to hear your experience with dice, are they any different?
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Re: Advice on Dice

Postby Caymanmew on Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:28 pm

Landorian wrote:Well, i've played several games now and got Dice Analyzer installed. It is simply totally unbelieveable how many 3v2 dice I lose (stats are 28% wins, 44% ties and 28% lose). Just now I lost 16 troops (out of 19) attacking a region defended by 4 troops, screwing over pretty much the whole game for me. This happens pretty often in my gamesand I get screwed over and over. Now, as a n00b, I just would like to hear your experience with dice, are they any different?

there random you never know what could happen.... but this is the wrong form you should of put this in Q and A
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Re: Advice on Dice

Postby mpjh on Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:30 pm

Generally we advise students never to attack on a 3/2 setting. I always have at least a 2 to 1 advantage when attacking with low troop numbers. Also, if you are in a clear-the-board mode and you hit a bad spot like you did, stop have a cup of tea, try attacking from another spot. If the dice stay bad for a couple more rolls -- STOP -- fight another day.

Join the society and we can teach you the basics.
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Re: Advice on Dice

Postby macbone on Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:03 am

Sometimes they go that way. Wait until you get a few more games under your belt, and you'll start to see the odds normalize. You should be winning 2 37.17%, tying 33.58%, and losing 2 29.26%. Your losing 2 is actually close to the statistical average, but you seem to be tying more often than normal.

In a game I just played, I found the odds going back and forth from winning 2, tying, and losing 2 pretty frequently. Some games I can't seem to get a break, and other games I seem to have magic dice, but it all evens out in the end.

Ultimately, numbers win out. Remember, you're rolling 3 v 2 every time, and even in 3 v 1, it's not uncommon to lose 6 or 7 times in a row. But as long as you stick with the principle of attacking with overwhelming superiority, you should do well.
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Re: Advice on Dice

Postby Landorian on Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:06 am

Thanks for your input guys! Guess I'll find out how the dice roll for me after having played a couple of more games.
Corporal Landorian
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