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Mega City (The Matrix)

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Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Tira on Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:40 am

I'm no designer or anything, but I thought this might be an interesting concept for a map:

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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Metsfanmax on Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:02 am

I totally approve. I can't be the only Matrix fan here.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby natty dread on Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:55 am

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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Tira on Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:57 am

I also had the idea of another Matrix-based map, to include Machine City, the Sewers, and Zion, something like that? I'm new to the game, so I'm not entirely sure how it'd work yet, but I'd like to see them made sometime.

Edit: Ah, Copyright -.-
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Industrial Helix on Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:27 pm

Bah, machines taking over the world isn't a copyrighted concept... though the Matrix is. I think you could design a good knock off though. Perhaps Lackattack, in desiring to have smarter computer opponents as a new feature for Conquer Club, unwittingly creates a master race of AI bent on world domination?
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby MarshalNey on Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:00 pm


While copyright is a concern, I have to say that I see this one word bandied about a bit too much lately.

As Helix said, it's usually a very "fixable" issue. So what if it doesn't use the exact names and stuff... we can still have a "1984-themed" map, or a "Scott-Adams-adventure-themed" map, or in this case a "Matrix-themed" map. You can't copyright a theme.

I wouldn't mention it except that it seems to be used to dismiss the concept/theme rather than as a side concern, and without giving any constructive feedback.

Humans vs. Machines, Virtual Reality Combat, Futuristic Weaponry/Ships... these ideas can make the basis of a good map.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Industrial Helix on Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:38 pm

Just thinking about this idea a tad... what if you had two world maps. One the 2010 world and the other the real world where the machines have taken over. Each world could have a different dynamic going for it. If you're in the real world the Machine City holds the strongest bonus and dominates the map, save for something like "human holdout (Zion)". There could be various portals into the "matrix" namely through Machine City or pirate stations. I foresee a lot of one way attacks.

The matrix world is essentially the world map, although this could be limited to something like a city populated by uploaded people. Obviously the machines still have an upperhand, but this can be different. Key elements are the train stations and key maker, attack all territories. Perhaps we could combine these two elements. An agent feature would be nice, something that can also one way attack.

And finally, players with massive holdings should be penalized. Like holding the human city AND the matrix doesnt make sense, so a negative bonus.

Anyway, just throwing some ideas around.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby natty dread on Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:49 pm

Some time ago I was thinking about making a "virtual reality" map, which would be divided in two parts: one is the real world and one the virtual reality, and it would all connect together via a huge mainframe facility. Which would also be the objective of the map.

The real world part would be a futuristic city, and territories would be buildings in the city. Some buildings would connect to "terminals" which could one-way assault "access points" in the virtual reality grid.

The virtual reality would have programs with different features - some could affect the real world, like a program that controls a defense satellite could bombard some of the real world buildings. Then there's the program that can access the mainframe but it is password protected - thus it takes time to crack it, thus a high stack of neutrals. This program could one-way assault the mainframe in the real world, which is the objective.

If someone wants to take up this idea, I'm ok with it...
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby thediabloduo on Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:41 pm

I'd like to see this map have some territories and names of regions. But other than that Im looking forward to playing on it.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby natty dread on Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:43 pm

thediabloduo wrote:I'd like to see this map have some territories and names of regions. But other than that Im looking forward to playing on it.

"I'd like this car to have some tires, an engine and a steering wheel. But other than that I'm looking forward to driving it. "
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Bob XIII on Sat Aug 14, 2010 9:23 pm

You can't copyright a theme.

But isn't it kinda lika trademark?
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby MarshalNey on Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:32 am

Bob XIII wrote:But isn't it kinda lika trademark?

Places and things and characters can be copyrighted, so you can't use the exact names.


Similar places, things and characters do not infringe on copyright, as long as the differences are not deemed completely superficial. "Insipred by" is not enough to cause copyright concerns (nor should it be). It's similar to the difference between plagarism (copying) and 'expressing the idea in your own words'.

Let's put it this way: if Games Workshop can sue Blizzard for the similarities in their respective fantasy worlds and lose, it's highly unlikely that a similarly-themed world to the Matrix will be a problem. Heck, half of the things in the Matrix itself are derivative from other works, especially writers of the Cyberpunk genre.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby 00iCon on Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:53 am

I'd pay if industrial helix's ideas are implemented.
More ideas:
Viruses can bombard machine city herein renamed to robot city for differentiation.
Agents can attack the 'real world'.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Tira on Thu Aug 19, 2010 5:36 pm

I'll try and come up with a very basic outline of what I have in mind, including Industrial Helix's and my ideas. If no-one objects then I'm just going to use names from the Matrix; they can easily be changed should the map become reality.
...But then again, what is reality?
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby Tira on Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:24 pm

O.K., if you ignore how terrible my art is, this is how I'd try and make the real-world regions lay out:

and possibly combine it with something like this (although not exactly this obviously cause it'd surely breach copyright):

For the virtual world, it could include a freeway with one-way attacks, the Architect's tower, a power plant that can nuke said tower, a club that goes one-way to the train station. I'm just trying to find stuff to help it represent the films without breaking copyright.

It's all open to discussion, but I'd like to try and avoid straying too far from the films if possible.
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Re: Mega City (The Matrix)

Postby natty dread on Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:32 am

It's all open to discussion, but I'd like to try and avoid straying too far from the films if possible.

I would advise you to not worry about staying true to the films as you cannot use the actual film theme... just make something that is fun, good & interesting and fun to play.
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