There is a drop-down in the Clan Challenge Thread that contains detailed information about the clan and the recruitment process. However, the basics are as follows:
1. Recruits must be 18 or older.
2. Recruits must be premium.
3. Recruits must not be in another competitive clan at the time of recruitment.
There are no point, rank, medal, or other restrictions for joining. We like our membership to active within the CC community and within our forum. We like our members to be unselfish and talented team players. Above all else, we want our members to get along and have fun with the other members of the clan. We have worked very hard to create a cohesive unit and we will not jeopardize that.
The best way to start your recruitment is to find a Legionnaire and private message them about your interest in ++The Legion++. Or you could find some Legionnaires in games and strike up a conversation in the chat. A contacted member will either assist you with your membership process or put you in touch with someone who can help. As an alternative, you can post in this thread that you are interested in ++The Legion++. We will be checking it every few weeks and will get back to you as soon as feasibly possible.
Thank you for your interest in ++The Legion++.