by barterer2002 on Fri Jul 23, 2010 9:17 am
Posting the standings here to update those final 2 games in Round 1
O - Gilligan - Oceania - AEUN -18
L - Geno1510 - Luxembourg- ANUN - 20
T - GreenBaize - Texan Wars - ANAF - 20
M - MyTurnToWin - Middle East - AFCN - 15
P - shipmthisway - Peloponisian War - MFCF - 19
G - AtreidesHouse - Great Lakes - AFCN - 30
N - kuma32478 - North America - MFUF - 24
W - soccerghost - Wales- MEUN - 14
*D - ViperOverLord - Das Schloss - ANCF - 22
*K - jorge717 - King of Mountains - AFCN - 17
C - squishyg - Charleston- AFCN - 21
F - jrh_cardinal - Feudal Epic- AFCF - 15
8 - Aalmeida17 - 8 Thoughts - AECN - 22
B - Xpanhol - Bamboo Jack - ANuCF - 23
S - Evil Semp - Siege- AFAN - 21
E - el simondo - Egypt: Nubia - ANuCF - 22
13 - DresdenSooner - 13 Colonies - ANCF - 24
A - ETROPAL - Arms Race! - AEAN - 14
J - uckuki - Jamaica- ANuCF - 14
U - Gromph - USA Rockies - AECF - 16
H - mickunited333 - Haiti- AFUF - 23
V - wolfmaster - Vancouver- MFCF -16
I - phillipm - Ireland- ANAN - 23
R - shaunchef - Route 66- MNUF - 21
I have not gone back in and doublechecked ConquerAce's math, I'm just trusting it unless someone sees something off here
This means advancing from each group we have
G - AtreidesHouse - Great Lakes - AFCN
L - Geno1510 - Luxembourg- ANUN
N - kuma32478 - North America - MFUF
D - ViperOverLord - Das Schloss - ANCF
B - Xpanhol - Bamboo Jack - ANuCF
13 - DresdenSooner - 13 Colonies - ANCF
H - mickunited333 - Haiti- AFUF
I - phillipm - Ireland- ANAN
Wild cards
8 - Aalmeida17 - 8 Thoughts - AECN
E - el simondo - Egypt: Nubia - ANuCF