Conquer Club

An Evolutionary Tournament IV (dragon dor wins!)

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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An Evolutionary Tournament IV (dragon dor wins!)

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:36 am

This is An Evolutionary Tournament IV!

I am organizing a 64-player triple-elimination heads-up tournament. Yes, that is triple-elimination...meaning that you can survive two losses and still win the tournament. This helps to alleviate the "bad dice" or "bad map" complaints, as the "survival of the fittest" endures.

And just like the name says, this tournament itself is evolving, so if you have played in one of my previous tournaments, please re-read these rules as there may be some significant differences! However, some notes for those considering this tournament:

1. This will be a sequential no-spoils heads-up adjacent-reinforcement automatic deployment random-map tournament. No luck of the cards involved...just your skill on many types of maps.

2. The final victor will receive a one-year PREMIUM upgrade, purchased by myself. As well, the participant with the highest winning percentage who is NOT the final victor will receive a 6-month premium upgrade. If there are two tied for the highest winning percentage, then both will receive it. If there are three or more tied for it (I don't believe this is possible, but JUST IN CASE!), then none of them will receive it...sorry.

3. There is no requirement to be a premium, however there will be a requirement to join your "next game in the tournament" within 48-hours of my setting the match up. So if you're not a premium, you'll have to make sure you have a "game slot open" or it would cause you to be bumped out (alternated out of the tournament if in the first round or default loss if not in the first round). The 48-hour requirement is simply to keep things moving along so the tourney doesn't stall out.

4. Each match will be played on a RANDOM map. In other words, it is entirely possible that each match of the first round will be on a different map, and just as possible that a particular map will come up a couple of times. It is possible, though unlikely, that a participant will play on the same map more than once. All maps available to the random-map-selector at the time of match creation will obviously be used. You will NOT be able to exclude maps, as you had been able to do in my previous tournaments.

5. I will be playing in this tournament, so I'm saving money if I beat your butts. Don't let that happen!

6. I have already drawn out the brackets themselves, so I know for certain how the tournament will progress. However, the initial "seedings" for the tournament will be based solely on each player's Conquer Club "score" at whatever time the tournament fills up and I go to do the seeding. If two (or more) players happen to have the exact same "score" at that time, then I will roll dice to see who will be seeded higher of that group. However, any alternates that are placed into the tournament will simply fall into the spot that was vacated (I will not re-seed for alternates, essentially).

7. It is possible for a participant to play in as few as three games (if they lose all three) and potentially as many as...well...a boatload, we'll say...if they win/lose in the "right" places within the tournament structure. The minimum number of games a player must win in order to win the entire tournament (meaning they never lose a single game) would be eight.

8. There are four brackets (Bracket A, Bracket B, Bracket C and the Championship Bracket). As each participant loses, they are moved down to whichever bracket is next alphabetically. As Bracket B concludes, the winner of it will face the winner of Bracket A, to determine who will be in the finals and who will drop down to Bracket C. If the winner of Bracket A advances to the finals, they may have to be beaten three times in the finals in order to be knocked out of the tournament, depending on whether they won or lost their first game against the winner of Bracket B. If the winner of the Bracket B advances to the finals, they must be beaten twice in the finals in order to be knocked out of the tournament. And of course, the winner of Bracket C must only be beaten once in the finals in order to be knocked out of the tournament.

9. The bracket structure is final. I have drawn it up based on my own personal experience in the sport of high school/college wrestling and how brackets are done there (though the concept of "triple-elimination" doesn't really apply to that). I have attempted as much as I can to avoid rematches at least within the first two rounds of each bracket. Though of course this could not be completely guaranteed. If you are interested, you can see how players "move down" to the next bracket by following the numbers.

10. I reserve the right to prohibit question-mark-newbies from playing in this tournament, as they simply cannot be trusted to maintain participation based upon my previous experience. I likewise reserve the right to prohibit the very few residing on my foe list from participating, as well. Other than those restrictions, the first 64 to respond that they want to participate by posting in this thread are in. I will also be accepting up to 15 alternates, in case someone doesn't join the first round within the first 48 hours of the tournament start.

11. Alternates will NOT be used after the first round has completed. After that, any no-show will be treated as a bye (the "winning" opponent WILL NOT gain a win out of it for tournament-record purposes!).

12. I will be keeping track of each participant's tournament record in the second post in this thread. I will be keeping track of each of the brackets of the tournament in the four posts following the "tournament record" post in this thread. This way, you can keep track of the proceedings there and your potential standing for the second-place "six month premium prize". The bracketization is explained a bit more clearly in the post containing Bracket A. Be sure to check on things if you're interested!

13. You will notice that in Bracket B, Bracket C and the Championship Bracket that individuals "start out" at different "levels" within each bracket. This is based on how far the player may have advanced in the previous bracket. It gives those players an advantage in that they have to win fewer games within that particular bracket in order to advance to the Championship Bracket, but it gives them a disadvantage in that they have fewer opportunities to play "lesser" players in the early rounds to rack up wins for the second-place "tournament winning percentage" 6-month premium prize. So it's a tradeoff I like.

14. Lastly, I will keep a running list of my previous tournament winners and best winning percentages here (winners gaining a one-year PREMIUM UPGRADE):
The Evolutionary Tournament: Winner: Funkelee, Best Other Winning Percentage: Gilligan (no premium awarded)
An Evolutionary Tournament II: Winner: Taurelias, Best Other Winning Percentage: dafoz (6-month premium awarded)
An Evolutionary Tournament III: Winner: philh, Best Other Winning Percentage: Gargalee (6-month premium awarded)
An Evolutionary Tournament IV: Winner: dragon dor, Best Other Winning Percentage: ZionT (6-month premium awarded)
Sweet Sixes Tournament: Winner: RKCVED, Best Other Winning Percentage: killmanic (3-month premium awarded)

I have attempted to answer all questions, but if you have a question about anything I've missed, please PM me and I'll get right back to you.
Last edited by Woodruff on Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:38 am, edited 33 times in total.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:36 am

Current tournament records:
dragon dor________10-1

Nailer X___________6-3
The Cheat________4-3
AAFitz_____________3-3 (Good riddance, guilty of throwing his final game.)
Johnny Rockets____3-3
Iron Maid__________2-3
Baron Von PWN_____0-3
go dan m___________0-3
king sam____________0-3
Woodruff___________0-3 (0-3 yet again...)

If you feel I have made an error in your record, please let me know so I can verify the numbers.
Last edited by Woodruff on Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:32 am, edited 129 times in total.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Bracket A

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:36 am

To describe my brackets a bit: Bracket A is the undefeated bracket - nobody has a loss. Bracket B is the one-loss bracket. Bracket C is the two-loss lose there and you're done. The Championship Bracket matches up the two parts of each bracket, and advances the winner to face the other winners as they arrive.

I have split each bracket into two parts...a top half of the bracket and a bottom half of the bracket. Neither half has any advantage over the other, I just couldn't fit the whole bracket into one PowerPoint file and still have it be readable at all.

The number to the right of the matchup (or in between the players for the later parts of the bracket) is the number that describes where the LOSER will go to in the next bracket. For instance, A23 means that the loser of that game will fall to the B Bracket and into slot A23. The number to the LEFT of a name can represent two different things. In Bracket A, the number to the left represents the player's initial seeding (you'll see that the #1 seed plays the #64 seed, for instance). In Brackets B and C, the number to the left corresponds to the same number in the previous bracket. So back to my example, in Bracket B, the A23 on the left would be where that loser from Bracket A in game A23 goes to.

The letter-number combos don't affect you if you win, since you simply continue out on the bracket. You'll notice that later on in the brackets, those right-side letter-number combos are actually not on the line with any name, rather they are between the names. That's how I would prefer to do it throughout the whole bracket, but I'm limited on space in my PowerPoint file. So think of the letter-number combos on the right as being "between the two competitors" even when they're not, rather than on one line.

I guess my best way of breaking it down is to think of the letter-number combos applying ONLY to when you lose. The right side letter-number combo is a pointer which points at the exact same letter-number combo in the next lower bracket, but which will then be on the left side (like a GOTO statement in programming, if you're familiar with that idea).

Perhaps another way of saying it...the right-side combo is a sign that tells you where your next seat is (if you lose this game). The left-side combo is the seat itself.

It can be a bit more difficult to follow if you don't have the brackets printed out on paper (which I do have) to follow the flow better. If you get as "geeked up" about this stuff as I do, I highly recommend it. <smile>

If that doesn't make sense, please ask and I'll try to explain it better.

Top Half of Bracket A:

Bottom Half of Bracket A:
Last edited by Woodruff on Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:28 am, edited 60 times in total.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Bracket B

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:37 am

Top Half of Bracket B:

Bottom Half of Bracket B:
Last edited by Woodruff on Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:21 am, edited 66 times in total.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Bracket C

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:37 am

Top Half of Bracket C:

Bottom Half of Bracket C:
Last edited by Woodruff on Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:33 pm, edited 64 times in total.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Championship Bracket

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:38 am

Last edited by Woodruff on Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:44 am, edited 25 times in total.
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV

Postby Woodruff on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:43 am

I'm in!
...I prefer a man who will burn the flag and then wrap himself in the Constitution to a man who will burn the Constitution and then wrap himself in the flag.
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Blinkadyblink on Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:55 am

Looks awesome. I'm in.
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Adow on Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:10 am

in please
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby JPcelticfc on Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:23 am

in please :)
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Zemljanin on Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:27 am

I'd like to play
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby benga on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:00 am

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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby slickstick on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:18 am

in pls.
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby amazzony on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:21 am

In this time :)
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby gcwca_4_life on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:24 am

tdans wrote:lets rock this joint :D... or.. lets have them Blow this,,,,,, joint

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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Iron Maid on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:29 am

Count me in!
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Enormastitz on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:30 am

In please
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby sonicsteve on Tue Aug 03, 2010 3:37 am

I'm up for this, please, Woodruff
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Krissan on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:14 am

In please.
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby dragon dor on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:16 am

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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby SneakySheep on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:19 am

add me 8-)
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby pimphawks70 on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:26 am

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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby acores2005 on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:37 am

Click image to enlarge.

show: winner
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby Ghost_Rider on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:50 am


i'm in
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Re: An Evolutionary Tournament IV (two PREMIUM prizes!)

Postby MudPuppy on Tue Aug 03, 2010 5:58 am

In, please.
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