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Bonogi & iamatoolshed [clear] lv

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Bonogi & iamatoolshed [clear] lv

Postby HaireWolf1 on Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:55 pm



Honorable Mention is Eards1...Eards1 has only completed 3 games at this point and won all three and all of them against bonogi. So that may be another multi.

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s): 7396510

Comments: There are multiple game numbers as I believe this thing with bonogi runs very deep. Bonogi and iamatoolshed joined a couple of days ago at 4:27 AM one minute apart. Bonogi went on to join over 40 games in the pasts couple of days and some of the maps are challenging maps that new players just don't join too often. I think at the least bonogi is a formerly banned player and is playing under different nics now. It all could be just coincidence but wow the odds of that would be great.

It may be that these three and more are friends that joined at the same time and play many games together, but it's very suspicious that bonogi can splash on the scene and hit it as quickly as he has. Worth a look I think.
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Re: Bonogi & iamatoolshed

Postby jefjef on Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:57 pm

HaireWolf1 wrote:Accused:


Honorable Mention is Eards1...Eards1 has only completed 3 games at this point and won all three and all of them against bonogi. So that may be another multi.

The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s): Game 7396510
Game 7396473
Game 7396392
Game 7396123
Game 7395204

Comments: There are multiple game numbers as I believe this thing with bonogi runs very deep. Bonogi and iamatoolshed joined a couple of days ago at 4:27 AM one minute apart. Bonogi went on to join over 40 games in the pasts couple of days and some of the maps are challenging maps that new players just don't join too often. I think at the least bonogi is a formerly banned player and is playing under different nics now. It all could be just coincidence but wow the odds of that would be great.

It may be that these three and more are friends that joined at the same time and play many games together, but it's very suspicious that bonogi can splash on the scene and hit it as quickly as he has. Worth a look I think.


from 1st game mentioned. Looks like some rt play.

2010-07-31 19:44:49 - eards1 ended the turn and got spoils
2010-07-31 19:44:53 - Bonogi received 4 troops for 12 regions
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Bonogi & iamatoolshed

Postby HaireWolf1 on Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:00 pm

Another game that Bonogi and Eards1 joined..not a team game but Eards1 was invited by Bonogi

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Re: Bonogi & iamatoolshed

Postby lord voldemort on Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:14 pm

What games were you refering to for bonogi and iamatoolshed?
You gave games for Eards1 but not for the toolshed accuont.
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Re: Bonogi & iamatoolshed [pending] lv

Postby HaireWolf1 on Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:12 am

The games that Bonogi and toolshed have played are not the suspicious thing to me. It is only suspicious that they joined a minute apart in the middle of the night or on the west coast early morning and that immediately they played in several games together.

Bonogi is suspicious because though he is new, he has played in and started a lot of games that newbs don't normally play in. Coincidence? I dunno.

Bonogi and toolshed participated in game numbers: 7381167, 7383087, 7383134, 7388274, 7388456, 7388497, 7388916, 7393176, 7401198, 7401446, 7401483, 7402300, 7402507, 7402567, 7402942, 7402959, 7402962, 7403022, 7403036. Most of these games are private games they played but the last game they played in together was today (8/2/2010) and was a speed game and is number 7403159.
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Re: Bonogi & iamatoolshed [pending] lv

Postby lord voldemort on Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:14 am

ok then..
Im going to clear them. Rl friends but not enough for a secret diplomacy case
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