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King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing[Noted]e84

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King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing[Noted]e84

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:25 am


King Doctor

The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse - King Doctor
Baiting/Harrassing - King Doctor & pimpdave
Flaming - King Doctor & pimpdave
Possible multi - King Doctor & pimpdave

Background: I made a comment in another thread where I used a __________. Another member created a what did the _______ mean hangman. He also requested that members pm me King Doctor pm'd me to show up to the thread (I did not respond to the first pm). The thread was perhaps flaming and meant to incite me to say whatever they thought I would say regarding the blank but I'm a grown man and I'm not reporting that. It had to go deeper than that to get me to report.

Also during this time I was posting on other threads and some of King Doctor's pms may be referencing those posts. He was not clear but so that you understand the context that is what I believe.

The issue being reported: King Doctor sent me another unsolicited pm. The following is our exchange of pms:

KD(7:10): Hey buddy, does it have a 'g'?

VOL (7:15): Sure. There's a g in d***** b**, d***** b**.

KD (7:17): Post reported for flaming

VOL (7:21): Post? You pm'd me d*mb***.

KD (7:22): Post reported for flaming. You're in double trouble!

VOL (7:27): Don't bother pm'ing me anymore.

KD (7:30): Ok. In the future I will only PM you when I feel the need to message you privately. Done deal.

I posted these PMs after King Doctor accuse me of being in an uncontrolled rage and made up other lies regarding our pms otherwise I would not post pms carelessly. When I posted that, King Doctor continued to lie about it and mentioned that he would report me.

Accordingly this report is to protect me from predatorial people like himself that seek to use the system in place to intimidate members and possibly get them in trouble all while inciting them. I should also point out that I believe he flames members to get them to respond a certain way so that he can get them to this point to begin with, in which he can report and threaten to report. I see a pattern so I am not only reporting myself but for the future benefit of members.

Thank you for listening. I will leave this matter in your capable hands. Whether you want to prosecute the matter or merely note it is up to you. I will cooperate either way. If you do want to persue the matter, please let me know so that I can preserve the pms if they are not automatically preserved.


Ammendment 1: I am ammending my report to include pimpdave. He is the one that made the thread (posted). He has now accused me of saying things in pms in an effort to flame when I have not pm'd with him. He also has put a seems to have flamed via a potentially racist image and lied when I would not asscociate myself with his implied accusation of racism.

Ammendment 2: I thought I put the link but here it is:
Last edited by ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:19 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: King Doctor - Baiting & Harassing & Possible Flaming

Postby Darwins_Bane on Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:27 am

theres this little icon, at the top of the pm. its got a little "!". click it. :)
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Re: King Doctor - Baiting & Harassing & Possible Flaming

Postby pmchugh on Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:30 am

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Re: King Doctor - Baiting & Harassing & Possible Flaming

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:35 am

If someone flames and then report and/or threatens to report and then lies and accuses of slander while flaming some more (after days of flaming with one liners) then they are abusing the system and the members. I'm a big boy. I don't require any sympathy. I'm posting the complaint for my own protection and so that this pattern of his scurilous works can be known going forward.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby MeDeFe on Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:21 am

As has already been pointed out, you can simply report the PMs that were sent to you by clicking the button with an "!" which is located at the top of them. To the right.
This will make it a lot easier to judge whether harrassment by pm has taken place or not.
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Re: King Doctor - Baiting & Harassing & Possible Flaming

Postby Darwins_Bane on Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:24 am

ViperOverLord wrote:If someone flames and then report and/or threatens to report and then lies and accuses of slander while flaming some more (after days of flaming with one liners) then they are abusing the system and the members. I'm a big boy. I don't require any sympathy. I'm posting the complaint for my own protection and so that this pattern of his scurilous works can be known going forward.

The point is, what you wrote down up there is useless, because it isnt the original, if i wanted, i could write anything and claim you pm'ed it to me. the report a pm feature is so that it can be reported, and it will be noted for future cases. DO IT! you know you want to.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:07 am

MeDeFe wrote:As has already been pointed out, you can simply report the PMs that were sent to you by clicking the button with an "!" which is located at the top of them. To the right.
This will make it a lot easier to judge whether harrassment by pm has taken place or not.

Thank you. I'll keep that in mind in the future but the content of his pms were not offensive. It is the fact that we had a pm exchange and he lied about the content and flamed about it. Also Dave alleged a pm that never took place. He did that to justify his flaming as well.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby Darwins_Bane on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:12 am

unless you're going to report the pms then this is basically a spurious and useless complaint of 3 year old tit for tat. Your word versus theirs.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:15 am

indeed...just report the pms so i can read them ;)
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:30 am

lord voldemort wrote:indeed...just report the pms so i can read them ;)

I already listed the specific content of the pms. You could check my box if you want to validate the authenticity of the pms but otherwise I'm not sure why I'd send forward the same pms that could easily be altered.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby drunkmonkey on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:35 am

You're not forwarding, you're reporting. Click the "!" symbol next to the "quote" button. It can't be altered that way. (I don't think mods can just "check your box", but I could be wrong.)
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:36 am

Darwins_Bane wrote:unless you're going to report the pms then this is basically a spurious and useless complaint of 3 year old tit for tat. Your word versus theirs.

I find it interesting that you are using the word spurious. King Doctor used the same exact term in his defense in the 42nd post of the thread:

That makes me just think you are one of his other accounts.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:39 am

lol darwins isnt king doctor.
i have pmd vol about how to report a pm..he understands now...
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby Darwins_Bane on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:40 am

yes and it couldnt possibly come from anywhere other than a new person with 6 games. go ahead, report me....ill have lulz while you still dick around because you aren't reporting your pms. don't you think i would avoid the C&A forum if i were a multi?
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby Queen_Herpes on Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:59 am

Seems a little bit extreme, I hope that if the abuse is happening, that it is stopped.

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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:15 am

lord voldemort wrote:lol darwins isnt king doctor.
i have pmd vol about how to report a pm..he understands now...

I'll take your word for it. I'm a bit low on sleep and could just be paranoid. It's an amazing coincidence though.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby ViperOverLord on Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:16 am

drunkmonkey wrote:You're not forwarding, you're reporting. Click the "!" symbol next to the "quote" button. It can't be altered that way. (I don't think mods can just "check your box", but I could be wrong.)

Got it. Thanks. I did that.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby jefjef on Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:03 pm

Page 9 of my wall. King Doctor is attempting to sell drugs. This is a family oriented casually manipulated gaming site. Please protect us all!~

That is only because you have not seen how your wall could be. Also, would you like to buy any Mescaline?

by King Doctor
on Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:27 pm
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby Army of GOD on Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:16 pm

jefjef wrote:Page 9 of my wall. King Doctor is attempting to sell drugs. This is a family oriented casually manipulated gaming site. Please protect us all!~

That is only because you have not seen how your wall could be. Also, would you like to buy any Mescaline?

by King Doctor
on Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:27 pm

He's a doctor! He's trying to heal you!

(And trust me, you need healing)
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby Woodruff on Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:31 pm

ViperOverLord wrote:
Darwins_Bane wrote:unless you're going to report the pms then this is basically a spurious and useless complaint of 3 year old tit for tat. Your word versus theirs.

I find it interesting that you are using the word spurious. King Doctor used the same exact term in his defense in the 42nd post of the thread:
That makes me just think you are one of his other accounts.

No...that's a very common term in this particular forum.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby BoganGod on Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:57 pm

Woodruff wrote:
ViperOverLord wrote:
Darwins_Bane wrote:unless you're going to report the pms then this is basically a spurious and useless complaint of 3 year old tit for tat. Your word versus theirs.

I find it interesting that you are using the word spurious. King Doctor used the same exact term in his defense in the 42nd post of the thread:
That makes me just think you are one of his other accounts.

No...that's a very common term in this particular forum.

Please don't educate him, someone might even help him get a sense of humour. Look for "BoganGod Flaming and Bigotry" soon, my first sentence is sure to cause offence. Suggesting that someone could be taught and possibly would benefit from learning something. I am a bad, bad, man.

So Lord V, has he reported any pm's yet? Or is this in fact a spurious post. Yes Viper, I am the kiwi multi of the Dr's, just moved to aussie to hide my tracks.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby MeDeFe on Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:40 pm

ok, one thing at a time now.

PM abuse by King Doctor
I think King Doctor can be cleared of PM abuse. Whether he was teasing or not, he was trying to draw your attention to said hangman thread. There is no abusive content in his PMs. It is also worth noting that he refrained from responding with an insult after you insulted him first. Moreover, he agreed to stop sending you PMs about it when you asked him to, and apparently hasn't sent you any more since then.
No, a case for PM abuse can not be established.

Baiting/Harrassing/Flaming by KD and pimpdave
pimpdave created a thread with a hangman game about something you said. As far as harrassment goes the most that can possibly be pinned on him is mild incitement to pm harrassment when he said to pm you to say whether a specific letter was in the word or not. People quite often have threads created about them and far worse than this has been created in the past. No, a thread as mild as this one was can't well be called baiting, especially since it was clear the solution would have to be something harmless, preceding tasteless insinuations or not. As such it would probably have been the less elegant action to lock the thread while still in a state of ambiguity. Furthermore, it was also clear to every reader of average intelligence almost from the beginning that whatever the word would be, it would pimpdave's brainchild.
It could also easily have been countered by you. The original image only featured the gallows and no amount of dashes for the number of letters, all you would have had to do was make up any word, tell the number of characters in it and play along. That way you would have turned the tables and let things work to your advantage. As mods we are here to help mediate and resolve conflicts, but we do this in our spare time for no payment, and surely it is not to expect too much of every user that they also do their best not to escalate what is, to begin with, indistinguishable from a harmless joke.

Regarding the PMs they both suggested they had received... Well, whenever someone claims to quote a pm by another user every sane person's first reaction is "that's made up". Only if there's evidence to the contrary do people begin to assume that the quotes may be genuine. Merely putting words in someone's mouth is not sufficient for a ban, the content would have to be a personal attack on the other person which is not the case here. The closest thing to a personal attack is KD's claim that you were in a rage, and this was only after you had insulted him in your reply to one of his PMs. That is hardly enough to qualify as harrassment or flaming.

King Doctor and pimpdave possibly being multis
I think every MH will back me up on this.

To sum up, while it is possible to see things so there is a number of minor jibes, they appear, upon closer inspection, to be of a nature not sufficient for warranting formal disciplinary action.

So far my take on the situation, this thread is still open for additional input until the C&A department, being the main caretaker of this forum, makes a final verdict.
saxitoxin wrote:Your position is more complex than the federal tax code. As soon as I think I understand it, I find another index of cross-references, exceptions and amendments I have to apply.
Timminz wrote:Yo mama is so classless, she could be a Marxist utopia.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby ViperOverLord on Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:36 am

MeDeFe wrote:ok, one thing at a time now.

PM abuse by King Doctor
I think King Doctor can be cleared of PM abuse. Whether he was teasing or not, he was trying to draw your attention to said hangman thread. There is no abusive content in his PMs. It is also worth noting that he refrained from responding with an insult after you insulted him first. Moreover, he agreed to stop sending you PMs about it when you asked him to, and apparently hasn't sent you any more since then.
No, a case for PM abuse can not be established.

Baiting/Harrassing/Flaming by KD and pimpdave
pimpdave created a thread with a hangman game about something you said. As far as harrassment goes the most that can possibly be pinned on him is mild incitement to pm harrassment when he said to pm you to say whether a specific letter was in the word or not. People quite often have threads created about them and far worse than this has been created in the past. No, a thread as mild as this one was can't well be called baiting, especially since it was clear the solution would have to be something harmless, preceding tasteless insinuations or not. As such it would probably have been the less elegant action to lock the thread while still in a state of ambiguity. Furthermore, it was also clear to every reader of average intelligence almost from the beginning that whatever the word would be, it would pimpdave's brainchild.
It could also easily have been countered by you. The original image only featured the gallows and no amount of dashes for the number of letters, all you would have had to do was make up any word, tell the number of characters in it and play along. That way you would have turned the tables and let things work to your advantage. As mods we are here to help mediate and resolve conflicts, but we do this in our spare time for no payment, and surely it is not to expect too much of every user that they also do their best not to escalate what is, to begin with, indistinguishable from a harmless joke.

Regarding the PMs they both suggested they had received... Well, whenever someone claims to quote a pm by another user every sane person's first reaction is "that's made up". Only if there's evidence to the contrary do people begin to assume that the quotes may be genuine. Merely putting words in someone's mouth is not sufficient for a ban, the content would have to be a personal attack on the other person which is not the case here. The closest thing to a personal attack is KD's claim that you were in a rage, and this was only after you had insulted him in your reply to one of his PMs. That is hardly enough to qualify as harrassment or flaming.

King Doctor and pimpdave possibly being multis
I think every MH will back me up on this.

To sum up, while it is possible to see things so there is a number of minor jibes, they appear, upon closer inspection, to be of a nature not sufficient for warranting formal disciplinary action.

So far my take on the situation, this thread is still open for additional input until the C&A department, being the main caretaker of this forum, makes a final verdict.

1. I was not complaining about the actual content of the pms. Perhaps I just put that because it was an option and the pm was merely an instrument for his abuse.
2. I was not reporting the thread about me, I was merely referencing it as a thread where the abuse occurred. Although I think the thread was in bad taste, it was not something I felt a need to report.
3. The thrux of my argument is:

- King Doctor intentionally baited me into an exchanges with me only to claim to report me after the fact and then to gloat about it. I find that to be abusing the system and I think it wastes my time and the mods time when people act like that. I have been on other message boards with less careful mods where that type of behavior can work very effectively in favor of the flamers. As long as you guys are not going to be oversensitive as seems to be the case then I'm not worried. I made my complaint more for my protection and the community's protection than to worry about explicitly getting anybody in trouble.

Examples of the baiting/harassment though: "Post reported for flaming", "Post reported for flaming. You're in double trouble!" - You can reference my profane responses back to him as a mitigating factor if you wish but that is how five-year-olds act. He went around sending twisted responses to my messages and then he would participate in a bash me thread and then send those messages. It is clear that he is more interested in personal attacks than open dialogue.

- After I seriously informed him that his behavior was unacceptable this was his lying response: I have never uttered those words in my life.Unless you can post screen captures of this exchange then I am afraid that I will have to report you to the moderators for slander.

Not only would he not own up to his behavior and continue to slander me before the community, he flamed about it rallying for me to be the one in trouble. I sent my pms to the mods as a defense for myself and to make the mods aware that he is abusing members in this manner.

- Lastly after that exchange, pimpdave claimed that I sent him a pm that never took place. I find that to be a form of slander as well to claim that I had an exchange with him when that was not the case. His behavior was very flaming in the first place. It is worth noting that its one thing to create a thread railing against someone. But if you can't at least do it honestly then that does take it to another level. Clearly it was nothing but a character assasination attempt.

- After that display of childish behavior by him when I pointed it out his response was

- Pimp
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby King Doctor on Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:56 am

I would like to thank all of the participants in this thread for providing me with a thigh-slappingly good laugh.

It wins a big fat trophy for its services to Unintentional Comedy.

Many thanks, I'll be back next week.
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Re: King Doctor & pimpdave - Baiting & Harassing..

Postby Snowgun on Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:56 am

WOW, I can't believe this is in C&A.

Next we'll see such great threads as "he called me a poopoo head" or "he was looking at me funny", or the always appropriate "he's not sharing the toys give him a time out".


The worst part is nothing even HAPPENED.
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