Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
slaqdog wrote:And you reguard the abuse I got before this reply as acceptable? You are very one sided in your judgement.
game chat wrote:2010-07-26 18:27:43 - freds bank: how bout a 2 round truce dog?
2010-07-26 18:32:41 - kikero378: have the impression dog going to kick my but
2010-07-26 18:33:22 - slaqdog: ok freds
2010-07-26 18:33:48 - slaqdog: hi kik nice ta meet you i'll try
2010-07-26 18:35:04 - Rearguard: I have met his army, and I intend to run!!!!!!!!!!!!
2010-07-26 18:35:42 - freds bank: wise choice
2010-07-26 18:43:57 - kikero378: don't seem to be good for you reargurd
2010-07-26 18:44:37 - kikero378: dog just killed me
2010-07-26 18:46:38 - kikero378: the end is near, i'll have to improve for next time
2010-07-26 18:47:26 - freds bank: stick around for the last stand
2010-07-26 18:48:40 - kikero378: just one region left and it's seven to one
2010-07-26 18:52:03 - freds bank: 1 more round left on that truce dog
2010-07-26 18:52:54 - kikero378: last stand
2010-07-26 18:54:30 - freds bank: what the fuck dog????? you broke the truce!!!!
2010-07-26 18:55:08 - kikero378: need to leave the game, put me out of my misery please do not wich to slow down the game
2010-07-26 18:55:19 - freds bank: looks like you and rear are cheating buddies!!!
2010-07-26 19:09:52 - freds bank: hey slaq!!! why'd you break the truce?>???
2010-07-26 19:16:35 - kikero378: leaving the game
2010-07-26 19:18:32 - freds bank: you have to be a complete loser to cheat to win a game like this... you must be so proud, what an accomplishment
2010-07-26 19:19:15 - freds bank: it will be noted on feedback.
2010-07-26 19:27:17 - slaqdog: you are such a good loser I will note it on feedback
2010-07-26 19:46:14 - freds bank: did you forget about our truce????
2010-07-26 19:46:34 - freds bank: or maybe you cant count to 2???
2010-07-26 19:48:24 - freds bank: you are either an idiot or a scumbag, which is it?
2010-07-26 20:16:15 - freds bank: whats your answer cheat
2010-07-26 20:17:52 - slaqdog: you are very angry I can tell
2010-07-26 20:18:09 - slaqdog: now go and have a rest while I take your last troops
2010-07-26 20:19:01 - freds bank: soon not to many people will play this game with you, we dont take kindly to little cheats on this site.
2010-07-26 20:21:01 - freds bank: although i can see from your record, cheating is probably the only way you can win.
2010-07-26 20:21:16 - slaqdog: get over it its finished-its part of the game grow up you nasty little toad
2010-07-26 20:22:47 - freds bank: cheating is part of the game??? and you've learned this from your vast 12 games of experience. more likely its your dirtbag nature.
2010-07-26 20:23:38 - freds bank: i would say well played but obviously thats not the case.
2010-07-26 20:24:42 - freds bank: you must be an immigrant to England, real British have character.
2010-07-26 20:24:49 - slaqdog: breaking a truce is not cheating you silly sausage-it is part of the game jeez you are plank like
2010-07-26 20:25:06 - slaqdog: so you are a racist eh?
2010-07-26 20:25:12 - slaqdog: nice to meet you lol
2010-07-26 20:25:59 - freds bank: hahahahaha. of course it is. and picking a pocket isnt stealing either, eh Olie?
2010-07-26 20:26:02 - slaqdog: you havent lost yet make your moves---I am sure you will get over your lose eventually and stop gnashing your teeth
2010-07-26 20:26:17 - freds bank: a racist? hows that?
2010-07-26 20:26:38 - slaqdog: no it is not you are mistaken my dear ignorant friend-it is a choice of tactics
2010-07-26 20:27:09 - freds bank: oh, i see cheating is a tactic. hmmmm interesting.
2010-07-26 20:27:14 - slaqdog: you are a racist=cos you just made a racist commetn and I object to your racism strongly
2010-07-26 20:27:49 - freds bank: its called Honor, something if your daddy would have stayed around might have taught you
2010-07-26 20:28:15 - freds bank: I dont know what color you are, so no racism
2010-07-26 20:28:58 - slaqdog: you are so weird
2010-07-26 20:29:05 - freds bank: nor do i care what color you are, your character however is lacking
2010-07-26 20:29:51 - freds bank: so if a immigrant from sweden, i'm a racist?
2010-07-26 20:30:01 - freds bank: if you
2010-07-26 20:30:44 - freds bank: your mummy must be proud. must be a labor party member.
2010-07-26 20:31:46 - freds bank: please end this soon so i can leave your well earned feedback.
2010-07-27 01:33:36 - slaqdog: You should seek out counselling -it will help with the anger management before you do yourself any more harm
2010-07-27 01:35:28 - slaqdog: finished loserrrrrr!!! hahaha
Game 7368091 wrote:2010-07-27 03:33:31 - freds bank: dont join a truce with slaqdog, he doesnt honor them! Fair warning!
2010-07-27 09:09:21 - slaqdog: dont play against freds-he cries like a bin baby when he loses!!!;-))))
2010-07-27 21:29:47 - freds bank: Yep, Cheaters bother me. They bother most people of character.
oVo wrote:That kitty should ask for a truce.
DJPatrick wrote:I trick, intimidate, insinuate, cajole, belittle and ingratiate to win games it should be...but NEVER break a truce (even tho I always try to manipulate them to my advantage)...thank you for raising your head above the crowd, slaqdog and showing your character such as it is...
As for your complaint of racism; there is some creedence in claiming that its discrimination against a certain type of people (i.e. immigrants to whatever country) but as the post did not discriminate based on race, colour or religion it's outside even liberal definitions of racism.
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