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Postby bigpash on Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:42 am


Replace or delete any xxxxxxx with the appropriate information.
Delete any accusations or entries which do not apply.

Be sure before you accuse someone!



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Other: <Explanation>

Tactics employed and the use of clickies after only 2 games. Also joining 3 freestyle games of mine at once. Also choice of maps to start his own games on & settings. Just seems a little bit odd for a new member of the site. Apologies in advance if I am wrong.

Game number(s):

Game 7319315
Game 7319314
Game 7319309
Game 7341430

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Re: clankilermax

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jul 21, 2010 10:21 pm

clankilermax was BUSTED with codierose.
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby bigpash on Thu Jul 22, 2010 3:36 am

Why has codierose remained as a premium after being busted?
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby SirSebstar on Thu Jul 22, 2010 5:43 am

maybe he rebought his premium already?
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby codierose on Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:15 pm

if ask i could have explained
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby ljex on Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:02 am

codierose wrote:if ask i could have explained

so explain...
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby Commander62890 on Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:51 am

I talked about this with Codie. He said that it was his 6-year-old son playing the new account...

However, he apparently doesn't care enough to challenge CC about this. He's willing to give away his $25 to not deal with all the trouble.
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:26 am

Commander62890 wrote:I talked about this with Codie. He said that it was his 6-year-old son playing the new account...

However, he apparently doesn't care enough to challenge CC about this. He's willing to give away his $25 to not deal with all the trouble.

A 6 year old played 10 games and only on these maps. Peloponnesian War, AOR1, AOR3 and WWII Poland. Nothing like throwing him into the deep end to learn to swim.
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby Commander62890 on Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:42 pm

I was just relaying what he told me ;)
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby codierose on Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:16 pm

i've explained to the guy in question (bigpash) last i want to here about it :evil:
if i wanted to cheat i would have done it 2 years ago and 4500 games earlyer. just wish i was asked before the account was suspended i'm starting to hear its going on alot. lots of complaints put into paypal about it not good business if you ask me but then i didnt get asked. i would have muched prefered to give the money to a freemium than repay for myself. i will make this the last subscription i will pay the only reason why i renewed so soon is that i had lots of tournys on and didnt wont to let down anyone.
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby codierose on Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:14 pm

My name is Rodney Miklosik and I'm an night manager at a christian halfway house for kids and adults in Harrisburg Pa. I got some of these kids to play this game and love it but because they are economically dissadvantaged they have not had the opportunity to have a 'premium' membership. I have been a member of this site for at last 5 years. rmikr. The kid share a coputer at the house or we would take them out to the Public County or state library together and they would take their turns. This site erased all their accounts(including mine) saying we were Cheating and using multiple accounts. BUT we can FIX it by paying for a membership. the kids lost all their progress and many of them don't have the money to pay. I entered a ticket to customer support and they just ignored it. Low class behavior from what I thought was a pretty decent site. I left the phone number for them to contact the house or me personally and anyone else could at God Bless and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. looks like i,m not the only unhappy person
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby jefjef on Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:37 pm

They fly the union jack in Harrisburg Pa.?

Has your account been hijacked too?
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby MrPanzerGeneral on Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:16 am

Evil Semp wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:I talked about this with Codie. He said that it was his 6-year-old son playing the new account...

However, he apparently doesn't care enough to challenge CC about this. He's willing to give away his $25 to not deal with all the trouble.

A 6 year old played 10 games and only on these maps. Peloponnesian War, AOR1, AOR3 and WWII Poland. Nothing like throwing him into the deep end to learn to swim.

I dunno if that rates as absolute proof semp ? I'd back my 6 y.o nephew to beat commander & ljex anyday.

Oh ! and JJ knows that the Union Jack flying above Harrisburg is in no way suspicious - more like just the overdue restoration of the natural order of the universe :P .
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby SirSebstar on Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:14 am

took me a while to figure out. yea, very wierd.. maybe babysitting?
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:39 am

MrPanzerGeneral wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:I talked about this with Codie. He said that it was his 6-year-old son playing the new account...

However, he apparently doesn't care enough to challenge CC about this. He's willing to give away his $25 to not deal with all the trouble.

A 6 year old played 10 games and only on these maps. Peloponnesian War, AOR1, AOR3 and WWII Poland. Nothing like throwing him into the deep end to learn to swim.

I dunno if that rates as absolute proof semp ? I'd back my 6 y.o nephew to beat commander & ljex anyday.

Oh ! and JJ knows that the Union Jack flying above Harrisburg is in no way suspicious - more like just the overdue restoration of the natural order of the universe :P .

I never said that was the proof. I was responding to a comment by Commander62890 a few post up.
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby Evil Semp on Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:54 am

codierose wrote:unhappy
My name is Rodney Miklosik and I'm an night manager at a christian halfway house for kids and adults in Harrisburg Pa. I got some of these kids to play this game and love it but because they are economically dissadvantaged they have not had the opportunity to have a 'premium' membership. I have been a member of this site for at last 5 years. rmikr. The kid share a coputer at the house or we would take them out to the Public County or state library together and they would take their turns. This site erased all their accounts(including mine) saying we were Cheating and using multiple accounts. BUT we can FIX it by paying for a membership. the kids lost all their progress and many of them don't have the money to pay. I entered a ticket to customer support and they just ignored it. Low class behavior from what I thought was a pretty decent site. I left the phone number for them to contact the house or me personally and anyone else could at God Bless and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. looks like i,m not the only unhappy person

This sounded familiar so I did some digging. I think their are a few similarities. I think there is some plagiarism going on.

My account and several of my friends were either deleted/removed from games for violating the rules.
I am a night manager at a christian re-entry home for men and women in Harrisburg, pa. I was a paid member of this site for a while but then hadn't played for a while. I introduced this game to around 15 of the clients here to try because I enjoyed it and thought they might as well. We play from either the computer in the kitchen of the center or I often take them to the state library or county library in Harrisburg in order for them to access the internet when others are using the house computer for job searches, resume's etc. It was a great dissappointment for them (and myself!) for you to have invalidated our games as I think quite a few of the guys and 1 of the girls in particular had taken quite an interest in it. The continued use of the accounts is up to you guys, obviously, but the use of the accounts from the same ip address and near to the same access times would continue. I was very close to renewing my premium membership and several of the other guys had been saving up as well. The guys can work but the economy is tough and most of them work for temporary services and don't make a lot of additional money to sign up. Most are starting over after problems that they've had, generally with alcoholism and drug addiction. But now several of them have become pretty discouraged about losing all those games. Couldn't have you guys at least sent an email asking or something to any of us?? Kinda dissappointing.
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Re: clankilermax[busted]es

Postby lord voldemort on Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:34 am

i remember that...i was searching for it this morning but couldnt remember the exact case
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