A long time ago, in a Foundry much younger than ours, an Alpha Monkey attempted to bring some semblance of order and focus for reviewing maps while in development. Over time there have been several iterations of our Map Assembly process, and once again it's time to make some more amendments and updates to the way the Foundry works.
Map Surveyors
Through ages past we have had a Cartography Committee, a Jury System, Final Reviews, Preliminary Reviews, all to help focus community feedback where it's needed most. I hereby present to you CC Map Surveyors, an open usergroup for anybody and everybody who would like to be involved in the review of maps as they move down the production line. This will be an easy way to keep an eye on maps in production, especially for people whose schedules don't allow them to follow the ins and outs of everything in the foundry. When a map approaches a developmental checkpoint (gameplay, graphics, and beta/quenching), the Map Surveyors will receive a PM linking them to map(s) that are ready and waiting to be stamped with the foundry brand! The community will be encouraged to come in and identify any gameplay or graphics concerns that may have gotten past the CAs and the mapmaker, and to give fresh impetus to maps.
The Cartography Assistants typically review maps on a weekly/fortnightly basis, and it is likely that messages will follow these review cycles - where multiple maps approach a developmental checkpoint at the same time, these will be included together on any reviewer bulletins. The Map Surveyors may also receive advance notifications of foundry contests or official foundry projects. So, if you want to be included in future foundry bulletin messages, become a member of The Map Surveyors! (Joining instructions are contained within this thread)
While many people contribute towards development of a map, it is the graphical artist who has recognised ownership of the map imagery, and must agree to the the following copyright agreement upon quenching:
- The author retains copyright on their work, and gives Conquer Club permission to use the imagery free of charge, for as long as Conquer Club sees fit on the Conquer Club website. Conquer Club cannot sell, lease, or lend the right to use the images to anyone else. The author swears that their map is their own work, or a legal derivative work and by submitting it, do hereby claim all responsibility for that being true.
Mapmaking Medals
There has been some recent discussion about mapmaking medals. Following this, and in order to bring more consistency across CC we have decided to update and formalise our policy:
- There is a maximum of two medal recipients per map. One Mapmaking Medal will be awarded to the graphical artist who has recognised ownership of the map imagery. At the discretion of the Foundry Foreman, a second mapmaking medal may be awarded to one other co-developer. These "Primary Developer(s)" don't necessarily have to be the Graphics and XML developers, but usually are. Co-developers are not gauranteed a medal. In cases where more than one person has collaborated/assumed primacy on a map, the Foundry Foreman and Cartography Assistants will determine who has made the most significant contribution to the development of map mechanics and graphics and decide whether or not a second medal is to be awarded.
Team Expansion
Looking to the future, and with ongoing foundry betterment in mind, it has become apparent that there is a need for more people to critically evaluate the gameplay mechanics of maps in the gameplay workshop. With that in mind, it is my very great pleasure to introduce you to the newest member of the Cartography Team... MarshalNey will join iancanton and Evil DIMwit in overseeing the distribution of the gameplay stamp; it is my hope that with an extra pair of eyes in what can be a challenging role, the gameplay CAs will be able to work with mapmakers and give clearer direction while hammering out map mechanics and working towards the gameplay stamp.
Welcome aboard MarshalNey - it's great to have you on the team