This speed tournament will take place on Sunday 1st August 2010.
The first round will kick-off at 6.30pm BST (London time). This is 1.30PM EST & 12.30PM CST.
Please check your time zone with this link - World Clock
Registered players must be ready to join at 6.10pm BST.
Players must remain logged-on to CC until they are out of the tournament, or until they win.
Please post a reply to join only if you are certain you can participate. The tournament is likely to last up to 4 hours.
This is a Tournament Players Association (TPA) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.
The tournament is a celebration of Emancipation Day in Jamaica, Barbados & Trinidad. The tournament will follow the prophecies of Rastarfarianism and their prophet Marcus Garvey. Through Musical Revelation the Africans of the World will Unite, Liberate themselves, Repratriate on the Black Star Liner, and free up Africa.
Number of Players: 16 to 30 (see below for contingency plans depending on number of players)
Format: Terminator.
Settings: Speed, Sequential and Automatic. Escalating spoils. Adjacent reinforcements. Fog of War.
N.B.1. Settings and format may be subject to change if necessary for the efficiency of the tournament. N.B.2. Although this will be avoided at all costs, if the tournament takes more than 4 hours, the final may be played as a casual game.
"Tha time has come for Rasta-man to rise, strong like a lion and mash down dem slave driver.
Dem forces of iniquity shall be smoke down wid brimstone an fire. Babylon kinbgdom a gwaan fall. Revelation reveal to I & I dat Jah Jah Children will triumph in da revolution inna dis ya Armaggideon.
Rise up an free Jamaica!"
Format: Jamaica - 5 x 4-player games (3 players progress from each 5-player game)
"Now tha time has come to tek one more step toward the Holy Moun Zion as I & I a gwaan free dem bredrin an sistren throughout da Carribean - brought here in slavery from Africa.
Jah Jah hear our cries.
Jah Kingdom Come!"
Format: Carribean Islands - 3 x 5-player games (2 players progress)
"Marcus Garvey an im Black Star Liner is coming. I & I people can at last repatriate to our mother land so we can free up our African bredrin an sistren from tha forces of Babylon oppression.
If the first 3 rounds are completed in less than 2.5 hours then the following format will apply:
First Round - Musical Revelation - Woodboro - 10 x 3-player games (2 players progress from each 3-player game) Second Round - Liberation Part 1 - Jamaica - 5 x 4-player games (3 players progress from each 5-player game) Third Round - Liberation Part 2 - Carribean Islands - 3 x 5-player games (3 players progress) Fourth Round - Repatriation Part 1 - High Seas - 3 x 3-player games (2 players progress) Final - Repatriation Part 2- Africa - 6-Player game
1. Players must respond to game invitation PMs within 5 minutes to avoid disappointment. Some first round games may start up to 20 minutes early as a result. If players fail to respond quickly enough they may lose their place in the tournament (and be replaced by a reserve, or player eliminated in the previous round).*
2. Players must be patient whilst waiting for games to start. It may even be necessary for the TOs to re-create games on occassion. If players drop a game (deliberately or accidentally) whilst waiting for it to start they may lose their place in the tournament.*
3. Truces are not allowed. Players may advise one another but if a truce is agreed (providing players concerned with a greater chance of progressing) the players concerned will be ejected from the tournament.
4. Players must not divulge details of opponents location in fog games. Players can however refer to information provided in the game log. If fog information is divulged then the player(s) concerned will be ejected from the tournament
These rules will be strictly enforced for the benefit of the tournament given the Tournament Organiser's need to fill games and get them started quickly at the start of each round.[/list]
(* This is to avoid the problem of a player not joining a game he is invited to, or dropping out after joining).
If less then 30 players start the tournament then we will revert to one of the following formats. In each case, if the first 3 rounds are completed in less than 2.5 hours then an additional round will be added.
27 Players First Round = 9 x 3-player games (2 players progress in each game) Second Round = 3 x 6-player games (4 players progress) Third Round = 3 x 4-player games (2 players progress) Final = 6-Player game
24 Players First Round = 8 x 3-player games (2 players progress in each game) Second Round = 4 x 4-player games (2 players progress in each game) Third Round = 2 x 4-player games (2 players progress) Final = 4-Player game
21 Players First Round = 7 x 3-player games (2 players progress in each game) Second Round = 2 x 7-player games (4 players progress) Third Round = 2 x 4-player games (2 players progress) Final = 4-Player game
18 Players First Round = 6 x 3-player games (2 players progress in each game) Second Round = 2 x 6-player games (4 players progress in each game) Third Round = 2 x 4-player games (2 players progress) Final = 4-Player game
15 Players First Round = 5 x 3-player games (2 players progress in each game) Second Round = 2 x 5-player games (4 players progress in each game) Third Round = 2 x 4-player games (2 players progress) Final = 4-Player game