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Postby jrl332005 on Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:46 pm

I am thinking about making a Pompeii map for my first map, because I do not see one already made or in the process of being made.
sorry I couldn't get the picture by itself, but the link should work.

This is just a very rough idea of what I will be doing for a first draft. I will be gone from CC for two weeks, during this time I will be working on a first draft. Each circle is a territory. I have the names for most of the territories. I just didn't want to put them here. :lol:

There is:
26 territories
3 continents [one is inside another]
Mt. Vesuvius, city of Pompeii+boats, and boats
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Re: Pompeii

Postby natty dread on Sun Jun 27, 2010 7:52 pm

Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Pompeii

Postby jrl332005 on Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:13 pm

Thank you natty.
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Re: Pompeii

Postby 00iCon on Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:33 am

did anyone actually escape on boats?
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Re: Pompeii

Postby paulk on Sat Jul 10, 2010 7:57 am

I think everybody died within minutes because of the gases and ashes.
Unless they had already departed the day before, or were on the boat as the volcano erupted, chances were probably very slim that they would make it to any boat.
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Re: Pompeii

Postby jrl332005 on Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:35 am

Before the actual eruption that destroyed Pompeii there was a smaller tremor that alerted its citizens. A few of the leaders of the city had local Naval ships take some residents across the Bay of Naples to safety. One person aboard the ships was Pliny the Younger who made a written account of events at Pompeii before, during, and after the eruption while he and the others sailed away. That is how we have some estimate today on what actually happened at Pompeii.
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Re: Pompeii

Postby Army of GOD on Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:58 pm

I have the perfect idea.

The mouth of the volcano is given to a random player at the start, and has an initial troop count of 1,000,000,000. Everyone else is spawned in the town with 1 troop and no bonus. The volcano can attack each of the town territs and the town territs can't do anything.
mrswdk is a ho
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Re: Pompeii

Postby jleonnn on Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:31 am

Oh haha real funny...

Anyway. basically, use a better program. DO NOT use MS paint. Download GIMP. It's free. Don't listen to AoG. the quality has a lot to be desired. I'm thinking there is a stack of nuetrals, maybe 15 or so, at the top of the volcano. AoG has the right idea, the top of the volcano can attack any territory. Perhaps draw a path up the volcano and some more bonuses along the way to break the 15
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Re: Pompeii

Postby ghirrindin on Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:59 am

Aside from the graphics, the biggest problem is that you don't have the town, volcano, and sea positioned correctly. Vesuvius should be to the north with the town to the southeast of it, and the Bay of Naples should be to the west of the town -- on Pompeii's left. Like so: ... niamap.gif. I'd also like to see you include a lot of the well-known estates and landmarks of the city like the Villa of the Mysteries, House of the Vettii, House of the Faun, the Temples of Venus and Isis, the forum, and the amphitheatre. Of course, since it was a smutty port city, brothels also seem appropriate.

I really like the idea!
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Re: Pompeii

Postby jrl332005 on Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:38 pm

I already have the temple of Venus and the amphitheater. I guess I will have to do more research on the geography of the city. Also, I purposefully made the graphics as such for right now because this is just the suggestion phase. I want a lot of input so I can have a sturdy basis from which to build off of.
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Re: Pompeii

Postby carlpgoodrich on Sun Jul 18, 2010 4:41 pm

I like this idea a lot, but as some other people have mentioned, it needs to be developed a lot more. I was thinking about how to convey they feeling of panic that everyone must have felt, a way to make the map play "fast," if that makes sense. Anyways, one idea out of left field that would make the gameplay unique is to have EVERY territory in the map have a -1 decay, but then have very large bonuses, etc. (maybe +2 per 3 territs with a minimum of 6?) This would force players to act quickly, much like the actual people in Pompeii, and it can easily be justified theme wise as the ashes killing a troop every round.

Good luck with the development of this map!
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