Anyway if its a dbs tournament, BoganGod and TBA in

Moderator: Tournament Directors
BoganGod wrote:Hey culs, count me in. Is this a dbs tournament? If so why do map settings state that all maps are standard...?
Anyway if its a dbs tournament, BoganGod and TBA in
fusibaseball wrote:in plz
Kilazul wrote:Kilazul & Captain101
clapper011 wrote:well i dont have a team mate... but if there is still room and someone needs a partner.. I will join
Odeuminus wrote:odeuminus & link0983 please
BenKenobie wrote:Benkenobie and nicolas.floyd
tdans wrote:lets rock this joint... or.. lets have them Blow this,,,,,, joint
gcwca_4_life wrote:In.. Partner to come..
dyrtydog wrote:gcwca_4_life wrote:In.. Partner to come..
In with gcwa
tdans wrote:lets rock this joint... or.. lets have them Blow this,,,,,, joint
MrMoody wrote:In with clapper011
gcwca_4_life wrote:In.. Partner to come..
Pixar wrote:TFO and me are in
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