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Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Winners: First Post]

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby c.juice on Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:27 pm

amazzony wrote:
c.juice wrote:What would the world cup be without referee controversy?? In Denmark's game vs. Cameroon the Danes took both finalists but were not granted the victory. Danish coaches were under the understanding all one had to do was conquer them but maybe it has to be held until the end of the round? An official complaint has been logged with the governing body but per the request of the tourney director our dilemma has been posted here as well. :)

As always, to win a game you must play out the added minutes also which can change the game 8-) In this case, I'd like to quote ender516 from event announcement topic:"ALL victory objectives on Conquer Club maps must be held for one round in order to win." Therefore, referee stays out of it and lets the game to continue.

Forgot about stoppage time! Thanks for clearing that up!
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby Army of GOD on Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:30 pm

France avec le win against Mexico in 9 rounds.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby DJoach on Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:33 am

I wish Fench team got the same result
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby White Moose on Mon Jun 21, 2010 11:08 am

Portugal vs Brazil
Portugal wins.

Portugal vs CĆ“te d'Ivoire
Portugal wins.

Portugal vs Korea DPR
Portugal wins.

Speaking of Portugal. Portugal just won 7-0 against Korea DPR in the real world cup.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Jun 23, 2010 1:01 am

Slovenia go 3-0 in their group :)
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:17 am

It's quite big holidays in Estonia, my brother graduated highschool and I'm trying to watch some soccer games so I haven't had time to update standings but I will try to do it today tomorrow. So, thank you for the results and some patience please while I find time to update the standings :)
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Wed Jun 23, 2010 11:16 am

I've updated standings but for some reason Photobucket isn't interested uploading the image so I'll make a short overview of all the groups.

Group A has 1 game to finish (Uruguay vs Mexico) but it won't change overall standings and Uruguay and South Africa will advance to Stage 2 (both with 2 wins).
Group B has still 4 active games and all teams, except Argentina, has a chance to advance.
Group C has finished all 6 games, Slovenia and Algeria have advanced (yes, the ones who in real World Cup dropped out).
Group D is also done with Ghana and Germany advancing to next stage.
Group E has Denmark and Cameroon in the next stage.
Group F is waiting on the last game of the group to finish which decides if Italy or Slovakia advances; New Zealand has already assured their place in next round.
Group G is finished and Portugal along with Korea DPR advanced to stage 2.
Group H has 2 important games still active which decide advancers.

I'll get back to you as soon PB starts liking me again and after that when the remaining games of Group Stage end.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby Deli on Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:31 am

Greeces group games are all finished.
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Thu Jun 24, 2010 5:40 am

I'm still having trouble with photobucket, no idea if it's just me or others also have trouble with it.

To games now. There are still 5 active games in Group Stage - 2 in group B, 1 in Group F and 2 in Group H. They should be over in a couple of days and as soon as they all end, Stage 2 games will be sent out.
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:03 am

Whatever the problem was, it is gone now and I've posted the Group Stage scoreboard to page 1. It has been updated a couple of hours ago. I'll keep an eye on the remaining active games and will get back to you as soon as they all end.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby the.killing.44 on Thu Jun 24, 2010 8:34 pm

Nigeria have advanced.

Current standings (with Argentina winning Game 7130003):

Code: Select all
Team         W   L   P   G
Greece       3   0   9   23
Nigeria      1   1   3   8
Argentina    1   2   3   9+
Korea Rep.   0   2   3   0

If Nigeria were to win Game 7130011, we would advance with 2 wins and 1 loss.

If Nigeria lose Game 7130011, we would still have completed our victory in less rounds than the other two, because Korea Rep. cannot win that game this round. That would make the standings like this:

Code: Select all
Team         W   L   P   G
Greece       3   0   9   23
Nigeria      1   2   3   8
Argentina    1   2   3   9+
Korea Rep.   1   2   3   9+

Thanks :)
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby Dako on Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:11 am

Chile went 3-0 :).

And 3 games only remaining.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby amazzony on Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:53 am

In Group B, Argentina has taken a win over Korea Republic. There's 1 game still active between Nigeria and Korea Republic but as it has already reached Round 8 (and most likely won't end in this round) then even if they happen to win the game then Nigeria has advanced and Argentina along with Korea Republic have finished their tournament in Group Stage (basically what Nigeria coach .44 said).

Group F has 1 active game - Italy vs Slovakia though it seems that Italy will advance to Stage 2 because this game is also in Round 7 and even if Slovakia wins it then goals will give Italy advantage in that group.

Finally there's group H that by now has finished all its games. Chile and Switzerland have advanced to next stage.

Now, even though everything is decided then we need to wait all games to end (which means these 2: Game 7130011 and Game 7129701). As soon as those games end, I will send out matches for Round of 16.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby Swifte on Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:42 pm

Game 7129701 has ended - just one more to go!
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Group Stage]

Postby the.killing.44 on Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:49 pm

All games completed.
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:29 am

the.killing.44 wrote:All games completed.

That it is!

Group Stage has been update and finalised. Congrats to all 16 teams advancing and thanks to others for playing!

Stage 2 is ready to begin. I've already created games and set up the matches for Round of 16. Just a reminder, it's a bracket where you advance to next round when you win 2+ games out of the 3 that are sent to you. I will be sending out games shortly.

Edit. 13 minutes later - games are sent out :)
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:52 am

Stage 2 has started very smoothly, everybody have joined all their games!
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Stage 2]

Postby White Moose on Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:31 pm

Portugal - killmanic & White Moose

Wins 2-1 against Switzerland.

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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Thu Jul 08, 2010 11:37 am

Congrats to Portugal on advancing to quarter-finals! All other matches are still active in Stage 2 (Round of 16), scoreboard can be found in here.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Stage 2]

Postby dowian2 on Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:25 pm

The Black Stars advance!
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Stage 2]

Postby saraith on Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:29 pm

Greece defeats South Africa 3-0
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:48 am

Thank you! So it is, Greece and Ghana have advanced to quarter-finals. This leaves still 5 active matches in Round of 16 (Stage 2) which you can see here.
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:33 am

So, how did you like yesterday's final game between Spain and The Netherlands?
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles [Stage 2]

Postby Ace Rimmer on Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:18 am

Chile advances to the QF with a 2-1 victory over Korea DPR.
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UPDATE - Official 2010 CC World Cup - Doubles

Postby amazzony on Tue Jul 13, 2010 11:10 am

Thanks! Besides Chile, Uruguay and New Zealand have also finished this round successfully. This leaves us 2 active matches in Round of 16 in Stage 2, updated standings can be found here.

I'll be having busy times until Monday/Tuesday and therefore I won't be updating the tournament before next week. But, prepare to join your quarter-final games in the middle of next week (all matches should be over by then).
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