Conquer Club

alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warned]es

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of multis

Postby AAFitz on Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:29 pm

THORNHEART wrote:I don't understand how when someone makes and actually interesting complaint...and provides 71 games of evidence. It is mocked and laughed at...if this was aafitz making the report he would be applauded.

I am hardly always applauded for making accusations. In fact, often, many have issues with some of them, however, I never take them lightly, and there is always a reasonable suspicion, not that I claim to always be right in any way.

In this case, I would not have made this accusation.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of multis

Postby THORNHEART on Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:45 am

AAFitz wrote:
THORNHEART wrote:I don't understand how when someone makes and actually interesting complaint...and provides 71 games of evidence. It is mocked and laughed at...if this was aafitz making the report he would be applauded.

I am hardly always applauded for making accusations. In fact, often, many have issues with some of them, however, I never take them lightly, and there is always a reasonable suspicion, not that I claim to always be right in any way.

In this case, I would not have made this accusation.

you accused AON...with NO proof whatsoever. I am just saying dude. this is an interesting report and the negative responses are stupid...If their fine their cleared...but something is werid that this guy joins so many team games against them and loses so much...whether or not he is a mole he almost surely causes his team to that they know anytime he joins a game agianst them its an easy win. Dont tell me they dont have a human nature like all of us and exploit this.

You have received a formal disciplinary warning.
THORNHEART has earned himself a 24 hour Forum ban..
1st user that hasn't taken the C&A Report Abuse / Spurious Reports Warning we give seriously.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of multis

Postby BoganGod on Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:10 am

bamage wrote:
BoganGod wrote:Someone please give the kid some soothing aloe vera for his sore hind quarters and lets leave it at that.

BoganGod wrote:Your butt sore cause you jumped on a random team with fools...

Bogan, you spend a lot of time fantasizing about anal violation. You haven't really added anything useful to this thread. Then you post a link to it on my wall? I can only assume that you are sitting at your PC furiously working yourself over and can't wait until I check the thread for constructive discourse.

At the very least, these players are taking advantage of a hard-to-swallow (leave that alone, BoganGod, if you can) scenario. At the worst, they're purposefully driving it. It's worth looking into.

If you had bothered to read through the thread... And maybe read my comments a little less selectively. The point which I made, and more than a few others made "just because someone is a bad player, doesn't make them a cheat"
- you have not looked at all the stats, suggest you look at all four accused games in more detail, rather than just the games they have in common.
- anal violation? Get your mind out of the gutter, and stop reading your dreams into my words. Both comments referred to the fact that you got your ass kicked, and are acting very sore about it. I don't think hind quarters = anus in the lexicon of anyone with even a rudimentary grasp of the english language.
- Then you flame me, by assuming that I'm masturbating whilst waiting for your next ill judged, illogical and one eyed post.
- You didn't do your research when you joined the game. - You didn't do the research on the players you have slandered. - You haven't any knowledge of anatomy....

Thank you for replying to my post on your wall, most kind of you.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of multis

Postby anonymus on Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:28 am

Lufsen75 wrote:I just speak for myself and I have not the time to run more than my own account and that tournaments I also run for you guys. So to be acused to be a multi hurts me a bit.

yes and i also appriciate alster crash and lufsen taking my turns when i am away.. also i play alot with these guys since i met them because
a) they are damn good players
b) damn good people (no matter what JJ says)
c) we are all swedish so helps (even though im living in the land of the krauts)

on another note i am a bit hurt why i wasnt mentioned in the multi-theory.. but then again.. probably because i show a german flag so would show the irrelevance of this report.. whenever they sit for me ( i travel quite a lot) (to my teammates and clanmates agony :lol: ) they do announce it..

anyways feel free to look into it, clear them and for OP just foe and move on (or try again and see how it pans out with other teammates) ;)

/ :?: (just back in the former DDR)
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby eddie2 on Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:43 am

i used to do the same with andreas's and i think it was bogangod's team when i first started off playing to learn we maybe won one or two games out off maybe 10 but it built us into a strong team
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby Commander62890 on Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:33 am

:lol: Oh, poor, poor Bamage...

I'm surprised that someone that has been on CC for so long actually thinks like this.

These guys have played thousands and thousands of games. 70 of them have been against Steon2007. Do the math, Bamage. Nothing fishy here... when you place great players up against a poor player (allied with a poor team), this is what you get. Legalized farming. It's all good, and it happens all the time on CC!

Learn to love it, Bamage :)
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby bamage on Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:58 am

I'm starting to see the light here. It smelled bad because it does stink. What I hadn't thought through that this is a natural result of players fixating on getting a high rank at the cost of a challenging, fun game play experience. Even when I was ranked in the top 50 and had a 3,400+ rank, I never played more than two or three identical games with the same two or three teammates, and the majority of my games were standard.

If I wanted to sound creepy and effeminate, my response to Commander62890 would be "Oh, poor, poor Commander62890 and every other legal farmer on the site... you're not really having fun grinding out these trips and quads games any more, are you?"

A lot of you are kinda pathetic, and I bet you know it and wish it could all just stop.

Learn to hate it, Commander62890, if you don't already.
Last edited by bamage on Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby bamage on Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:21 pm

I understand what was happening here and no longer believe that this involved anything more than blind pursuit of rank advancement. How does one formally withdraw an accusation?
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby Evil Semp on Fri Jul 02, 2010 8:20 pm

alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 have been CLEARED of being multi's.

alstergren has been WARNED for bigotry.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby alster on Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:05 pm

Evil Semp wrote:alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 have been CLEARED of being multi's.

alstergren has been WARNED for bigotry.

Evil Semp wrote:Hello alstergren,

You have received a formal disciplinary warning.

Issued by: Evil Semp


alstergren you are receiving a warning for bigotry for your comments in the accusation against you in the C&A forum.

alstergren wrote:As a general note for bamage & THORNHEART - "Nigga respect the game, that should be it. What you eat don't make me shit - where's the love?" :D

Bigotry is not tolerated on CC. Please refrain from using such comments again.

Should you commit another major infraction you will receive a 1 month gaming or forum vacation depending on the infraction.

Evil Semp

The Conquer Club

:D :D :D

Dude - what are you, like 12? I've many times in the past quoted Jay-Z and others and I'm amused to now find out that it's bigotry. Get over it cupcake.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warne

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:11 pm

First sorry to disappoint you but I don't read all your post.

Second I don't care how many times you quote someone but that past was reported and you have been warned. If you disagree you can always open an e-ticket.

As for my age you can always send me a GI Joe for my birthday.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 of[pending

Postby jefjef on Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:27 pm

Evil Semp wrote:alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2007 have been CLEARED of being multi's.

alstergren has been WARNED for bigotry.

ANOTHER Correct ruling. Great job ES! =D>
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warne

Postby alster on Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:00 pm

Evil Semp wrote:First sorry to disappoint you but I don't read all your post.

Second I don't care how many times you quote someone but that past was reported and you have been warned. If you disagree you can always open an e-ticket.

As for my age you can always send me a GI Joe for my birthday.

I have opened an e-ticket. Just because someone "reports" a post doesn't equal a rule infringement. That's were you're supposed to come in - there must be substance. Here it's obviously not.

So this one is for you, sue me... :D
"A wise man told me don't argue with fools
Cause people from a distance can't tell who is who
So stop with that childish shit, nigga I'm grown
Please leave it alone - don't throw rocks at the throne"
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warne

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:13 pm

alstergren wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:First sorry to disappoint you but I don't read all your post.

Second I don't care how many times you quote someone but that past was reported and you have been warned. If you disagree you can always open an e-ticket.

As for my age you can always send me a GI Joe for my birthday.

I have opened an e-ticket. Just because someone "reports" a post doesn't equal a rule infringement. That's were you're supposed to come in - there must be substance. Here it's obviously not.

So this one is for you, sue me... :D
"A wise man told me don't argue with fools
Cause people from a distance can't tell who is who
So stop with that childish shit, nigga I'm grown
Please leave it alone - don't throw rocks at the throne"

Quite obviously you disagree with me. You weren't warned because the post was reported, you were warned because of your post.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warne

Postby Snowgun on Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:16 pm

Ahhh Shit, the thought police are gonna come down on you alster. It's a Brave New World Order out there now. If you even THINK of someone else saying those bad words while logged on to CC you gonna get ban hammered. :)
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warne

Postby steon2007 on Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:08 pm

Hi this is steon2007 and have just seen this thread.

I am not a multi or whatever else you are calling me. I just do this for light relief while working from home, I don;t put a lot of thought into it and so have avoided team games for quite some time.
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Re: alstergren, crash_22, lufsen75, and steon2[cleared/warne

Postby Krissan on Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:09 pm

I think the bigger story here is that alstergren listens to rap music.

Vad fan kompis?
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