Conquer Club

Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles (WINNER: IRON MAID)

Tournaments completed in 2010.

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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby Ffraid on Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:35 pm

Okay, I must be losing it because I could have sworn there was something about the winner of the tournament having the opportunity to work with MrBenn to create a bracket map for CC, but now I can't find where I might have seen that. Also, that doesn't really make sense because there are two tournaments, doubles and singles, so which winner would it be? Does anyone else remember this or should I just call the men in the white coats and have them come and take me away?
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby Royal Panda on Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:05 pm

Ffraid wrote:Okay, I must be losing it because I could have sworn there was something about the winner of the tournament having the opportunity to work with MrBenn to create a bracket map for CC, but now I can't find where I might have seen that. Also, that doesn't really make sense because there are two tournaments, doubles and singles, so which winner would it be? Does anyone else remember this or should I just call the men in the white coats and have them come and take me away?

Don't worry you've not gone crazy!

From the Official Announcement:
samuelc812 wrote:As well as premium, the overall winners of each tournament will have the chance to have MrBenn help them to create a "bracket-tournament" style map, similar to the one we are using for this celebration. This comes with the opportunity to get your name on a Conquer Club map and a map-making medal

I would guess it will be a joint effort with the 3 winners and MrBenn!
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby ender516 on Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:47 pm

Pander88uk wrote:
Ffraid wrote:Okay, I must be losing it because I could have sworn there was something about the winner of the tournament having the opportunity to work with MrBenn to create a bracket map for CC, but now I can't find where I might have seen that. Also, that doesn't really make sense because there are two tournaments, doubles and singles, so which winner would it be? Does anyone else remember this or should I just call the men in the white coats and have them come and take me away?

Don't worry you've not gone crazy!

From the Official Announcement:
samuelc812 wrote:As well as premium, the overall winners of each tournament will have the chance to have MrBenn help them to create a "bracket-tournament" style map, similar to the one we are using for this celebration. This comes with the opportunity to get your name on a Conquer Club map and a map-making medal

I would guess it will be a joint effort with the 3 winners and MrBenn!

So even if MrBenn bows out gracefully, there will have to be a special dispensation for three map medals to be awarded for one map.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby samuelc812 on Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:05 pm

ender516 wrote:
Pander88uk wrote:
Ffraid wrote:Okay, I must be losing it because I could have sworn there was something about the winner of the tournament having the opportunity to work with MrBenn to create a bracket map for CC, but now I can't find where I might have seen that. Also, that doesn't really make sense because there are two tournaments, doubles and singles, so which winner would it be? Does anyone else remember this or should I just call the men in the white coats and have them come and take me away?

Don't worry you've not gone crazy!

From the Official Announcement:
samuelc812 wrote:As well as premium, the overall winners of each tournament will have the chance to have MrBenn help them to create a "bracket-tournament" style map, similar to the one we are using for this celebration. This comes with the opportunity to get your name on a Conquer Club map and a map-making medal

I would guess it will be a joint effort with the 3 winners and MrBenn!

So even if MrBenn bows out gracefully, there will have to be a special dispensation for three map medals to be awarded for one map.

It says the 3 winners will have a chance to work with MrBenn, only one of them will actually be helping MrBenn develop the map. Winners of the tournaments will receive more info about this when the tournaments conclude.

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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby flexmaster33 on Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:16 pm

Yes, it is great to have maps on here just for a short while to celebrate real-life events, but I'm in favor of bringing in some sort of generic bracket map that could be played at all times. It might even be useful for some of the sports-themed tourneys that are regulars on this site.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby locolegend on Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:13 am

Firstly good work Gilligan and Pander for keeping this tourney going.
If we start second against an oppenent do we then get to start first in the second game? So far i have started second more often than first. I still managed to win all 5 games but feel it would be fair if i got to start 1st half of the time.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby drunkmonkey on Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:17 am

locolegend wrote:Firstly good work Gilligan and Pander for keeping this tourney going.
If we start second against an oppenent do we then get to start first in the second game? So far i have started second more often than first. I still managed to win all 5 games but feel it would be fair if i got to start 1st half of the time.

That's completely random. The tournament organizers have no control over it.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby ubica43 on Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:27 am

drunkmonkey wrote:
locolegend wrote:Firstly good work Gilligan and Pander for keeping this tourney going.
If we start second against an oppenent do we then get to start first in the second game? So far i have started second more often than first. I still managed to win all 5 games but feel it would be fair if i got to start 1st half of the time.

That's completely random. The tournament organizers have no control over it.

well, that is unfortunate because in 1v1 great advantage has the starter of game. It should be like te man sad, "with home advantage" eaqualy represented and not random. never te less, life isnt fair, so why should this be? ;)
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby ga7 on Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:38 am

I have played and won 5 1vs1 on this map, started second 4 times. There are many maps where the disadvantage of starting second is much much bigger I'd say ;)
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby drunkmonkey on Thu Jul 01, 2010 11:07 am

ga7 wrote:I have played and won 5 1vs1 on this map, started second 4 times. There are many maps where the disadvantage of starting second is much much bigger I'd say ;)

Agreed. The fact that this map has no territory bonus actually makes it fairer than many maps.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby locolegend on Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:07 pm

i agree the bias isn't as bad as on other maps but i'd still play first if i got the choice. Fair enough if it can't be done but it would be better if it could be. i guess laws of average it should balance out if i stay in the tournament long enough.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby qwertylpc on Thu Jul 01, 2010 4:16 pm

ya well u guys probably have played shit opponenets when u went first there is a huge bonus by the fact that after u take a neutral u get a bonus of 2-3 which ur opponent cant break then do it again and now u have a stack of 9
-qwertylpc :D 8-) :lol:

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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby dakky21 on Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:28 am

I am in Game 7209053 ... 4 days already and no-one joined and invite expired, what should I do, drop a game or just wait more
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby Royal Panda on Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:38 pm

dakky21 wrote:I am in Game 7209053 ... 4 days already and no-one joined and invite expired, what should I do, drop a game or just wait more

I'll send reminders out now for the few games still not joined. Most I think are due to lack of slots available, which we'll be flexible on due to the delays caused by map problems etc.!

Regarding the starting first etc. it's a shame we can't have it a bit more fair with starting first but like a previous poster said we have no control. I know DJ Teflon managed to work out a way around this by using freestyle settings in a few of his tournaments with strict rules on who can take turns when etc. but that would be far too hard to manage in a tournament this size!
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby locolegend on Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:43 pm

Pander88uk wrote:Regarding the starting first etc. it's a shame we can't have it a bit more fair with starting first but like a previous poster said we have no control. I know DJ Teflon managed to work out a way around this by using freestyle settings in a few of his tournaments with strict rules on who can take turns when etc. but that would be far too hard to manage in a tournament this size!

No worries. maybe that is something cc could change in the future. Fixed start orders for tournaments setting.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby c224! on Fri Jul 02, 2010 4:39 pm

I dont know if someone has already asked about this, but are you guys going to update the current standings list? It says it hasnt been updated since june 7th.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby ubica43 on Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:28 am

my game against player with username "serbia" in serbia preliminary stage is deleted after some time when he didnt join. Please send another invitation to him and me.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby matrix008 on Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:17 am

send me invitation for my second game with player "Ayatolah"
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby matrix008 on Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:26 am

matrix008 wrote:send me invitation for my second game with player "Ayatolah"

it is game number 7209048
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby Royal Panda on Sun Jul 04, 2010 7:34 pm

c224! wrote:I dont know if someone has already asked about this, but are you guys going to update the current standings list? It says it hasnt been updated since june 7th.

Standings updated for the end of Prelim Round 1. Still 1 game to finish in Japan section.
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby marinero on Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:48 am

I want slovenia. How to play
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby L M S on Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:50 pm

Pander88uk wrote:
c224! wrote:I dont know if someone has already asked about this, but are you guys going to update the current standings list? It says it hasnt been updated since june 7th.

Standings updated for the end of Prelim Round 1. Still 1 game to finish in Japan section.

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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby Davie.K on Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:22 am

I'm ready for my final batch of games if you want,as a freemium i have the spots free right now and after those 2 games i should know if i'm going to qualify or not and can therefore keep spots open for the next round or more likely wander off into the sunset with my jabulani ball between my legs.... :D
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby dakky21 on Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:55 pm

anyway, when the chart is going to get updated, already playing batch 3 and the list is still on batch 1...
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Re: Official 2010 CC World Cup - Singles

Postby L M S on Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:47 am

L M S wins Game 7270001, gg Sir.
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